Chapter 15.58 RCW



HTMLPDF 15.58.010Short title.
HTMLPDF 15.58.020Declaration of public interest.
HTMLPDF 15.58.030Definitions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.040Director's authorityRules.
HTMLPDF 15.58.045Disposal of unusable pesticidesRules.
HTMLPDF 15.58.050Registration of pesticidesGenerally.
HTMLPDF 15.58.060Statement for registrationContents.
HTMLPDF 15.58.065Protection of privileged or confidential information.
HTMLPDF 15.58.070Pesticide annual registration feeExpiration of registrationsDeposit in agricultural local fund.
HTMLPDF 15.58.080Additional fee for late registration renewal.
HTMLPDF 15.58.090Certain agencies may register without feeNot subject to RCW 15.58.180.
HTMLPDF 15.58.100Criterion for registering.
HTMLPDF 15.58.110Refusing or canceling registrationProcedure.
HTMLPDF 15.58.120Suspension of registration when hazard to public health.
HTMLPDF 15.58.130"Misbranded" as applicable to pesticides, devices, or spray adjuvants.
HTMLPDF 15.58.140"Adulterated" as applicable to pesticides.
HTMLPDF 15.58.150Unlawful practices.
HTMLPDF 15.58.160Violations of chapter"Stop sale, use or removal" order.
HTMLPDF 15.58.170"Stop sale, use or removal" orderAdjudication.
HTMLPDF 15.58.180Pesticide dealer licenseGenerally.
HTMLPDF 15.58.200Pesticide dealer managerLicense qualifications.
HTMLPDF 15.58.205Structural pest inspector licensesRequiredExemptions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.206Structural pest inspector licensesExemptionHome inspectors.
HTMLPDF 15.58.207Structural pest inspector licensesExamination.
HTMLPDF 15.58.210Pest control consultant licensesRequiredExemptions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.220Public pest control consultant license.
HTMLPDF 15.58.230Consultant's licenseRequirements.
HTMLPDF 15.58.233Renewal of licensesRecertification standards.
HTMLPDF 15.58.235Renewal of licensesDelinquency.
HTMLPDF 15.58.240Classification of licensesExaminationsFees.
HTMLPDF 15.58.250Recordkeeping requirements.
HTMLPDF 15.58.260Civil penalties and/or denial, suspension, or revocation of license, registration or permit.
HTMLPDF 15.58.270SubpoenasWitness fees.
HTMLPDF 15.58.280Sampling and examination of pesticides or devicesProcedure when criminal proceedings contemplated.
HTMLPDF 15.58.290Minor violations, warning notice in writing.
HTMLPDF 15.58.300Persons exempted from certain penalties under RCW 15.58.150.
HTMLPDF 15.58.310Pesticides for foreign export not in violation of chapter.
HTMLPDF 15.58.320Certain pharmacists exempted from licensing provisions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.330Violation of chapterMisdemeanor.
HTMLPDF 15.58.335Civil penalty.
HTMLPDF 15.58.340Injunction.
HTMLPDF 15.58.345DamagesCivil action not precluded.
HTMLPDF 15.58.350Persons charged with enforcement barred from interest in pesticides, devices.
HTMLPDF 15.58.360No recovery of damages when probable cause.
HTMLPDF 15.58.400Cooperation and agreements with other agencies.
HTMLPDF 15.58.405Emergency situationsSpecial local needsExperimental use permits.
HTMLPDF 15.58.411Use of license feesPesticide safety education programDeposit of money collected for civil penalties.
HTMLPDF 15.58.420Report to legislature.
HTMLPDF 15.58.445Wood destroying organism inspectionsLicense required.
HTMLPDF 15.58.450Wood destroying organism inspection reportUnique inspection control number required.
HTMLPDF 15.58.460Structural pest inspectorEvidence of financial responsibility requiredExemptions.
HTMLPDF 15.58.465Structural pest inspectorForms of evidence of financial responsibilityAmountTerms.
HTMLPDF 15.58.470Structural pest inspectorFailure to meet financial responsibility requirements.
HTMLPDF 15.58.480Educational materials regarding best practices for avoiding adverse effects from pesticides on pollinating insects.
HTMLPDF 15.58.485Neonicotinoid insecticides.
HTMLPDF 15.58.910Continuation of rules adopted pursuant to repealed sections.
HTMLPDF 15.58.920Existing liabilities not affected.

Short title.

This chapter may be known and cited as the Washington Pesticide Control Act.

Declaration of public interest.

The formulation, distribution, storage, transportation, and disposal of any pesticide and the dissemination of accurate scientific information as to the proper use, or nonuse, of any pesticide, is important and vital to the maintenance of a high level of public health and welfare both immediate and future, and is hereby declared to be a business affected with the public interest. The provisions of this chapter are enacted in the exercise of the police powers of the state for the purpose of protecting the immediate and future health and welfare of the people of the state.


The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Active ingredient" means any ingredient which will prevent, destroy, repel, control, or mitigate pests, or which will act as a plant regulator, defoliant, desiccant, or spray adjuvant.
(2) "Antidote" means the most practical immediate treatment in case of poisoning and includes first aid treatment.
(3) "Arthropod" means any invertebrate animal that belongs to the phylum arthropoda, which in addition to insects, includes allied classes whose members are wingless and usually have more than six legs; for example, spiders, mites, ticks, centipedes, and isopod crustaceans.
(4) "Business licensing system" means the mechanism established by chapter 19.02 RCW by which business licenses, endorsed for individual state-issued licenses, are issued and renewed using a business license application and a business license expiration date common to each renewable license endorsement.
(5) "Complete wood destroying organism inspection" means inspection for the purpose of determining evidence of infestation, damage, or conducive conditions as part of the transfer, exchange, or refinancing of any structure in Washington state. Complete wood destroying organism inspections include any wood destroying organism inspection that is conducted as the result of telephone solicitation by an inspection, pest control, or other business, even if the inspection would fall within the definition of a specific wood destroying organism inspection.
(6) "Defoliant" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to cause the leaves or foliage to drop from a plant with or without causing abscission.
(7) "Department" means the Washington state department of agriculture.
(8) "Desiccant" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to artificially accelerate the drying of plant tissues.
(9) "Device" means any instrument or contrivance intended to trap, destroy, control, repel, or mitigate pests, or to destroy, control, repel or mitigate fungi, nematodes, or such other pests, as may be designated by the director, but not including equipment used for the application of pesticides when sold separately from the pesticides.
(10) "Director" means the director of the department or a duly authorized representative.
(11) "Distribute" means to offer for sale, hold for sale, sell, barter, or supply pesticides in this state.
(12) "EPA" means the United States environmental protection agency.
(13) "EPA restricted use pesticide" means any pesticide with restricted uses as classified for restricted use by the administrator, EPA.
(14) "FIFRA" means the federal insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide act as amended (61 Stat. 163, 7 U.S.C. Sec. 136 et seq.).
(15) "Fungi" means all nonchlorophyll-bearing thallophytes (all nonchlorophyll-bearing plants of a lower order than mosses and liverworts); for example, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, yeasts, and bacteria, except those on or in living persons or other animals.
(16) "Fungicide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any fungi.
(17) "Herbicide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any weed.
(18) "Inert ingredient" means an ingredient which is not an active ingredient.
(19) "Ingredient statement" means a statement of the name and percentage of each active ingredient together with the total percentage of the inert ingredients in the pesticide, and when the pesticide contains arsenic in any form, the ingredient statement must also include percentages of total and water soluble arsenic, each calculated as elemental arsenic. The ingredient statement for a spray adjuvant must be consistent with the labeling requirements adopted by rule.
(20) "Insect" means any of the numerous small invertebrate animals whose bodies are more or less obviously segmented, and which for the most part belong to the class insecta, comprising six-legged, usually winged forms, for example, beetles, bugs, bees, flies, and to other allied classes of arthropods whose members are wingless and usually have more than six legs, for example, spiders, mites, ticks, centipedes, and isopod crustaceans.
(21) "Insecticide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any insects which may be present in any environment whatsoever.
(22) "Inspection control number" means a number obtained from the department that is recorded on wood destroying organism inspection reports issued by a structural pest inspector in conjunction with the transfer, exchange, or refinancing of any structure.
(23) "Label" means the written, printed, or graphic matter on, or attached to, the pesticide, device, or immediate container, and the outside container or wrapper of the retail package.
(24) "Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter:
(a) Upon the pesticide, device, or any of its containers or wrappers;
(b) Accompanying the pesticide, or referring to it in any other media used to disseminate information to the public; and
(c) To which reference is made on the label or in literature accompanying or referring to the pesticide or device except when accurate nonmisleading reference is made to current official publications of the department, United States departments of agriculture; interior; education; health and human services; state agricultural colleges; and other similar federal or state institutions or agencies authorized by law to conduct research in the field of pesticides.
(25) "Land" means all land and water areas, including airspace and all plants, animals, structures, buildings, devices and contrivances, appurtenant thereto or situated thereon, fixed or mobile, including any used for transportation.
(26) "Nematocide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate nematodes.
(27) "Nematode" means any invertebrate animal of the phylum nemathelminthes and class nematoda, that is, unsegmented round worms with elongated, fusiform, or saclike bodies covered with cuticle, and inhabiting soil, water, plants or plant parts, may also be called nemas or eelworms.
(28) "Person" means any individual, partnership, association, corporation, or organized group of persons whether or not incorporated.
(29) "Pest" means, but is not limited to, any insect, rodent, nematode, snail, slug, weed and any form of plant or animal life or virus, except virus on or in a living person or other animal, which is normally considered to be a pest or which the director may declare to be a pest.
(30) "Pest control consultant" means any individual who sells or offers for sale at other than a licensed pesticide dealer outlet or location where they are employed, or who offers or supplies technical advice or makes recommendations to the user of:
(a) Highly toxic pesticides, as determined under RCW 15.58.040;
(b) EPA restricted use pesticides or restricted use pesticides which are restricted by rule to distribution by licensed pesticide dealers only; or
(c) Any other pesticide except those pesticides which are labeled and intended for home and garden use only.
(31) "Pesticide" means, but is not limited to:
(a) Any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, control, repel, or mitigate any insect, rodent, snail, slug, fungus, weed, and any other form of plant or animal life or virus, except virus on or in a living person or other animal which is normally considered to be a pest or which the director may declare to be a pest;
(b) Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant; and
(c) Any spray adjuvant.
(32) "Pesticide dealer" means any person who distributes any of the following pesticides:
(a) Highly toxic pesticides, as determined under RCW 15.58.040;
(b) EPA restricted use pesticides or restricted use pesticides which are restricted by rule to distribution by licensed pesticide dealers only; or
(c) Any other pesticide except those pesticides which are labeled and intended for home and garden use only.
(33) "Pesticide dealer manager" means the owner or other individual supervising pesticide distribution at one outlet holding a pesticide dealer license.
(34) "Plant regulator" means any substance or mixture of substances intended through physiological action, to accelerate or retard the rate of growth or maturation, or to otherwise alter the behavior of ornamental or crop plants or their produce, but does not include substances insofar as they are intended to be used as plant nutrients, trace elements, nutritional chemicals, plant inoculants, or soil amendments.
(35) "Registrant" means the person registering any pesticide under the provisions of this chapter.
(36) "Restricted use pesticide" means any pesticide or device which, when used as directed or in accordance with a widespread and commonly recognized practice, the director determines, subsequent to a hearing, requires additional restrictions for that use to prevent unreasonable adverse effects on the environment including people, lands, beneficial insects, animals, crops, and wildlife, other than pests.
(37) "Rodenticide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate rodents, or any other vertebrate animal which the director may declare by rule to be a pest.
(38) "Special local needs registration" means a registration issued by the director pursuant to provisions of section 24(c) of FIFRA.
(39) "Specific wood destroying organism inspection" means an inspection of a structure for purposes of identifying or verifying evidence of an infestation of wood destroying organisms prior to pest management activities.
(40) "Spray adjuvant" means any product intended to be used with a pesticide as an aid to the application or to the effect of the pesticide, and which is in a package or container separate from the pesticide. Spray adjuvant includes, but is not limited to, acidifiers, compatibility agents, crop oil concentrates, defoaming agents, drift control agents, modified vegetable oil concentrates, nonionic surfactants, organosilicone surfactants, stickers, and water conditioning agents. Spray adjuvant does not include products that are only intended to mark the location where a pesticide is applied.
(41) "Structural pest inspector" means any individual who performs the service of conducting a complete wood destroying organism inspection or a specific wood destroying organism inspection.
(42) "Unreasonable adverse effects on the environment" means any unreasonable risk to people or the environment taking into account the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide, or as otherwise determined by the director.
(43) "Weed" means any plant which grows where not wanted.
(44) "Wood destroying organism" means insects or fungi that consume, excavate, develop in, or otherwise modify the integrity of wood or wood products. Wood destroying organism includes, but is not limited to, carpenter ants, moisture ants, subterranean termites, dampwood termites, beetles in the family Anobiidae, and wood decay fungi (wood rot).
(45) "Wood destroying organism inspection report" means any written document that reports or comments on the presence or absence of wood destroying organisms, their damage, and/or conducive conditions leading to the establishment of such organisms.


Reviser's note: The definitions in this section have been alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k).
Purpose2011 c 103: See note following RCW 15.26.120.
Effective date2004 c 100: See note following RCW 17.21.020.

Director's authorityRules.

(1) The director shall administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter. All the authority and requirements provided for in chapter 34.05 RCW (Administrative Procedure Act) and chapter 42.30 RCW shall apply to this chapter in the adoption of rules including those requiring due notice and a hearing for the adoption of permanent rules.
(2) The director is authorized to adopt appropriate rules for carrying out the purpose and provisions of this chapter, including but not limited to rules providing for:
(a) Declaring as a pest any form of plant or animal life or virus which is injurious to plants, people, animals (domestic or otherwise), land, articles, or substances;
(b) Determining that certain pesticides are highly toxic to people. For the purpose of this chapter, highly toxic pesticide means any pesticide that conforms to the criteria in 40 C.F.R. Sec. 156.10 for toxicity category I due to oral inhalation or dermal toxicity. The director shall publish a list of all pesticides, determined to be highly toxic, by their common or generic name and their trade or brand name if practical. Such list shall be kept current and shall, upon request, be made available to any interested party;
(c) Determining standards for denaturing pesticides by color, taste, odor, or form;
(d) The collection and examination of samples of pesticides or devices;
(e) The safe handling, transportation, storage, display, distribution, and disposal of pesticides and their containers;
(f) Restricting or prohibiting the use of certain types of containers or packages for specific pesticides. These restrictions may apply to type of construction, strength, and/or size to alleviate danger of spillage, breakage, misuse, or any other hazard to the public. The director shall be guided by federal regulations concerning pesticide containers;
(g) Procedures in making of pesticide recommendations;
(h) Adopting a list of restricted use pesticides for the state or for designated areas within the state if the director determines that such pesticides may require rules restricting or prohibiting their distribution or use. The director may include in the rule the time and conditions of distribution or use of such restricted use pesticides and may, if it is found necessary to carry out the purpose and provisions of this chapter, require that any or all restricted use pesticides shall be purchased, possessed, or used only under permit of the director and under the director's direct supervision in certain areas and/or under certain conditions or in certain quantities or concentrations. The director may require all persons issued such permits to maintain records as to the use of all the restricted use pesticides;
(i) Label requirements of all pesticides required to be registered under provisions of this chapter;
(j) Regulating the labeling of devices;
(k) The establishment of criteria governing the conduct of a structural pest inspection;
(l) Declaring crops, when grown to produce seed specifically for crop reproduction purposes, to be nonfood and/or nonfeed sites of pesticide application. The director may include in the rule any restrictions or conditions regarding: (i) The application of pesticides to the designated crops; and (ii) the disposition of any portion of the treated crop;
(m) Governing the fixing and collecting of examination fees; and
(n) Requiring individuals to earn recertification credits in the classifications in which they are licensed.
(3) For the purpose of uniformity and to avoid confusion endangering the public health and welfare the director may adopt rules in conformity with the primary pesticide standards, particularly as to labeling, established by the United States environmental protection agency or any other federal agency.

Disposal of unusable pesticidesRules.

The director of agriculture may adopt rules to allow the department of agriculture to take possession and dispose of canceled, suspended, or otherwise unusable pesticides held by persons licensed under chapter 15.58 RCW or regulated under chapter 17.21 RCW. For purposes of this section, the department may become licensed as a hazardous waste generator. The department may set fees to cover expenses in connection with pesticide waste received from persons licensed under chapter 15.58 RCW.


Severability1989 c 354: See note following RCW 15.36.012.

Registration of pesticidesGenerally.

Every pesticide which is distributed within this state or delivered for transportation or transported in intrastate commerce or between points within this state through any point outside this state shall be registered with the director subject to the provisions of this chapter. However, registration is not required if: A pesticide is shipped from one plant or warehouse to another plant or warehouse operated by the same person and used solely at such plant or warehouse as a constituent part to make a pesticide which is registered under the provisions of this chapter; or a written permit has been obtained from the director to distribute or use the specific pesticide for experimental purposes subject to restrictions and conditions set forth in the permit.


Effective dateExpiration date2002 c 274: "(1) Sections 1, 2, and 4 of this act take effect January 1, 2003.
(2) Section 2 of this act expires January 1, 2004." [ 2002 c 274 s 5.]

Statement for registrationContents.

(1) The applicant for registration shall file a statement with the department which shall include:
(a) The name and address of the applicant and the name and address of the person whose name will appear on the label, if other than the applicant's;
(b) The name of the pesticide;
(c) The complete formula of the pesticide, including the active and inert ingredients: PROVIDED, That confidential business information of a proprietary nature is not made available to any other person and is exempt from disclosure as a public record, as provided by RCW 42.56.070;
(d) Other necessary information required for completion of the department's application for registration form; and
(e) A complete copy of the labeling accompanying the pesticide and a statement of all claims to be made for it, including the directions and precautions for use.
(2) The director may require a full description of the tests made and the results thereof upon which the claims are based.
(3) The director may prescribe other necessary information by rule.

Protection of privileged or confidential information.

(1) In submitting data required by this chapter, the applicant may:
(a) Mark clearly any portions which in the applicant's opinion are trade secrets or commercial or financial information; and
(b) Submit such marked material separately from other material required to be submitted under this chapter.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or other law, the director shall not make public information which in the director's judgment should be privileged or confidential because it contains or relates to trade secrets or commercial or financial information except that, when necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, information relating to unpublished formulas of products acquired by authorization of this chapter may be revealed to any state or federal agency consulted and may be revealed at a public hearing or in findings of fact issued by the director when necessary under this chapter.
(3) If the director proposes to release for inspection information which the applicant or registrant believes to be protected from disclosure under subsection (2) of this section, the director shall notify the applicant or registrant in writing, by certified mail. The director shall not thereafter make available for inspection such data until thirty days after receipt of the notice by the applicant or registrant. During this period, the applicant or registrant may institute an action in the superior court of Thurston county for a declaratory judgment as to whether such information is subject to protection under subsection (2) of this section.

Pesticide annual registration feeExpiration of registrationsDeposit in agricultural local fund.

(1) All registrations issued by the department expire December 31st of the following year except that registrations issued by the department to a registrant who is applying to register an additional pesticide during the second year of the registrant's registration period shall expire December 31st of that year.
(2) An application for registration must be accompanied by a fee of six hundred fifty dollars for each pesticide, except that a registrant who is applying to register an additional pesticide during the year the registrant's registration expires shall pay a fee of three hundred twenty-five dollars for each additional pesticide.
(3) Fees must be deposited in the agricultural local fund to support the activities of the pesticide program within the department.
(4) Any registration approved by the director and in effect on the last day of the registration period, for which a renewal application has been made and the proper fee paid, continues in full force and effect until the director notifies the applicant that the registration has been renewed, or otherwise denied in accord with the provision of RCW 15.58.110.
(5) The department must complete and post on its website a timeline for processing completed pesticide registrations.


Effective date2021 c 244: "This act takes effect November 1, 2021. All new or renewal applications for licensure, certification, or registration under chapter 17.21 or 15.58 RCW received on or after November 1, 2021, are subject to the provisions of this act, including all fees required by this act." [ 2021 c 244 s 16.]
Effective date2008 c 285 ss 15-26: "Sections 15 through 26 of this act take effect January 1, 2009." [ 2008 c 285 s 27.]
IntentCaptions not law2008 c 285: See notes following RCW 43.22.434.
Effective date2002 c 274 s 3: "Section 3 of this act takes effect January 1, 2004." [ 2002 c 274 s 6.]
Effective dateExpiration date2002 c 274: See note following RCW 15.58.050.
Effective date1997 c 242: "Sections 2, 4 through 7, 11 through 15, 17, and 22 of this act take effect January 1, 1998." [ 1997 c 242 s 23.]
Effective date1995 c 374 ss 1-47, 50-53, and 59-68: See note following RCW 15.36.012.
Effective date1994 c 46: "Sections 1 through 20, 26, and 27 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [March 21, 1994]." [ 1994 c 46 s 28.]

Additional fee for late registration renewal.

If the renewal of a pesticide registration or special needs registration is not filed by the day the registration expires, an additional fee of fifty dollars shall be assessed and added to the original fee. The additional fee shall be paid by the applicant before the registration renewal for that pesticide shall be issued unless the applicant furnishes an affidavit certifying that the applicant did not distribute the unregistered pesticide during the period of nonregistration. The payment of the additional fee is not a bar to any prosecution for doing business without proper registry.


Effective dateExpiration date2002 c 274: See note following RCW 15.58.050.
Effective date1994 c 46: See note following RCW 15.58.070.

Certain agencies may register without feeNot subject to RCW 15.58.180.

All federal, state, and county agencies shall register without fee all pesticides sold by them and they shall not be subject to the license provisions of RCW 15.58.180.

Criterion for registering.

(1) The director shall require the information required under RCW 15.58.060 and shall register the label or labeling for such pesticide if he or she determines that:
(a) Its composition is such as to warrant the proposed claims for it;
(b) Its labeling and other material required to be submitted comply with the requirements of this chapter;
(c) It will perform its intended function without unreasonable adverse effects on the environment;
(d) When used in accordance with widespread and commonly recognized practice it will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment;
(e) In the case of any pesticide subject to section 24(c) of FIFRA, it meets (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this subsection and the following criteria:
(i) The proposed classification for general use, for restricted use, or for both is in conformity with section 3(d) of FIFRA;
(ii) A special local need exists.
(2) The director shall not make any lack of essentiality a criterion for denying registration of any pesticide.

Refusing or canceling registrationProcedure.

(1) If it does not appear to the director that the pesticide is such as to warrant the proposed claims for it or if the pesticide and its labeling and other material required to be submitted do not comply with the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter, the registrant shall be notified of the manner in which the pesticide, labeling, or other material required to be submitted fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter so as to afford the applicant an opportunity to make the necessary corrections. If, upon receipt of such notice, the applicant does not make the corrections the director shall refuse to register the pesticide. The applicant may request a hearing as provided for in chapter 34.05 RCW.
(2) The director may, when the director determines that a pesticide or its labeling does not comply with the provisions of this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter, cancel the registration of a pesticide after a hearing in accordance with the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW.

Suspension of registration when hazard to public health.

The director may, when the director determines that there is or may be an imminent hazard to the public health and welfare, suspend on the director's own motion, the registration of a pesticide in conformance with the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW.

"Misbranded" as applicable to pesticides, devices, or spray adjuvants.

The term "misbranded" shall apply:
(1) To any pesticide or device if its labeling bears any statement, design, or graphic representation relative thereto or to its ingredients which is false or misleading in any particular;
(2) To any pesticide:
(a) If it is an imitation of or is offered for sale under the name of another pesticide;
(b) If its labeling bears any reference to registration under the provision of this chapter unless such reference be required by rules under this chapter;
(c) If any word, statement, or other information, required by this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter to appear on the label or labeling, is not prominently placed thereon with such conspicuousness (as compared with other words, statements, designs, or graphic matter in the labeling), and in such terms as to render it likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use;
(d) If the label does not bear:
(i) The name and address of the manufacturer, registrant or person for whom manufactured;
(ii) Name, brand or trademark under which the pesticide is sold;
(iii) An ingredient statement on that part of the immediate container and on the outside container or wrapper, if there be one, through which the ingredient statement on the immediate container cannot be clearly read, of the retail package which is presented or displayed under customary conditions of purchase: PROVIDED, That the director may permit the ingredient statement to appear prominently on some other part of the container, if the size or form of the container makes it impracticable to place it on the part of the retail package which is presented or displayed under customary conditions of purchase;
(iv) Directions for use and a warning or caution statement which are necessary and which if complied with would be adequate to protect the public and to prevent injury to the public, including living people, useful vertebrate animals, useful vegetation, useful invertebrate animals, wildlife, and land; and
(v) The weight or measure of the content, subject to the provisions of chapter 19.94 RCW (state weights and measures act) as enacted or hereafter amended.
(e) If that pesticide contains any substance or substances in quantities highly toxic to people, determined as provided by RCW 15.58.040, unless the label bears, in addition to any other matter required by this chapter:
(i) The skull and crossbones;
(ii) The word "POISON" in red prominently displayed on a background of distinctly contrasting color; and
(iii) A statement of an antidote for the pesticide.
(f) If the pesticide container does not bear a label or if the label does not contain all the information required by this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter.
(3) To a spray adjuvant when the label fails to state the type or function of the principal functioning agents.

"Adulterated" as applicable to pesticides.

The term "adulterated" shall apply to any pesticide if its strength or purity deviates from the professed standard or quality as expressed on its labeling or under which it is sold, or if any substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the pesticide, or if any valuable constituent of the pesticide has been wholly or in part abstracted, or if any contaminant is present in an amount which is determined by the director to be a hazard.

Unlawful practices.

(1) It is unlawful for any person to distribute within the state or deliver for transportation or transport in intrastate commerce or between points within this state through any point outside this state any of the following:
(a) Any pesticide which has not been registered pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(b) Any pesticide if any of the claims made for it or any of the directions for its use or other labeling differs from the representations made in connection with its registration, or if the composition of a pesticide differs from its composition as represented in connection with its registration: PROVIDED, That at the discretion of the director, a change in the labeling or formula of a pesticide may be made within a registration period without requiring reregistration of the product;
(c) Any pesticide unless it is in the registrant's or the manufacturer's unbroken immediate container and there is affixed to such container, and to the outside container or wrapper of the retail package, if there is one through which the required information on the immediate container cannot be clearly read, a label bearing the information required in this chapter and the rules adopted under this chapter;
(d) Any pesticide unless it has been distinctly denatured as to color, taste, odor, or form if so required by rule;
(e) Any pesticide which is adulterated or misbranded, or any device which is misbranded;
(f) Any pesticide in containers, violating rules adopted pursuant to RCW 15.58.040(2)(f) or pesticides found in containers which are unsafe due to damage.
(2) It shall be unlawful:
(a) To sell or deliver any pesticide to any person who is required by law or rules promulgated under such law to be certified, licensed, or have a permit to use or purchase the pesticide unless such person or the person's agent, to whom sale or delivery is made, has a valid certification, license, or permit to use or purchase the kind and quantity of such pesticide sold or delivered: PROVIDED, That, subject to conditions established by the director, such permit may be obtained immediately prior to sale or delivery from any person designated by the director;
(b) For any person to detach, alter, deface or destroy, wholly or in part, any label or labeling provided for in this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter, or to add any substance to, or take any substance from, a pesticide in a manner that may defeat the purpose of this chapter or the rules adopted thereunder;
(c) For any person to use or cause to be used any pesticide contrary to label directions or to regulations of the director if those regulations differ from or further restrict the label directions: PROVIDED, The compliance to the term "contrary to label directions" is enforced by the director consistent with the intent of this chapter;
(d) For any person to use for his or her own advantage or to reveal, other than to the director or proper officials or employees of the state, or to the courts of the state in response to a subpoena, or to physicians, or in emergencies to pharmacists and other qualified persons for use in the preparation of antidotes, any information relative to formulas of products acquired by authority of RCW 15.58.060;
(e) For any person to make false, misleading, or erroneous statements or reports concerning any pest during or after a pest inspection or to fail to comply with criteria established by rule for structural pest inspections;
(f) For any person to make false, misleading, or erroneous statements or reports in connection with any pesticide complaint or investigation;
(g) For any person to act as, or advertise that they perform the services of, a structural pest inspector without having a license to act as a structural pest inspector;
(h) For a business to conduct one or more complete wood destroying organism inspections without first having obtained a structural pest inspection company license from the department.


ConstructionSeverability1987 c 45: See notes following RCW 15.54.270.

Violations of chapter"Stop sale, use or removal" order.

When the director has reasonable cause to believe a pesticide or device is being distributed, stored, or transported in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or of any of the prescribed rules under this chapter, the director may issue and serve a written "stop sale, use or removal" order upon the owner or custodian of any such pesticide or device. If the owner or custodian is not available for service of the order, the director may attach the order to the pesticide or device. The pesticide or device shall not be sold, used or removed until the provisions of this chapter have been complied with and the pesticide or device has been released in writing under conditions specified by the director, or the violation has been otherwise disposed of as provided in this chapter by a court of competent jurisdiction.

"Stop sale, use or removal" orderAdjudication.

(1) After service of a "stop sale, use or removal" order is made upon any person, either that person or the director may file an action in a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which a violation of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter is alleged to have occurred for an adjudication of the alleged violation. The court in such action may issue temporary or permanent injunctions mandatory or restraining, and such intermediate orders as it deems necessary or advisable. The court may order condemnation of any pesticide or device which does not meet the requirements of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter: PROVIDED, That no authority is granted hereunder to affect the sale or use of products on which legally approved pesticides have been legally used.
(2) If the pesticide or device is condemned, it shall, after entry of decree, be disposed of by destruction or sale as the court directs, and the proceeds, if such pesticide or device is sold, less cost including legal costs, shall be paid to the state treasury: PROVIDED, That the pesticide or device shall not be sold contrary to the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter. Upon payment of costs and execution and delivery of a good and sufficient bond conditioned that the pesticide or device shall not be disposed of unlawfully, the court may direct that the pesticide or device be delivered to the owner thereof for relabeling or reprocessing as the case may be.
(3) When a decree of condemnation is entered against the pesticide, court costs, fees, and storage and other proper expenses shall be awarded against the person, if any, appearing as claimant of the pesticide.

Pesticide dealer licenseGenerally.

(1) Except as provided in subsections (4) and (5) of this section, it is unlawful for any person to act in the capacity of a pesticide dealer or advertise as or assume to act as a pesticide dealer without first having obtained an annual license from the director. The license expires on the business license expiration date. A license is required for each location or outlet located within this state from which pesticides are distributed. A manufacturer, registrant, or distributor who has no pesticide dealer outlet licensed within this state and who distributes pesticides directly into this state must obtain a pesticide dealer license for his or her principal out-of-state location or outlet, but such a licensed out-of-state pesticide dealer is exempt from the pesticide dealer manager requirements.
(2) Application for a license must be accompanied by a fee of eighty-eight dollars and must be made through the business licensing system and must include the full name of the person applying for the license and the name of the individual within the state designated as the pesticide dealer manager. If the applicant is a partnership, association, corporation, or organized group of persons, the full name of each member of the firm or partnership or the names of the officers of the association or corporation must be given on the application. The application must state the principal business address of the applicant in the state and elsewhere, the name of a person domiciled in this state authorized to receive and accept service of summons of legal notices of all kinds for the applicant, and any other necessary information prescribed by the director.
(3) It is unlawful for any licensed dealer outlet to operate without a pesticide dealer manager who has a license of qualification.
(4) This section does not apply to (a) a licensed pesticide applicator who sells pesticides only as an integral part of the applicator's pesticide application service when pesticides are dispensed only through apparatuses used for pesticide application, or (b) any federal, state, county, or municipal agency that provides pesticides only for its own programs.
(5) A user of a pesticide may distribute a properly labeled pesticide to another user who is legally entitled to use that pesticide without obtaining a pesticide dealer's license if the exclusive purpose of distributing the pesticide is keeping it from becoming a hazardous waste as defined in chapter 70A.300 RCW.


Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2021 c 65 s 10 and by 2021 c 244 s 2, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
Effective date2021 c 244: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Explanatory statement2021 c 65: See note following RCW 53.54.030.
Effective date2008 c 285 ss 15-26: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
IntentCaptions not law2008 c 285: See notes following RCW 43.22.434.
Effective date1997 c 242: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Business licensing system: Chapter 19.02 RCW.

Pesticide dealer managerLicense qualifications.

The director shall require each pesticide dealer manager to demonstrate to the director knowledge of pesticide laws and rules; pesticide hazards; and the safe distribution, use and application, and disposal of pesticides by satisfactorily passing a written examination after which the director shall issue a license of qualification. Application for a license must be accompanied by a fee of thirty-eight dollars. The pesticide dealer manager license expires annually on a date set by rule by the director.


Effective date2021 c 244: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Effective date2008 c 285 ss 15-26: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
IntentCaptions not law2008 c 285: See notes following RCW 43.22.434.
Effective date1997 c 242: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Severability1981 c 297: See note following RCW 15.36.201.

Structural pest inspector licensesRequiredExemptions.

(1) No individual may perform services as a structural pest inspector or advertise that they perform services of a structural pest inspector without obtaining a structural pest inspector license from the director. The license expires annually on a date set by rule by the director. Application for a license must be on a form prescribed by the director and must be accompanied by a fee of seventy-eight dollars.
(2) The following are exempt from the application fee requirement of this section when acting within the authorities of their existing licenses issued under this chapter or chapter 17.21 RCW: Licensed pest control consultants; licensed commercial pesticide applicators and operators; licensed private-commercial applicators; and licensed demonstration and research applicators.
(3) The following are exempt from the structural pest inspector licensing requirement: Individuals inspecting for damage caused by wood destroying organisms if the inspections are solely for the purpose of: (a) Repairing or making specific recommendations for the repair of the damage, or (b) assessing a monetary value for the structure inspected. Individuals performing wood destroying organism inspections that incorporate but are not limited to the activities described in (a) or (b) of this subsection are not exempt from the structural pest inspector licensing requirement.
(4) A structural pest inspector license is not valid for conducting a complete wood destroying organism inspection unless the inspector owns or is employed by a business with a structural pest inspection company license.


Effective date2021 c 244: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Effective date2008 c 285 ss 15-26: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
IntentCaptions not law2008 c 285: See notes following RCW 43.22.434.

Structural pest inspector licensesExemptionHome inspectors.

A person licensed as a home inspector under chapter 18.280 RCW is exempt from licensing as a structural pest inspector except when reporting on the identification of or damage by wood destroying insects.

Structural pest inspector licensesExamination.

The director shall require each applicant for a structural pest inspector license to demonstrate to the director the applicant's knowledge of applicable laws and regulations; structural pest identification and damage; and conditions conducive to the development of wood destroying organisms by satisfactorily passing a written examination for the classifications for which the applicant has applied prior to issuing the license.

Pest control consultant licensesRequiredExemptions.

(1) No individual may perform services as a pest control consultant without obtaining a license from the director. The license expires annually on a date set by rule by the director. Application for a license must be on a form prescribed by the director and must be accompanied by a fee of sixty-eight dollars.
(2) The following are exempt from the licensing requirements of this section when acting within the authorities of their existing licenses issued under chapter 17.21 RCW: Licensed commercial pesticide applicators and operators; licensed private-commercial applicators; and licensed demonstration and research applicators. The following are also exempt from the licensing requirements of this section: Employees of federal, state, county, or municipal agencies when acting in their official governmental capacities; and pesticide dealer managers and employees working under the direct supervision of the pesticide dealer manager and only at a licensed pesticide dealer's outlet.


Effective date2021 c 244: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Effective date2008 c 285 ss 15-26: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
IntentCaptions not law2008 c 285: See notes following RCW 43.22.434.
Effective date1997 c 242: See note following RCW 15.58.070.

Public pest control consultant license.

For the purpose of this section public pest control consultant means any individual who is employed by a governmental agency or unit to act as a pest control consultant. No person may act as a public pest control consultant without first obtaining a license from the director. The license expires annually on a date set by rule by the director. Application for a license must be on a form prescribed by the director and must be accompanied by a fee of forty-three dollars. Federal and state employees whose principal responsibilities are in pesticide research, the jurisdictional health officer or a duly authorized representative, public pest control consultants licensed and working in the health vector field, and public operators licensed under RCW 17.21.220 shall be exempt from this licensing provision.


Effective date2021 c 244: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Effective date2008 c 285 ss 15-26: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
IntentCaptions not law2008 c 285: See notes following RCW 43.22.434.
Effective date1997 c 242: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Severability1981 c 297: See note following RCW 15.36.201.

Consultant's licenseRequirements.

The director shall require each applicant for a pest control consultant's license or a public pest control consultant's license to demonstrate to the director the applicant's knowledge of pesticide laws and regulations; pesticide hazards; and the safe distribution, use and application, and disposal of pesticides by satisfactorily passing a written examination for the classifications for which the applicant has applied prior to issuing the license.

Renewal of licensesRecertification standards.

(1) The director may renew any license issued under this chapter subject to the recertification standards identified in subsection (2) of this section or an examination requiring new knowledge that may be required to perform in those areas licensed.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, all individuals licensed under this chapter shall meet the recertification standards identified in (a) or (b) of this subsection, every five years, in order to qualify for continuing licensure.
(a) Individuals licensed under this chapter may qualify for continued licensure through accumulation of recertification credits. Individuals licensed under this chapter shall accumulate a minimum of forty department-approved credits every five years with no more than fifteen credits allowed per year.
(b) Individuals licensed under this chapter may qualify for continued licensure through meeting the examination requirements necessary to become licensed in those areas in which the licensee operates.
(3) At the termination of a licensee's five-year recertification period, the director shall waive the recertification requirements if the licensee can demonstrate that he or she is meeting comparable recertification standards through:
(a) Another state or jurisdiction;
(b) A government agency plan that has been approved by the federal environmental protection agency; or
(c) A private entity that has been approved by the department. The department shall confer with private entities offering continuing education programs that include pest management credit accreditation and accumulation to develop an effective and efficient system to coordinate pest management credit accounting. The pest management credit accounting system must accord with the goals and other requirements of the department's pesticide license recertification program and this chapter. If the department and the private entity or entities agree on the substantive provisions of the system, the department shall develop an implementation strategy for private entities pursuing pesticide credit reciprocity. The department shall submit a report to the legislature on its collaborative efforts, pest management credit accounting system, and implementation strategy by December 31, 2015.

Renewal of licensesDelinquency.

(1) If an application for renewal of a pesticide dealer license is not filed on or before the business license expiration date, the business license delinquency fee must be assessed under chapter 19.02 RCW and must be paid by the applicant before the renewal license is issued.
(2) If application for renewal of any license provided for in this chapter other than the pesticide dealer license is not filed on or before the expiration date of the license, a penalty equivalent to the license fee must be assessed and added to the original fee, and must be paid by the applicant before the renewal license is issued. However, such penalty does not apply if the applicant furnishes an affidavit certifying that he or she has not acted as a licensee subsequent to the expiration of the license.
(3) Any license for which a renewal application has been made, all other requirements have been met, and the proper fee paid, continues in full force and effect until the director notifies the applicant that the license has been renewed or the application has been denied.

Classification of licensesExaminationsFees.

The director may classify licenses to be issued under the provisions of this chapter. Such classifications may include but not be limited to agricultural crops, ornamentals, or noncrop land herbicides. If the licensee has a classified license the licensee shall be limited to practicing within these classifications. Each such classification shall be subject to separate testing procedures and requirements: PROVIDED, That no person shall be required to pay an additional license fee if the person desires to be licensed in one or all of the license classifications provided for by the director under the authority of this section. The director may charge examination fees established by the director by rule. The director may administer or contract with a public or private third-party entity to administer any or all parts of either the examination or the collection of examination fees, or both. Examinations administered by third-party entities must be the same as the examination that would otherwise be administered by the department. The department may direct that the applicant pay the fees to the third-party entity in accordance with department rules governing third-party examinations and fees. The director may renew any applicant's license under the classification for which the applicant is licensed, subject to reexamination or other recertification standards as determined by the director when deemed necessary because new knowledge or new classifications are required to carry out the responsibilities of the licensee.

Recordkeeping requirements.

Any person issued a license or permit under the provisions of this chapter may be required by the director to keep accurate records on a form prescribed by the director which may contain the following information:
(1) The delivery, movement or holding of any pesticide or device, including the quantity;
(2) The date of shipment and receipt;
(3) The name of consignor and consignee; and
(4) Any other information, necessary for the enforcement of this chapter, as prescribed by the director.
The director shall have access to such records at any reasonable time to copy or make copies of such records for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter.

Civil penalties and/or denial, suspension, or revocation of license, registration or permit.

The director is authorized to impose a civil penalty and/or deny, suspend, or revoke any license, registration or permit provided for in this chapter subject to a hearing and in conformance with the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW (Administrative Procedure Act) in any case in which the director finds there has been a failure or refusal to comply with the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter.

SubpoenasWitness fees.

The director may issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and/or production of books, documents and records in the county in which the person licensed under this chapter resides in any hearing affecting the authority or privilege granted by a license, registration or permit issued under the provisions of this chapter. Witnesses shall be entitled to fees for attendance and travel, as provided for in chapter 2.40 RCW as enacted or hereafter amended.

Sampling and examination of pesticides or devicesProcedure when criminal proceedings contemplated.

The sampling and examination of pesticides or devices shall be made under the direction of the director for the purpose of determining whether or not they comply with the requirements of this chapter. The director is authorized, upon presentation of proper identification, to enter any distributor's premises, including any vehicle of transport, at all reasonable times in order to have access to pesticides or devices. If it appears from such examination that a pesticide or device fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter, and the director contemplates instituting criminal proceedings against any person, the director shall cause notice to be given to such person. Any person so notified shall be given an opportunity to present his or her views, either orally or in writing, with regard to the contemplated proceedings. If thereafter in the opinion of the director it appears that the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter have been violated by such person, the director shall refer a copy of the results of the analysis or the examination of such pesticide or device to the prosecuting attorney for the county in which the violation occurred.

Minor violations, warning notice in writing.

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the director to report for prosecution or for the institution of condemnation proceedings minor violations of this chapter when the director believes that the public interest will be best served by a suitable notice of warning in writing.

Persons exempted from certain penalties under RCW 15.58.150.

The penalties provided for violations of RCW 15.58.150(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) shall not apply to:
(1) Any carrier while lawfully engaged in transporting a pesticide within the state, if such carrier, upon request, permits the director to copy all records showing the transaction in and movement of the articles.
(2) Public officials of the state and the federal government engaged in the performance of their official duties.
(3) The manufacturer or shipper of a pesticide for experimental use only by or under the supervision of an agency of this state or of the federal government authorized by law to conduct research in the field of pesticides.

Pesticides for foreign export not in violation of chapter.

No pesticides shall be deemed in violation of this chapter when intended solely for export to a foreign country, and when prepared or packed according to the specifications or directions of the purchaser. If not so exported, all the provisions of this chapter shall apply.

Certain pharmacists exempted from licensing provisions.

The license provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any pharmacist who is licensed pursuant to chapter 18.64 RCW and does not distribute any pesticide required to be registered under the provisions of this chapter.

Violation of chapterMisdemeanor.

Any person violating any provisions of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Civil penalty.

Every person who fails to comply with this chapter or the rules adopted under it may be subjected to a civil penalty, as determined by the director, in an amount of not more than seven thousand five hundred dollars for every such violation. Each and every such violation shall be a separate and distinct offense. Every person who, through an act of commission or omission, procures, aids, or abets in the violation shall be considered to have violated this section and may be subject to the civil penalty herein provided.


The director may bring an action to enjoin the violation or threatened violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule made pursuant to this chapter in a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which such violation occurs or is about to occur.

DamagesCivil action not precluded.

Nothing in this chapter shall preclude any person aggrieved by a violation of this chapter from bringing suit in a court of competent jurisdiction for damages arising from the violation.

Persons charged with enforcement barred from interest in pesticides, devices.

No person charged with the enforcement of any provision of this chapter shall be directly or indirectly interested in the sale, manufacture or distribution of any pesticide or device.

No recovery of damages when probable cause.

No state court shall allow the recovery of damages from administrative action taken or for "stop sale, use or removal" if the court finds that there was probable cause for such action.

Cooperation and agreements with other agencies.

The director is authorized to cooperate with and enter into agreements with any other agency of the state, the United States, and any other state or agency thereof for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter and securing uniformity of regulation.

Emergency situationsSpecial local needsExperimental use permits.

For the purpose of exercising the authority granted to the state under the provisions of FIFRA, the director may:
(1) Meet emergency conditions in this state by applying for an exemption from any provision of FIFRA as provided for by section 18 of that act. If such exemption is granted by the administrator of EPA the director may carry out and enforce the requirements and conditions of the exemption;
(2) Comply with the requirements necessary to issue special local needs registration under section 24(c) of FIFRA; and
(3) Comply with the requirements necessary to issue experimental use permits under section 5(f) of FIFRA.

Use of license feesPesticide safety education programDeposit of money collected for civil penalties.

(1) Except as otherwise provided for in this section, all license fees collected under this chapter shall be paid to the director for use exclusively in the enforcement of this chapter.
(2) In addition to any other fees the department may collect under this chapter, the department shall collect a fee of seven dollars for each license issued by the department under this chapter. The department shall transmit the seven dollar fee required by this subsection to Washington State University for the purpose of providing a pesticide safety education program to educate and train pesticide licensees and prospective licensees.
(3) The department shall engage with the regulated community on the status of license fees established in this chapter, including consideration of future increases, in coordination with a stakeholder work group.
(4) All moneys collected for civil penalties levied under this chapter shall be deposited in the state general fund.


Effective date2021 c 244: See note following RCW 15.58.070.
Effective date1995 c 374 ss 1-47, 50-53, and 59-68: See note following RCW 15.36.012.

Report to legislature.

By February 1st of each year the department shall report to the appropriate committees of the house of representatives and the senate on the activities of the department under this chapter. The report shall include, at a minimum, a review of the department's enforcement activities, with the number of cases investigated and the number and amount of civil penalties assessed.

Wood destroying organism inspectionsLicense required.

It is unlawful for any business to conduct complete wood destroying organism inspections without having obtained a company license from the director. Application for a structural pest inspection company license must be on a form prescribed by the director. The application must include the following information:
(1) The full name of the individual applying for such license;
(2) The full name of the company that employs structural pest inspectors;
(3) The physical and mailing addresses of the company, and the telephone and facsimile numbers, if available;
(4) A list of the names of the structural pest inspectors who are employed by the company;
(5) The unique business identifier for the company; and
(6) Any other necessary information prescribed by the director.
Any changes to the information on the prescribed structural pest inspection company license form shall be reported by the company to the department within thirty days of the change.

Wood destroying organism inspection reportUnique inspection control number required.

It is unlawful for any person to issue a wood destroying organism inspection report, prepared in conjunction with the transfer, exchange, or refinancing of any structure, without recording a unique inspection control number on the wood destroying organism inspection report. All wood destroying organism inspection reports completed by the same inspector, relating to a single transfer, exchange, or refinance, shall bear the same unique inspection control number. The responsibility to record the unique inspection control number on the report under this section lies solely with the person issuing the wood destroying organism inspection report.

Structural pest inspectorEvidence of financial responsibility requiredExemptions.

(1) The director shall not issue a license to any individual who intends to act as a structural pest inspector until evidence of financial responsibility, required and described in subsection (2) of this section, is furnished by the applicant or the business employing the applicant. Licensed commercial applicators that have met the requirements of RCW 17.21.160 and their licensed commercial operator employees are exempt from this financial responsibility requirement when performing specific wood destroying organism inspections. Public employees licensed to perform structural pest inspections are exempt from this licensing requirement when acting within their official capacities.
(2) Evidence of financial responsibility, consisting of one of the following, must be provided and maintained as a condition of licensure:
(a) An errors and omissions insurance policy, the amount and terms of which are consistent with the requirements of RCW 15.58.465(1)(a);
(b) A surety bond, the amounts and terms of which are consistent with the requirements of RCW 15.58.465(1)(b);
(c) A surety bond and an errors and omissions insurance policy, the amount and terms of which are consistent with the requirements of RCW 15.58.465(1)(c);
(d) An assigned account, the amount and terms of which are consistent with the requirements of RCW 15.58.465(1)(d);
(e) Any other type of evidence of financial responsibility identified by the director by rule that provides coverage equivalent to that provided by any of (a) through (d) of this subsection.
(3) Evidence of financial responsibility must be supplied to the department on a financial responsibility insurance certificate, surety bond form, assigned account form, or other form prescribed by the director with regard to evidence provided under subsection (2)(e) of this section.

Structural pest inspectorForms of evidence of financial responsibilityAmountTerms.

(1) The following requirements apply to the forms of evidence of financial responsibility required under RCW 15.58.460.
(a) Errors and Omissions Insurance. The amount of the errors and omissions insurance policy required by RCW 15.58.460(2)(a) shall not be less than twenty-five thousand dollars. The insurance policy shall be maintained at not less than the required sum at all times during the licensed period. The insurance policy shall provide coverage for errors and omissions in an inspection conducted during the term of the policy. However, the policy may limit the insurer's liability on the policy in effect at the time of the inspection to two years from the date of the inspection.
(b) Surety Bond. The amount of the surety bond required by RCW 15.58.460(2)(b) shall not be less than twenty-five thousand dollars. The surety bond shall be maintained at not less than the required sum at all times during the licensed period. Any person having a claim against the structural pest inspector for legal damages as a result of the actions of the structural pest inspector may bring suit upon the bond in the court of the county in which the inspection took place or of the county in which jurisdiction of the structural pest inspector may be had. The surety issuing the bond shall be named as a party to any suit upon the bond. The suit upon the bond must be commenced within two years of the date of the inspection.
(c) Surety Bond and Errors and Omissions Insurance. The amount of the surety bond required by RCW 15.58.460(2)(c) shall not be less than twelve thousand five hundred dollars. Except as to the amount of the bond, the terms of the bond shall be identical to those set forth in (b) of this subsection. The amount of the errors and omissions insurance policy required by RCW 15.58.460(2)(c) shall not be less than twenty-five thousand dollars. The insurance policy shall be maintained at not less than the required sum at all times during the licensed period. The insurance policy shall provide coverage for errors and omissions in an inspection conducted during the term of the policy.
(d) Assigned Account. The amount of the assigned account required by RCW 15.58.460(2)(d) shall not be less than twenty-five thousand dollars. The assigned account shall be held by the department to satisfy any execution on a judgment issued against the inspector for legal damages resulting from errors and omissions in the conduct of an inspection, according to the provisions of the assigned account agreement. The department has no liability for payment in excess of the amount of the assigned account.
(i) The assigned account agreement filed with the director as evidence of financial responsibility shall be canceled at the expiration of two years after the inspector's license has expired or been revoked, or at the expiration of two years after the inspector has furnished another form of evidence of financial responsibility required by RCW 15.58.460, unless legal action has been instituted against the inspector prior to the expiration of the two-year period and the director has been provided written notice of the same by the claimant. In such a case the director shall not cancel the assigned account agreement until the director either receives a copy of the order dismissing the action by registered or certified mail, or has received a copy of the unsatisfied judgment and has complied with the requirements of (d)(ii) of this subsection.
(ii) Any person having an unsatisfied final judgment against the inspector for legal damages awarded based on errors and omissions in the conduct of an inspection may execute upon the funds in the assigned account by serving a certified copy of the unsatisfied final judgment by registered or certified mail upon the department within one year of the date of entry of such judgment. Upon the receipt of service of such certified copy the department shall direct the financial institution to pay from the assigned account, through the registry of the court which rendered judgment, towards the amount of the unsatisfied judgment. The priority of payment from the assigned account shall be the order of receipt of the final judgment by the department.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section that limits the time period in which a suit must be commenced on a surety bond or in which a claim must be made on a policy effects the statute of limitations applicable to any claim any person may have against the structural pest inspector or company.
(3) The director may only accept a surety bond or insurance policy as evidence of financial responsibility if the bond or policy is issued by an insurer authorized to do business in this state. The director shall be notified ten days before any reduction of insurance coverage at the request of the applicant or cancellation of the surety bond or insurance by the surety or insurer and by the insured.
(4) The total and aggregate of the surety and insurer for all claims is limited to the face of the surety bond or insurance policy. The director may accept a surety bond or insurance policy in the proper sum that has a deductible clause in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars for the total amount of surety bond or insurance required by this section. If the applicant has not satisfied the requirement of the deductible amount in any prior legal claim the deductible clause may not be accepted by the director unless the applicant furnishes the director with a surety bond or insurance policy which satisfies the amount of the deductible as to all claims that may arise.

Structural pest inspectorFailure to meet financial responsibility requirements.

Whenever the form of evidence of financial responsibility for a structural pest inspector license is reduced below the requirements of RCW 15.58.465 or no longer applies to the structural pest inspector, or whenever the licensee or the business that employs the licensee has failed to provide evidence of financial responsibility as required by RCW 15.58.460 by the expiration date of any previous form of evidence of financial responsibility, the director shall immediately suspend the structural pest inspector license until the requirements of RCW 15.58.465 are met again.

Educational materials regarding best practices for avoiding adverse effects from pesticides on pollinating insects.

The department must develop educational materials regarding the best practices for avoiding adverse effects from pesticides on populations of bees, honey bees, and other pollinating insects. The educational materials must include, but not be limited to, measures that anyone applying pesticides can take to protect bees, honey bees, and other pollinating insects. The department must design requirements to ensure that any pesticide applicator applying or supervising the application of a restricted-use pesticide is highly knowledgeable regarding alternatives to, the appropriateness of, and precautions for, the use of restricted-use pesticides that may be injurious to the health of bees, honey bees, and other pollinating insects.


FindingsIntent2019 c 353: See note following RCW 43.23.300.

Neonicotinoid insecticides.

(1) Beginning January 1, 2026, a person may not use neonicotinoid insecticides on nonproduction outdoor ornamental plants, trees, and turf in this state, unless the application is made as part of a licensed application, a tree injection, or during the production of an agricultural commodity.
(2) The director, upon identification of an urgent pest threat, may authorize the sale, possession, or use of neonicotinoid insecticides that are restricted under subsection (1) of this section by written order. The director must make reasonable efforts to inform the public of the urgent pest threat identified. The written order must include:
(a) The urgent pest threat identified;
(b) The neonicotinoid insecticide to be used in addressing the urgent pest threat;
(c) All other less harmful insecticides or pest management practices considered that were not deemed to be effective in addressing the urgent pest threat;
(d) The geographic scope of the written order; and
(e) The duration that the order is in effect, not to exceed one year.
(3) By June 30, 2025, and every four years thereafter, the department shall review and update rules under RCW 15.58.040 to administer and enforce this chapter as those rules relate to neonicotinoid insecticides.
(4) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Agricultural commodity" means any plant, or part of a plant, or animal, or animal product, produced by farmers, ranchers, vineyardists, plant propagators, Christmas tree growers, aquaculturists, floriculturists, orchardists, foresters, or other persons primarily for sale, consumption, propagation, or other use by people or animals.
(b) "Neonicotinoid insecticide" means any insecticide containing a chemical belonging to the neonicotinoid class of chemicals including, but not limited to, acetamiprid, clothianidin, dinotefuran, imidacloprid, nitenpyram, nithiazine, thiacloprid, thiamethoxam, or any other chemical designated by the department as belonging to the neonicotinoid class of chemicals.
(c) "Urgent pest threat" means an occurrence of a pest that presents a significant risk of harm or injury to the environment or human health or significant harm, injury, or loss to agricultural crops including, but not limited to, an invasive species as defined in chapter 77.135 RCW.


FindingsIntent2024 c 338: "(1) The legislature finds that pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and birds, play a critical role in sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. The legislature further finds that pollinators are vital to agricultural production in the state and that approximately 35 percent of food crops depend upon pollinators.
(2) The legislature finds that neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticides in the world. Neonicotinoids are less toxic to mammals and vertebrates than older insecticides and have beneficial uses such as those associated with pet care and veterinary treatment, personal care, indoor pest control, wood preservation, and structural insulation. However, neonicotinoids can be toxic to pollinators and misapplication of neonicotinoids contributes to bee colony collapse and the decline of pollinator species. The legislature intends to protect pollinators by restricting the use of neonicotinoids and supporting consumer education so that people do not inadvertently apply neonicotinoids in ways that are harmful to pollinators.
(3) The legislature recognizes that agricultural production depends on reliable pest management and allows applications of neonicotinoids for agricultural production. Products designed to control pests in home gardens and landscapes that contain neonicotinoids should also be limited to applications that do not harm pollinators. Understandable information about the impact of products designed to manage pests in home gardens and landscapes on pollinators should be provided to customers. Private and nonprofit organizations engaged in public outreach and education regarding the role of pollinators and pollinator health are important partners in consumer education." [ 2024 c 338 s 1.]

Continuation of rules adopted pursuant to repealed sections.

The repeal of RCW 15.57.010 through 15.57.930 and the enactment of this chapter shall not be deemed to have repealed any rules adopted under the provisions of RCW 15.57.010 through 15.57.930 in effect immediately prior to such repeal and not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. All such rules shall be considered to have been adopted under the provisions of this chapter.

Existing liabilities not affected.

The enactment of this chapter shall not have the effect of terminating, or in any way modifying, any liability, civil or criminal, which shall already be in existence on the date this chapter becomes effective.