Chapter 29A.60 RCW



HTMLPDF 29A.60.010Conduct of electionsCanvass.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.021Write-in votingDeclaration of candidacyCounting of vote.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.040Rejection of ballots or partsWrite-in votes.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.050Questions on validity of ballotRejectionPreservation and return.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.060Results after close of voting.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.070Returns, precinct and cumulativeDelivery.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.090Voting systemsMaintenance of documents.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.095Electronic voting devicesRecord maintenance.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.100Votes by stickers, printed labels, rejected.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.110Ballot containers, sealing, opening.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.120Counting ballotsOfficial returns.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.125Damaged ballots.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.130Certificate not withheld for informality in returns.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.140Canvassing boardMembershipAuthorityDelegation of authorityRule making.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.150Procedure when member a candidate.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.160BallotsProcessing, canvassing.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.165Unsigned ballot declarations.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.166Voter signature verificationStandards.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.167Voter signature verificationForms.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.168Voter signature verificationCommunity outreach plan.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.170List of observersCounting center, direction and observation of proceedingsRandom check of counting equipmentReport.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.180Credit for voting.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.185Audit of results.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.190Certification of election results.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.195Provisional ballotsDisposition.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.200Canvassing procedureRefusal to certifyPenalty.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.210RecanvassGenerally.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.221Tie in primary or final election.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.230Abstract by election officerTransmittal to secretary of state.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.235Reconciliation reports.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.240Secretary of statePrimary returnsState offices, etc.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.250Secretary of stateFinal returnsScope.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.260Canvass on statewide measures.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.270Local officers, beginning of termsOrganization of district boards of directors.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.280Local elected officials, commencement of term of officePurpose.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.300Statewide survey of voted ballot rejection rates and reasons for rejectionsSecretary of state to conduct and publish.
HTMLPDF 29A.60.800Uniform ballot envelope design work group.