HTMLPDF | 28A.320.010 | Corporate powers. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.015 | School boards of directors—Powers—Notice of adoption of policy. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.019 | Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.020 | Liability for debts and judgments. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.025 | School district name change. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.030 | Gifts, conveyances, etc., for scholarship and student aid purposes, receipt and administration. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.035 | Contracting out—Board's powers and duties—Goods and services. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.040 | Bylaws for board and school government. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.046 | Recording of board of directors' meetings. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.050 | Reimbursement of expenses of directors, other school representatives, and superintendent candidates—Advancing anticipated expenses. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.055 | Employee collective bargaining agreements—Publication on school website. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.060 | Officers, employees or agents of school districts or educational service districts, insurance to protect and hold personally harmless. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.070 | School district as self-insurer—Authority. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.080 | Commencement exercises—Lip reading instruction—Joint purchasing, including issuing interest bearing warrants and agreements with private schools—Budgets. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.090 | Preparing and distributing information on district's instructional program, operation and maintenance—Limitation. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.092 | Unsolicited information about learning programs—Prohibition on providing to persons who file a declaration of intent to cause a child to receive home-based instruction—Exceptions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.100 | Actions against officers, employees or agents of school districts and educational service districts—Defense, costs, fees—Payment of obligation. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.110 | Information and research services. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.120 | Cooperation with technical colleges—Jurisdiction over property—Administrative charges—Discrimination against employees of technical colleges prohibited—Dispute resolution. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.123 | School-based threat assessment program. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.124 | School safety and security staff—Policy and procedure—Presentation to students. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.1241 | School safety and security staff—Collected agreements and information. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.1242 | School safety and security staff—Agreements with law enforcement agencies or security guard companies. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.125 | Safe school plans—Requirements—Duties of school districts and schools—Drills—Rules—First responder agencies. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.126 | Emergency response system. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.127 | Plan for recognition, screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students, including possible sexual abuse. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.1271 | Model school district plan for recognition, initial screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.128 | Notice and disclosure policies—Threats of violence—Student conduct—Immunity for good faith notice—Penalty. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.130 | Weapons incidents—Reporting. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.135 | Telecommunication devices—Limits on possession—Policies. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.140 | Schools with special standards—Dress codes. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.142 | Unaccompanied and homeless youth—Building point of contact—Duty of district liaison for students experiencing homelessness. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.145 | Homeless students—Support. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.148 | Foster care liaison—Building point of contact. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.155 | Criminal history record information—School volunteers. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.160 | Alleged sexual misconduct by school employee—Parental notification—Information on public records act. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.163 | Notifications—Appeals. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.165 | Notice of pesticide use. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.168 | Curricula—Mandatory instruction in sex trafficking awareness and prevention. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.170 | Curricula—Tribal history and culture. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.171 | Designating John McCoy (lulilaš) since time immemorial curriculum. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.172 | Short title—2024 c 200. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.173 | Curricula—Outdoor-based activities. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.175 | School data—Collection and submission to the office of the superintendent of public instruction. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.180 | Mathematics college readiness test—Costs. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.185 | School gardens or farms. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.190 | Extended learning opportunities program. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.191 | Program of early learning under RCW 43.216.555. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.192 | On-time grade level progression and graduation of students who are homeless, subject to a dependency proceeding, at-risk youth or children, or have been released from an institutional education facility—Rules. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.193 | Community service—Policy—Incentive. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.195 | Academic acceleration for high school students—Adoption of policy. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.196 | Academic acceleration incentive program—Dual credit courses—Allocation of funds—Reports. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.202 | Comprehensive system of instruction and services in reading and early literacy. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.203 | Reading skills—Report cards. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.211 | Discipline policies, procedures, and rules—Dissemination of information—Use of disaggregated data—Review. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.230 | Instructional materials—Instructional materials committee—Complaint system. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.233 | Student materials—Denial based on protected class prohibited—Complaint procedure. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.235 | Supplemental instructional materials—Policies and procedures—Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.240 | School library information and technology programs—Resources and materials—Teacher-librarians. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.242 | Teacher hiring data—Reports. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.245 | Responses to audit findings on use of local revenues—Policies—Hearings—Disciplinary actions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.250 | Dyslexia definition. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.260 | Dyslexia interventions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.270 | Dyslexia reporting requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.280 | School counselors, social workers, and psychologists—Priorities. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.290 | School counselors, social workers, and psychologists—Professional collaboration. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.292 | Posting of department of health information. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.294 | Health and safety information on public school websites. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.296 | Native American names, symbols, and images as school mascots, logos, or team names. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.300 | Investment of funds, including funds received by ESD—Authority—Procedure. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.310 | Investment of building funds—Restrictions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.320 | Investment of funds of district—Service fee. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.330 | School district funds. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.400 | Elections—Qualifications of electors—Voting place. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.410 | Elections—Elections to be conducted according to Title 29A RCW. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.420 | Special meetings of voters—Authorized—Purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.430 | Special meetings of voters—Place, notice, procedure, record. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.440 | Special meetings of voters—Directors to follow electors' decision. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.500 | Summer and/or other student vacation period programs—Authorized—Tuition and fees. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.510 | Night schools, summer schools, meetings, use of facilities for. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.520 | School credit for participation in youth court. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.530 | Extracurricular activities—Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.540 | Extracurricular activities—Data collection, publishing, and reporting. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.550 | Extracurricular activities—Calculation of opportunity gaps. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.560 | Extracurricular activities—Goals for reducing the opportunity gap in possession of an associated student body card. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.570 | Extracurricular activities—Goals for reducing the opportunity gap in participation. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.580 | Extracurricular activities—Opportunity gap reduction plan. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.600 | Comprehensive school counseling programs—Written plan. |
HTMLPDF | 28A.320.610 | Comprehensive school counseling programs—Implementation. |