Chapter 18.30 RCW



HTMLPDF 18.30.005Finding, intent.
HTMLPDF 18.30.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 18.30.020Examination of patientSanctionsTraining and licensing examination.
HTMLPDF 18.30.030Licensing required.
HTMLPDF 18.30.040Exclusions from chapter.
HTMLPDF 18.30.050Board of denturistsMembers, terms, travel expenses, removal.
HTMLPDF 18.30.060BoardOfficers, quorum.
HTMLPDF 18.30.065Duties of board.
HTMLPDF 18.30.090Licensing requirements.
HTMLPDF 18.30.095Licensing requirementsMilitary training or experience.
HTMLPDF 18.30.100Licensing examinations.
HTMLPDF 18.30.120Requirements determined by secretaryLicense content.
HTMLPDF 18.30.130License renewal.
HTMLPDF 18.30.135Discipline.
HTMLPDF 18.30.140Inactive licenses.
HTMLPDF 18.30.150Partnerships with dentists.
HTMLPDF 18.30.160Education and trainingNonorthodontic removable oral devices and teeth whitening services.
HTMLPDF 18.30.900Short title1995 c 1 (Initiative Measure No. 607).

Finding, intent.

The state of Washington finds that to realize the state's current statutory policy of regulating health professions at the least restrictive level consistent with the public interest, a program of licensure for denturists should be established. The intent of the legislature is to help assure the public's health, provide a mechanism for consumer protection, and offer cost-effective alternatives for denture care services and products to individual consumers and the state.
[ 1995 c 1 s 1 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]


Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Board" means the Washington state board of denturists.
(2) "Denture" means a removable full or partial upper or lower dental appliance to be worn in the mouth to replace missing natural teeth.
(3) "Denturist" means a person licensed under this chapter to engage in the practice of denturism.
(4) "Department" means the department of health.
(5) "Practice of denturism" means:
(a) Making, placing, constructing, altering, reproducing, or repairing a denture;
(b) Taking impressions and furnishing or supplying a denture directly to a person or advising the use of a denture, and maintaining a facility for the same;
(c) Making, placing, constructing, altering, reproducing, or repairing the following nonorthodontic removable oral devices, excluding devices intended to treat obstructive sleep apnea or to treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction, where accompanied by written encouragement to have regular dental checkups with a licensed dentist:
(i) Bruxism devices;
(ii) Sports mouth guards;
(iii) Removable cosmetic appliances, regardless of whether the patient is missing teeth; and
(iv) Snoring devices, only after a physician has ruled out snoring associated with sleep breathing disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea; and
(d) Providing teeth whitening services, including fabricating whitening trays, providing whitening solutions determined to be safe for public use, and providing required follow-up care and instructions for use of the trays and solutions at home.
(6) "Secretary" means the secretary of health or the secretary's designee.
[ 2013 c 172 s 1; 2002 c 160 s 1; 1995 c 1 s 2 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]


Effective date2013 c 172: "This act takes effect July 1, 2014." [ 2013 c 172 s 3.]

Examination of patientSanctionsTraining and licensing examination.

(1) Before making and fitting a denture, a denturist shall examine the patient's oral cavity.
(a) If the examination gives the denturist reasonable cause to believe that there is an abnormality or disease process that requires medical or dental treatment, the denturist shall immediately refer the patient to a dentist or physician. In such cases, the denturist shall take no further action to manufacture or place a denture until the patient has been examined by a dentist or physician and the dentist or physician gives written clearance that the denture will pose no threat to the patient's health.
(b) If the examination reveals the need for tissue or teeth modification in order to assure proper fit of a full or partial denture, the denturist shall refer the patient to a dentist and assure that the modification has been completed before taking an impression for the completion of the denture.
(2) A denturist who makes or places a denture in a manner not consistent with this section is subject to the sanctions provided in chapter 18.130 RCW, the uniform disciplinary act.
(3) A denturist must successfully complete special training in oral pathology prescribed by the board, whether as part of an approved associate degree program or equivalent training, and pass an examination prescribed by the board, which may be a part of the examination for licensure to become a licensed denturist.
[ 2002 c 160 s 2; 1995 c 198 s 18; 1995 c 1 s 3 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]


Effective date1995 c 198 ss 18-25: "Sections 18 through 25 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [May 1, 1995]." [ 1995 c 198 s 27.]

Licensing required.

No person may represent himself or herself as a licensed denturist or use any title or description of services without applying for licensure, meeting the required qualifications, and being licensed as a denturist by the board, unless otherwise exempted by this chapter.
[ 2013 c 171 s 1; 1995 c 1 s 4 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]

Exclusions from chapter.

Nothing in this chapter prohibits or restricts:
(1) The practice of a profession by an individual who is licensed, certified, or registered under other laws of this state and who is performing services within the authorized scope of practice;
(2) The practice of denturism by an individual employed by the government of the United States while the individual is engaged in the performance of duties prescribed by the laws and regulations of the United States;
(3) The practice of denturism by students enrolled in a school approved by the board. The performance of services must be pursuant to a course of instruction or an assignment from an instructor and under the supervision of an instructor; or
(4) Work performed by dental labs and dental technicians under the written prescription of a dentist.
[ 2002 c 160 s 3; 1995 c 1 s 5 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]

Board of denturistsMembers, terms, travel expenses, removal.

(1) The Washington state board of denturists is created. The board shall consist of seven members appointed by the secretary as follows:
(a) Four members of the board must be denturists licensed under this chapter, except initial appointees, who must have five years' experience in the field of denturism or a related field.
(b) Two members shall be selected from persons who are not affiliated with any health care profession or facility, at least one of whom must be over sixty-five years of age representing the elderly.
(c) One member must be a dentist licensed in the state of Washington.
(2) The members of the board shall serve for terms of three years. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of the vacant position.
(3) No appointee may serve more than two consecutive terms.
(4) Members of the board shall be reimbursed for travel expenses under RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060. Each member of the board shall be compensated in accordance with RCW 43.03.265. The board is designated as a class five group for purposes of chapter 43.03 RCW.
(5) A member of the board may be removed for just cause by the secretary.
[ 2022 c 240 s 20; 2002 c 160 s 4; 1995 c 1 s 6 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]

BoardOfficers, quorum.

(1) The board shall elect a chairperson of the board annually. The same person may not hold the office of chairperson for more than three years in succession.
(2) A majority of the board members appointed and serving constitutes a quorum for the transaction of board business. The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the board is required to carry a motion or resolution, to adopt a rule, or to pass a measure.
[ 2022 c 240 s 21; 1995 c 1 s 7 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]

Duties of board.

The board shall:
(1) Determine the qualifications of persons applying for licensure under this chapter;
(2) Prescribe, administer, and determine the requirements for examinations under this chapter and establish a passing grade for licensure under this chapter;
(3) Adopt rules under chapter 34.05 RCW to carry out the provisions of this chapter;
(4) Have authority to provide requirements for continuing competency as a condition of license renewal by rule; and
(5) Evaluate and approve those schools from which graduation is accepted as proof of an applicant's completion of coursework requirements for licensure.

Licensing requirements.

The secretary shall issue a license to practice denturism to an applicant who submits a completed application, pays the appropriate fees, and meets the following requirements:
(1) A person currently licensed to practice denturism under statutory provisions of another state, territory of the United States, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico, with substantially equivalent licensing standards to this chapter shall be licensed without examination upon providing the board with the following:
(a) Proof of successfully passing a written and clinical examination for denturism in a state, territory of the United States, District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico, that the board has determined has substantially equivalent licensing standards as those in this chapter, including but not limited to both the written and clinical examinations; and
(b) An affidavit from the licensing agency where the person is licensed or certified attesting to the fact of the person's licensure or certification.
(2) A person graduating from a formal denturism program shall be licensed if he or she:
(a) Documents successful completion of formal training with a major course of study in denturism of not less than two years in duration at an educational institution approved by the board; and
(b) Passes a written and clinical examination approved by the board.
[ 2013 c 171 s 3; 2002 c 160 s 6; 1995 c 198 s 20; 1995 c 1 s 10 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]


Effective date1995 c 198 ss 18-25: See note following RCW 18.30.020.

Licensing requirementsMilitary training or experience.

An applicant with military training or experience satisfies the training or experience requirements of this chapter unless the board determines that the military training or experience is not substantially equivalent to the standards of the state.

Licensing examinations.

The board shall administer the examinations for licensing under this chapter, subject to the following requirements:
(1) Examinations shall determine the qualifications, fitness, and ability of the applicant to practice denturism. The test shall include a written examination and a practical demonstration of skills.
(2) Examinations shall be held at least annually.
(3) The first examination shall be conducted not later than July 1, 1995.
(4) The written examination shall cover the following subjects: (a) Head and oral anatomy and physiology; (b) oral pathology; (c) partial denture construction and design; (d) microbiology; (e) clinical dental technology; (f) dental laboratory technology; (g) clinical jurisprudence; (h) asepsis; (i) medical emergencies; and (j) cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(5) Upon payment of the appropriate fee, an applicant who fails either the written or practical examination may have additional opportunities to take the portion of the examination that he or she failed.
The secretary may hire trained persons licensed under this chapter to prepare, administer, and grade the examinations or may contract with regional examiners who meet qualifications adopted by the board.
[ 2002 c 160 s 7; 1995 c 198 s 21; 1995 c 1 s 11 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]


Effective date1995 c 198 ss 18-25: See note following RCW 18.30.020.

Requirements determined by secretaryLicense content.

(1) The licensing period, administrative procedures, administrative requirements, and fees shall be determined by the secretary as provided in RCW 43.70.250 and 43.70.280.
(2) The license shall contain, on its face, the address or addresses where the license holder will perform the denturist services.
[ 1996 c 191 s 12; 1995 c 1 s 13 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]

License renewal.

The board shall establish by rule the requirements for renewal of licenses to practice denturism, but shall not increase the licensure requirements provided in this chapter. The secretary shall establish administrative procedures, administrative requirements, and fees for license periods and renewals as provided in RCW 43.70.250 and 43.70.280.
[ 2013 c 171 s 5; 1996 c 191 s 13; 1995 c 198 s 23; 1995 c 1 s 14 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]


Effective date1995 c 198 ss 18-25: See note following RCW 18.30.020.


The Uniform Disciplinary Act, chapter 18.130 RCW, shall govern the issuance and denial of licenses, unauthorized practice, and the discipline of persons licensed under this chapter. The board shall be the disciplinary authority under this chapter.


Effective date1995 c 336 ss 2 and 3: See note following RCW 18.130.040.

Inactive licenses.

(1) An individual may place his or her license on inactive status. The holder of an inactive license shall not practice denturism in this state without first activating the license.
(2) An inactive license may be placed in an active status upon compliance with rules established by the board.
(3) The provisions relating to denial, suspension, and revocation of a license are applicable to an inactive license, except that when proceedings to suspend or revoke an inactive license have been initiated, the license shall remain inactive until the proceedings have been completed.
[ 2002 c 160 s 8; 1995 c 198 s 24; 1995 c 1 s 15 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]


Effective date1995 c 198 ss 18-25: See note following RCW 18.30.020.

Partnerships with dentists.

Notwithstanding any other provision of state law, a licensed denturist may enter into a partnership or other business association with a dentist, provided that such association does not impede the independent professional judgment of either party.
[ 1995 c 1 s 16 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]

Education and trainingNonorthodontic removable oral devices and teeth whitening services.

Prior to providing the services mentioned in RCW 18.30.010(5) (c) and (d), a licensed denturist must provide documentation to the board that he or she received education and training on providing the services. The board must, by rule, specify the education and training necessary to provide the services mentioned in RCW 18.30.010(5) (c) and (d).


Effective date2013 c 172: See note following RCW 18.30.010.

Short title1995 c 1 (Initiative Measure No. 607).

This chapter may be known and cited as the Washington state denturist act.
[ 1995 c 1 s 17 (Initiative Measure No. 607, approved November 8, 1994).]