Chapter 38.24 RCW



HTMLPDF 38.24.010Payment of military claims and expenses.
HTMLPDF 38.24.020Audit and payment of awards.
HTMLPDF 38.24.050Pay of officers and enlisted personnelWildland fire response pay.
HTMLPDF 38.24.060Employment and reemployment rights upon return from militia duty.
HTMLPDF 38.24.070Washington national guard member referral incentive program.

Payment of military claims and expenses.

All bills, claims and demands for military purposes shall be certified or verified and audited in the manner prescribed by regulations promulgated by the governor and shall be paid by the state treasurer from funds available for that purpose. In all cases where the organized militia, or any part of the organized militia, is called into active state service to perform duties under RCW 38.08.040, except for anticipated planning, training, exercises, and other administrative duties that are not of an emergent nature, warrants for allowed pay and expenses for such services or compensation for injuries or death shall be drawn upon the general fund of the state treasury and paid out of any moneys in said fund not otherwise appropriated. All such warrants shall be the obligation of the state and shall bear interest at the legal rate from the date of their presentation for payment. Claims and expenses for organized militia in active state service under RCW 38.08.040 that are not paid under this section may be paid under RCW 38.40.220.
[ 2008 c 44 s 2; 2005 c 9 s 2; 1991 c 43 s 4; 1989 c 19 s 36; 1973 c 106 s 14; 1943 c 130 s 42; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-42. Prior: 1917 c 107 s 36; 1909 c 134 s 56, part; 1895 c 108 s 91, part.]


Effective date2005 c 9: See note following RCW 38.08.040.

Audit and payment of awards.

All compensation shall be payable in monthly installments and shall be audited and paid as any other claim against the military department and shall be payable from the general fund out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated.
[ 1943 c 130 s 41; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-41. Prior: 1917 c 107 s 35; 1909 c 134 s 56, part; 1895 c 108 s 41, part.]

Pay of officers and enlisted personnelWildland fire response pay.

(1) Commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the organized militia of Washington, while in active state service or inactive duty, are entitled to and shall receive the same amount of pay and allowances from the state of Washington as provided by federal laws and regulations for commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the armed forces of the United States only if federal pay and allowances are not authorized. For periods of such active state service, commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the organized militia of Washington shall receive either such pay and allowances, or for wildland fire response an amount equal to the rates established by the national wildfire coordinating group administratively determined pay plans for emergency workers, or an amount equal to the state minimum wage, whichever is greater.
(2) Wildland fire response pay shall have an established minimum entry rate and additional scaled pay that recognizes the longevity and responsibility scope of more senior noncommissioned officers, warrant officers, and company grade commissioned officers. The pay plan is commensurate with the pay structure of other state agencies providing resources to wildland fire response. The director of the state military department shall establish the pay structure subject to approval of the office of financial management.
(3) The value of articles issued to any member and not returned in good order on demand, and legal fines or forfeitures, may be deducted from the member's pay.
(4) If federal pay and allowances are not authorized, all members detailed to serve on any board or commission ordered by the governor, or on any court-martial ordered by proper authority, may, at the discretion of the adjutant general, be paid a sum equal to one day's active state service for each day actually employed on the board or court or engaged in the business thereof, or in traveling to and from the same; and in addition thereto travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 as now existing or hereafter amended when such duty is at a place other than the city or town of his or her residence.
(5) Necessary transportation, quartermasters' stores, and subsistence for troops when ordered on active state service may be contracted for and paid for as are other military bills.
[ 2019 c 66 s 1; 2011 c 336 s 767; 1989 c 19 s 37; 1984 c 198 s 3; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 s 81; 1974 ex.s. c 46 s 1; 1943 c 130 s 43; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 8603-43. Prior: 1925 c 28 s 2, part; 1919 c 137 s 1, part; 1917 c 107 s 37, part; 1915 c 47 s 1, part; 1913 c 66 s 10, part; 1909 c 134 s 157, part; 1907 c 122 s 5, part; 1903 c 155 s 13, part; 1901 c 78 s 11, part; 1895 c 108 s 89, part.]


Effective dateSeverability1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34: See notes following RCW 2.08.115.

Employment and reemployment rights upon return from militia duty.

All members of the organized militia of Washington who are called to active state service or inactive duty shall, upon return from such duty, have those rights accorded under RCW 73.16.031, 73.16.035, 73.16.041, 73.16.051, and 73.16.061.

Washington national guard member referral incentive program.

(1) There is created the Washington national guard member referral incentive program. The purpose of the program is to incentivize and maximize peer-to-peer recruiting that results in a completed accession to the Washington national guard by providing a referral bonus to Washington national guard members who make a successful referral. Administration of this program requires that:
(a) A Washington national guard member may provide the identity and contact information of a person who the member believes would be an appropriate recruitment prospect using a form provided by the Washington national guard, which includes the person's name, contact information, and any other information required by the state military department.
(b) The state military department shall keep a record of all forms submitted under (a) of this subsection. Upon the completed accession of a referred person and to the extent sufficient funds are available, the state military department shall distribute a referral bonus to the member who provided the successful referral.
(2) Members of the Washington national guard serving in command or senior enlisted advisor positions, as well as those assigned recruiting as a primary or additional duty, are ineligible for the Washington national guard member referral incentive program.
(3) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Completed accession" means the referred person signs the referred person's name to an enlistment contract for entry or reentry after prior service into the Washington national guard;
(b) "Referral bonus" means a monetary payment set each calendar year by the adjutant general not to exceed $500.00;
(c) "Successful referral" means providing the identity and contact information in subsection (1)(a) of this section of any person not already a member of the Washington national guard that results in a completed accession to the Washington national guard.