Chapter 41.32 RCW



HTMLPDF 41.32.005Provisions applicable to "plan 1," "plan 2," and "plan 3."
HTMLPDF 41.32.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 41.32.012ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.
HTMLPDF 41.32.013Substitute teachersApplication for service creditProcedures.
HTMLPDF 41.32.020Name of system.
HTMLPDF 41.32.025Department's power to determine eligibility.
HTMLPDF 41.32.032Membership in systemService credit of educational staff associates.
HTMLPDF 41.32.033Membership in systemCharter school employers and employees.
HTMLPDF 41.32.035Employer contribution ratesComputation and payment.
HTMLPDF 41.32.042Validity of deductionsInterest.
HTMLPDF 41.32.044Retired teacher may reenter systemBenefit limitations.
HTMLPDF 41.32.052Exemption from taxation and judicial processExceptionsNonassignabilityDeductions authorized.
HTMLPDF 41.32.053Death benefitCourse of employmentOccupational disease or infection.
HTMLPDF 41.32.054Disability retirementCriminal conduct.
HTMLPDF 41.32.055FalsificationPenalty.
HTMLPDF 41.32.062Effect of certain accumulated vacation leave on retirement benefits.
HTMLPDF 41.32.063Benefit calculationLimitation.
HTMLPDF 41.32.064Establishing, restoring service credit.
HTMLPDF 41.32.0641Disabled in the line of dutyContinuation of service creditConditions.
HTMLPDF 41.32.065Election to use out-of-state service credit to calculate time at which the member may retire.
HTMLPDF 41.32.066Purchase of additional service creditCostsRules.
HTMLPDF 41.32.067Purchase of additional benefitsConditions.
"PLAN 1"
HTMLPDF 41.32.215Provisions applicable to plan 1.
HTMLPDF 41.32.240Membership in system.
HTMLPDF 41.32.260Credit for military service or as state legislator.
HTMLPDF 41.32.263State legislators and state officials eligible for retirement benefits.
HTMLPDF 41.32.267Service credit for paid leave of absenceApplication to elected officials of labor organizations.
HTMLPDF 41.32.270Teaching service, how credited.
HTMLPDF 41.32.300Limitation on credit for out-of-state service.
HTMLPDF 41.32.310Time limit for claiming service creditPayments.
HTMLPDF 41.32.330Credit for professional preparation subsequent to becoming teacher.
HTMLPDF 41.32.340Creditable service, what to consist of.
HTMLPDF 41.32.345"Earnable compensation" defined for certain part-time employeesAdoption of rules.
HTMLPDF 41.32.350Purchase of additional annuityMember contribution rate.
HTMLPDF 41.32.380Source of pension reserveContributions.
HTMLPDF 41.32.390Contributions for prior service credits.
HTMLPDF 41.32.470Eligibility for retirement allowance.
HTMLPDF 41.32.480Qualifications for retirement.
HTMLPDF 41.32.483Annual increase amountLegislature's rights reservedNo additional increases after June 30, 2011.
HTMLPDF 41.32.485Minimum retirement allowanceCost-of-living adjustmentPost-retirement adjustmentComputation.
HTMLPDF 41.32.4851Minimum retirement allowanceAnnual adjustmentPersons who become beneficiaries after June 30, 1995.
HTMLPDF 41.32.4872Permanent increase for specified beneficiaries age seventy or over.
HTMLPDF 41.32.489Retirement allowanceAnnual increases restricted after July 1, 2010Eligibility.
HTMLPDF 41.32.4931Additional special pension for former members not receiving social security.
HTMLPDF 41.32.4945Limitation as to earnable compensation of member as member of the legislature.
HTMLPDF 41.32.497Retirement allowance for members entering system before April 25, 1973Election.
HTMLPDF 41.32.498Retirement allowance for members entering system after April 25, 1973, or in lieu of allowance under RCW 41.32.497.
HTMLPDF 41.32.4986Members with thirty years of serviceIrrevocable election.
HTMLPDF 41.32.4991Permanent retirement allowance adjustment.
HTMLPDF 41.32.4992Monthly benefit increase.
HTMLPDF 41.32.500Termination of membership.
HTMLPDF 41.32.510Payment on withdrawalReentry.
HTMLPDF 41.32.520Payment on death before retirement or within sixty days following application for disability retirementMilitary service.
HTMLPDF 41.32.522Death benefits.
HTMLPDF 41.32.523Death benefitsMembers not qualified for benefits under RCW 41.32.522 and retired former members.
HTMLPDF 41.32.530Options availableRetirement allowance adjustmentCourt-approved property settlement.
HTMLPDF 41.32.540Disability allowanceTemporary.
HTMLPDF 41.32.550Options and allowances on report that disability will be permanentReexamination.
HTMLPDF 41.32.555Persons with annual half-time contractsEligibility for benefits under RCW 41.32.550.
HTMLPDF 41.32.570Postretirement employmentReduction or suspension of pension payments.
HTMLPDF 41.32.581End of participation in judicial retirement account planNewly elected or appointed judges.
HTMLPDF 41.32.584Additional benefit for justices or judgesOne-time irrevocable election.
HTMLPDF 41.32.587Justices or judges retirement allowanceIn lieu of RCW 41.32.498.
"PLAN 2"
HTMLPDF 41.32.755Provisions applicable to plan 2.
HTMLPDF 41.32.760Computation of the retirement allowance.
HTMLPDF 41.32.762Lump sum retirement allowanceReentryConditions for reinstatement of service.
HTMLPDF 41.32.765Retirement for service.
HTMLPDF 41.32.768Member with terminal illnessRemoval from system.
HTMLPDF 41.32.770Post-retirement cost-of-living.
HTMLPDF 41.32.780Teachers required to be members.
HTMLPDF 41.32.785Options for payment of retirement allowancesRetirement allowance adjustmentCourt-approved property settlement.
HTMLPDF 41.32.790Earned disability allowanceEligibilityDisposition upon death of recipient.
HTMLPDF 41.32.795Application for and effective date of retirement allowances.
HTMLPDF 41.32.800Suspension of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reinstatement.
HTMLPDF 41.32.802Reduction of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reestablishment of membership.
HTMLPDF 41.32.805Death benefits.
HTMLPDF 41.32.810Service credit for paid leave of absence, officers of labor organizations, unpaid leave of absence, military service.
HTMLPDF 41.32.812Service credit for half-time employment from October 1, 1977, through December 31, 1986.
HTMLPDF 41.32.813One-time purchase of service creditConditionsPaymentRules.
HTMLPDF 41.32.815Vested membership.
HTMLPDF 41.32.817Transfer to plan 3Irrevocable option.
HTMLPDF 41.32.818Public employees' retirement system members who previously declined membership in the teachers' retirement systemTransfer to plan 3Irrevocable option.
HTMLPDF 41.32.820Refund of contributions on termination.
HTMLPDF 41.32.825Reentry.
"PLAN 3"
HTMLPDF 41.32.831Provisions applicable to plan 3Plan 3 elements.
HTMLPDF 41.32.835Choice of membership in plan 2 or plan 3.
HTMLPDF 41.32.836Higher education facultyOption to transfer to plan 3Limitation on supplemental benefits under RCW 28B.10.400.
HTMLPDF 41.32.837Right to waive benefitIrrevocable choice.
HTMLPDF 41.32.840Computation of the retirement allowance.
HTMLPDF 41.32.8401Additional payment.
HTMLPDF 41.32.845Postretirement cost-of-living allowance.
HTMLPDF 41.32.851Options for payment of retirement allowancesCourt-approved property settlement.
HTMLPDF 41.32.855Application for and effective date of retirement allowances.
HTMLPDF 41.32.860Suspension of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reinstatement.
HTMLPDF 41.32.862Reduction of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reestablishment of membership.
HTMLPDF 41.32.865Service credit for paid leave of absence, officers of labor organizations, unpaid leave of absence, military service.
HTMLPDF 41.32.867Purchased service creditAllocation.
HTMLPDF 41.32.868One-time purchase of service creditConditionsPaymentRules.
HTMLPDF 41.32.870Lump sum paymentsReentry.
HTMLPDF 41.32.875Retirement eligibility.
HTMLPDF 41.32.878Member with terminal illnessRemoval from system.
HTMLPDF 41.32.880Earned disability allowanceEligibilityDisposition upon death of recipient.
HTMLPDF 41.32.892Restored, purchased service credit under plan 2Transfer to plan 3.
HTMLPDF 41.32.895Death benefits.


Numerical designations1998 c 341: See note following chapter 41.26 RCW digest.
Prior acts relating to teachers' retirement: (1) 1943 c 116; 1941 c 97; 1939 c 86, 40; 1937 c 221 (repealed by 1947 c 80 s 70).
(2) 1931 c 115; 1923 c 187; 1919 c 150; 1917 c 163 (repealed by 1937 c 221 s 14).
Employee salary or compensationLimitations respecting: RCW 28A.400.220.
Portability of public retirement benefits: Chapter 41.54 RCW.
Teachers in state correctional facilities as members of teachers' retirement fund: RCW 72.01.200.


Provisions applicable to "plan 1," "plan 2," and "plan 3."

RCW 41.32.010 through 41.32.067 shall apply to members of plan 1, plan 2, and plan 3.


Effective date1995 c 239: "This act shall take effect July 1, 1996, except that sections 301 and 302 of this act shall take effect immediately [March 13, 1996]." [ 1996 c 39 s 23; 1995 c 239 s 327.]
Part and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: "Part headings and subchapter headings as used in this act constitute no part of the law." [ 1995 c 239 s 328.]
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
FindingsConstruction1990 c 274: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Purpose1989 c 272: "The legislature recognizes that inflation erodes the purchasing power of retirement benefits. Although the benefit provided to state retirees from social security is fully protected, the benefits provided by the public employees' retirement system, plan 1, and the teachers' retirement system, plan 1 provide an automatic cost-of-living adjustment only for persons who receive the minimum benefit.
The purpose of this act is to add provisions to the teachers' retirement system and the public employees' retirement system which will help mitigate the impact of inflation on retirees of those systems. These additional provisions are intended to reflect and implement the following policies:
(1) The minimum benefit is increased in order to provide a more adequate basic standard of living to persons who retired long ago under lower salaries and less generous retirement benefit formulas; and
(2) Retirees whose benefits have lost forty percent of their purchasing power are made eligible for automatic adjustments which are provided in a manner that is consistent with the retirement age and benefit provisions of plan 2 of the teachers' retirement system and the public employees' retirement system." [ 1989 c 272 s 1.]
Effective dateSeverability1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.


As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:
(1)(a) "Accumulated contributions" for plan 1 members, means the sum of all regular annuity contributions and, except for the purpose of withdrawal at the time of retirement, any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2) with regular interest thereon.
(b) "Accumulated contributions" for plan 2 members, means the sum of all contributions standing to the credit of a member in the member's individual account, including any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2), together with the regular interest thereon.
(2) "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value when computed upon the basis of such mortality tables and regulations as shall be adopted by the director and regular interest.
(3) "Adjustment ratio" means the value of index A divided by index B.
(4) "Annual increase" means, initially, fifty-nine cents per month per year of service which amount shall be increased each July 1st by three percent, rounded to the nearest cent.
(5) "Annuity" means the moneys payable per year during life by reason of accumulated contributions of a member.
(6) "Average final compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means the member's average earnable compensation of the highest consecutive sixty service credit months prior to such member's retirement, termination, or death. Periods constituting authorized leaves of absence may not be used in the calculation of average final compensation except under RCW 41.32.810(2).
(7)(a) "Beneficiary" for plan 1 members, means any person in receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter.
(b) "Beneficiary" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means any person in receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter resulting from service rendered to an employer by another person.
(8) "Contract" means any agreement for service and compensation between a member and an employer.
(9) "Creditable service" means membership service plus prior service for which credit is allowable. This subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(10) "Department" means the department of retirement systems created in chapter 41.50 RCW.
(11) "Dependent" means receiving one-half or more of support from a member.
(12) "Director" means the director of the department.
(13) "Disability allowance" means monthly payments during disability. This subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(14)(a) "Earnable compensation" for plan 1 members, means:
(i) All salaries and wages paid by an employer to an employee member of the retirement system for personal services rendered during a fiscal year. In all cases where compensation includes maintenance the employer shall fix the value of that part of the compensation not paid in money.
(ii) For an employee member of the retirement system teaching in an extended school year program, two consecutive extended school years, as defined by the employer school district, may be used as the annual period for determining earnable compensation in lieu of the two fiscal years.
(iii) "Earnable compensation" for plan 1 members also includes the following actual or imputed payments, which are not paid for personal services:
(A) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on reinstatement of the employee in a position, or payments by an employer to an individual in lieu of reinstatement in a position which are awarded or granted as the equivalent of the salary or wages which the individual would have earned during a payroll period shall be considered earnable compensation and the individual shall receive the equivalent service credit.
(B) If a leave of absence, without pay, is taken by a member for the purpose of serving as a member of the state legislature, and such member has served in the legislature five or more years, the salary which would have been received for the position from which the leave of absence was taken shall be considered as compensation earnable if the employee's contribution thereon is paid by the employee. In addition, where a member has been a member of the state legislature for five or more years, earnable compensation for the member's two highest compensated consecutive years of service shall include a sum not to exceed thirty-six hundred dollars for each of such two consecutive years, regardless of whether or not legislative service was rendered during those two years.
(iv) For members employed less than full time under written contract with a school district, or community college district, in an instructional position, for which the member receives service credit of less than one year in all of the years used to determine the earnable compensation used for computing benefits due under RCW 41.32.497, 41.32.498, and 41.32.520, the member may elect to have earnable compensation defined as provided in RCW 41.32.345. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "instructional position" means a position in which more than seventy-five percent of the member's time is spent as a classroom instructor (including office hours), a librarian, a psychologist, a social worker, a nurse, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a speech language pathologist or audiologist, or a counselor. Earnable compensation shall be so defined only for the purpose of the calculation of retirement benefits and only as necessary to insure that members who receive fractional service credit under RCW 41.32.270 receive benefits proportional to those received by members who have received full-time service credit.
(v) "Earnable compensation" does not include:
(A) Remuneration for unused sick leave authorized under RCW 41.04.340, 28A.400.210, or 28A.310.490;
(B) Remuneration for unused annual leave in excess of two hundred forty hours as authorized by RCW 43.01.044 and 43.01.041.
(b) "Earnable compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means salaries or wages earned by a member during a payroll period for personal services, including overtime payments, and shall include wages and salaries deferred under provisions established pursuant to sections 403(b), 414(h), and 457 of the United States Internal Revenue Code, but shall exclude lump sum payments for deferred annual sick leave, unused accumulated vacation, unused accumulated annual leave, or any form of severance pay.
"Earnable compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members also includes the following actual or imputed payments which, except in the case of (b)(ii)(B) of this subsection, are not paid for personal services:
(i) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on reinstatement of the employee in a position or payments by an employer to an individual in lieu of reinstatement in a position which are awarded or granted as the equivalent of the salary or wages which the individual would have earned during a payroll period shall be considered earnable compensation, to the extent provided above, and the individual shall receive the equivalent service credit.
(ii) In any year in which a member serves in the legislature the member shall have the option of having such member's earnable compensation be the greater of:
(A) The earnable compensation the member would have received had such member not served in the legislature; or
(B) Such member's actual earnable compensation received for teaching and legislative service combined. Any additional contributions to the retirement system required because compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(A) of this subsection is greater than compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(B) of this subsection shall be paid by the member for both member and employer contributions.
(c) In calculating earnable compensation under (a) or (b) of this subsection, the department of retirement systems shall include:
(i) Any compensation forgone by a member employed by a state agency or institution during the 2009-2011 fiscal biennium as a result of reduced work hours, mandatory or voluntary leave without pay, temporary reduction in pay implemented prior to December 11, 2010, or temporary layoffs if the reduced compensation is an integral part of the employer's expenditure reduction efforts, as certified by the employer;
(ii) Any compensation forgone by a member during the 2011-2013 fiscal biennium as a result of reduced work hours, mandatory leave without pay, temporary layoffs, or reductions to current pay if the reduced compensation is an integral part of the employer's expenditure reduction efforts, as certified by the employer. Reductions to current pay shall not include elimination of previously agreed upon future salary reductions; and
(iii) Any compensation forgone by a member during the 2019-2021 and 2021-2023 fiscal biennia as a result of reduced work hours, mandatory leave without pay, temporary layoffs, furloughs, reductions to current pay, or other similar measures resulting from the COVID-19 budgetary crisis, if the reduced compensation is an integral part of the employer's expenditure reduction efforts, as certified by the employer. Reductions to current pay shall not include elimination of previously agreed upon future salary increases.
(15)(a) "Eligible position" for plan 2 members from June 7, 1990, through September 1, 1991, means a position which normally requires two or more uninterrupted months of creditable service during September through August of the following year.
(b) "Eligible position" for plan 2 and plan 3 on and after September 1, 1991, means a position that, as defined by the employer, normally requires five or more months of at least seventy hours of earnable compensation during September through August of the following year.
(c) For purposes of this chapter an employer shall not define "position" in such a manner that an employee's monthly work for that employer is divided into more than one position.
(d) The elected position of the superintendent of public instruction is an eligible position.
(16) "Employed" or "employee" means a person who is providing services for compensation to an employer, unless the person is free from the employer's direction and control over the performance of work. The department shall adopt rules and interpret this subsection consistent with common law.
(17) "Employer" means the state of Washington, the school district, or any agency of the state of Washington by which the member is paid. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, "employer" does not include a government contractor. For purposes of this subsection, a "government contractor" is any entity, including a partnership, limited liability company, for-profit or nonprofit corporation, or person, that provides services pursuant to a contract with an employer. The determination whether an employer-employee relationship has been established is not based on the relationship between a government contractor and an employer, but is based solely on the relationship between a government contractor's employee and an employer under this chapter. For the purposes of retirement plan membership, this subsection includes tribal schools who have chosen to participate in the retirement system and satisfied the requirements of RCW 28A.715.010(7).
(18) "Fiscal year" means a year which begins July 1st and ends June 30th of the following year.
(19) "Former state fund" means the state retirement fund in operation for teachers under chapter 187, Laws of 1923, as amended.
(20) "Index" means, for any calendar year, that year's annual average consumer price index, Seattle, Washington area, for urban wage earners and clerical workers, all items compiled by the bureau of labor statistics, United States department of labor.
(21) "Index A" means the index for the year prior to the determination of a postretirement adjustment.
(22) "Index B" means the index for the year prior to index A.
(23) "Index year" means the earliest calendar year in which the index is more than sixty percent of index A.
(24) "Local fund" means any of the local retirement funds for teachers operated in any school district in accordance with the provisions of chapter 163, Laws of 1917 as amended.
(25) "Member" means any teacher included in the membership of the retirement system who has not been removed from membership under RCW 41.32.878 or 41.32.768. Also, any other employee of the public schools who, on July 1, 1947, had not elected to be exempt from membership and who, prior to that date, had by an authorized payroll deduction, contributed to the member reserve.
(26) "Member account" or "member's account" for purposes of plan 3 means the sum of the contributions and earnings on behalf of the member in the defined contribution portion of plan 3.
(27) "Member reserve" means the fund in which all of the accumulated contributions of members are held.
(28) "Membership service" means service rendered subsequent to the first day of eligibility of a person to membership in the retirement system: PROVIDED, That where a member is employed by two or more employers the individual shall receive no more than one service credit month during any calendar month in which multiple service is rendered. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(29) "Pension" means the moneys payable per year during life from the pension reserve.
(30) "Pension reserve" is a fund in which shall be accumulated an actuarial reserve adequate to meet present and future pension liabilities of the system and from which all pension obligations are to be paid.
(31) "Plan 1" means the teachers' retirement system, plan 1 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who first became members of the system prior to October 1, 1977.
(32) "Plan 2" means the teachers' retirement system, plan 2 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who first became members of the system on and after October 1, 1977, and prior to July 1, 1996.
(33) "Plan 3" means the teachers' retirement system, plan 3 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who first become members of the system on and after July 1, 1996, or who transfer under RCW 41.32.817.
(34) "Prior service" means service rendered prior to the first date of eligibility to membership in the retirement system for which credit is allowable. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(35) "Prior service contributions" means contributions made by a member to secure credit for prior service. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(36) "Public school" means any institution or activity operated by the state of Washington or any instrumentality or political subdivision thereof employing teachers, except the University of Washington and Washington State University. For the purposes of retirement plan membership, this subsection includes tribal schools who have chosen to participate in the retirement system and satisfied the requirements of RCW 28A.715.010(7).
(37) "Regular contributions" means the amounts required to be deducted from the compensation of a member and credited to the member's individual account in the member reserve. This subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(38) "Regular interest" means such rate as the director may determine.
(39) "Retiree" means any person who has begun accruing a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter resulting from service rendered to an employer while a member.
(40)(a) "Retirement allowance" for plan 1 members, means monthly payments based on the sum of annuity and pension, or any optional benefits payable in lieu thereof.
(b) "Retirement allowance" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means monthly payments to a retiree or beneficiary as provided in this chapter.
(41) "Retirement system" means the Washington state teachers' retirement system.
(42) "Separation from service or employment" occurs when a person has terminated all employment with an employer. Separation from service or employment does not occur, and if claimed by an employer or employee may be a violation of RCW 41.32.055, when an employee and employer have a written or oral agreement to resume employment with the same employer following termination. Mere expressions or inquiries about postretirement employment by an employer or employee that do not constitute a commitment to reemploy the employee after retirement are not an agreement under this section.
(43)(a) "Service" for plan 1 members means the time during which a member has been employed by an employer for compensation.
(i) If a member is employed by two or more employers the individual shall receive no more than one service credit month during any calendar month in which multiple service is rendered.
(ii) As authorized by RCW 28A.400.300, up to forty-five days of sick leave may be creditable as service solely for the purpose of determining eligibility to retire under RCW 41.32.470.
(iii) As authorized in RCW 41.32.065, service earned in an out-of-state retirement system that covers teachers in public schools may be applied solely for the purpose of determining eligibility to retire under RCW 41.32.470.
(iv) Reduction efforts such as furloughs, reduced work hours, mandatory leave without pay, temporary layoffs, or other similar situations as contemplated by subsection (14)(c)(iii) of this section do not result in a reduction in service credit that otherwise would have been earned for that month of work, and the member shall receive the full service credit for the hours that were scheduled to be worked before the reduction.
(b) "Service" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means periods of employment by a member for one or more employers for which earnable compensation is earned subject to the following conditions:
(i) A member employed in an eligible position or as a substitute shall receive one service credit month for each month of September through August of the following year if he or she earns earnable compensation for eight hundred ten or more hours during that period and is employed during nine of those months, except that a member may not receive credit for any period prior to the member's employment in an eligible position except as provided in RCW 41.32.812 and 41.50.132.
(ii) Any other member employed in an eligible position or as a substitute who earns earnable compensation during the period from September through August shall receive service credit according to one of the following methods, whichever provides the most service credit to the member:
(A) If a member is employed either in an eligible position or as a substitute teacher for nine months of the twelve-month period between September through August of the following year but earns earnable compensation for less than eight hundred ten hours but for at least six hundred thirty hours, he or she will receive one-half of a service credit month for each month of the twelve-month period;
(B) If a member is employed in an eligible position or as a substitute teacher for at least five months of a six-month period between September through August of the following year and earns earnable compensation for six hundred thirty or more hours within the six-month period, he or she will receive a maximum of six service credit months for the school year, which shall be recorded as one service credit month for each month of the six-month period;
(C) All other members employed in an eligible position or as a substitute teacher shall receive service credit as follows:
(I) A service credit month is earned in those calendar months where earnable compensation is earned for ninety or more hours;
(II) A half-service credit month is earned in those calendar months where earnable compensation is earned for at least seventy hours but less than ninety hours; and
(III) A quarter-service credit month is earned in those calendar months where earnable compensation is earned for less than seventy hours.
(iii) Any person who is a member of the teachers' retirement system and who is elected or appointed to a state elective position may continue to be a member of the retirement system and continue to receive a service credit month for each of the months in a state elective position by making the required member contributions.
(iv) When an individual is employed by two or more employers the individual shall only receive one month's service credit during any calendar month in which multiple service for ninety or more hours is rendered.
(v) As authorized by RCW 28A.400.300, up to forty-five days of sick leave may be creditable as service solely for the purpose of determining eligibility to retire under RCW 41.32.470. For purposes of plan 2 and plan 3 "forty-five days" as used in RCW 28A.400.300 is equal to two service credit months. Use of less than forty-five days of sick leave is creditable as allowed under this subsection as follows:
(A) Less than eleven days equals one-quarter service credit month;
(B) Eleven or more days but less than twenty-two days equals one-half service credit month;
(C) Twenty-two days equals one service credit month;
(D) More than twenty-two days but less than thirty-three days equals one and one-quarter service credit month;
(E) Thirty-three or more days but less than forty-five days equals one and one-half service credit month.
(vi) As authorized in RCW 41.32.065, service earned in an out-of-state retirement system that covers teachers in public schools may be applied solely for the purpose of determining eligibility to retire under RCW 41.32.470.
(vii) Reduction efforts such as furloughs, reduced work hours, mandatory leave without pay, temporary layoffs, or other similar situations as contemplated by subsection (14)(c)(iii) of this section do not result in a reduction in service credit that otherwise would have been earned for that month of work, and the member shall receive the full service credit for the hours that were scheduled to be worked before the reduction.
(viii) The department shall adopt rules implementing this subsection.
(44) "Service credit month" means a full service credit month or an accumulation of partial service credit months that are equal to one.
(45) "Service credit year" means an accumulation of months of service credit which is equal to one when divided by twelve.
(46) "State actuary" or "actuary" means the person appointed pursuant to RCW 44.44.010(2).
(47) "State elective position" means any position held by any person elected or appointed to statewide office or elected or appointed as a member of the legislature.
(48) "Substitute teacher" means:
(a) A teacher who is hired by an employer to work as a temporary teacher, except for teachers who are annual contract employees of an employer and are guaranteed a minimum number of hours; or
(b) Teachers who either (i) work in ineligible positions for more than one employer or (ii) work in an ineligible position or positions together with an eligible position.
(49) "Teacher" means any person qualified to teach who is engaged by a public school in an instructional, administrative, or supervisory capacity. The term includes state, educational service district, and school district superintendents and their assistants and all employees certificated by the superintendent of public instruction; and in addition thereto any full time school doctor who is employed by a public school and renders service of an instructional or educational nature.
[ 2021 c 12 s 3; 2018 c 257 s 2; 2012 c 236 s 3; 2011 1st sp.s. c 5 s 2. Prior: 2010 2nd sp.s. c 1 s 904; 2010 1st sp.s. c 32 s 7; prior: 2008 c 204 s 1; 2008 c 175 s 1; prior: 2007 c 398 s 3; 2007 c 50 s 1; prior: 2005 c 131 s 8; 2005 c 23 s 1; 2003 c 31 s 1; 1997 c 254 s 3; 1996 c 39 s 1; prior: 1995 c 345 s 9; 1995 c 239 s 102; prior: 1994 c 298 s 3; 1994 c 247 s 2; 1994 c 197 s 12; 1993 c 95 s 7; prior: 1992 c 212 s 1; 1992 c 3 s 3; prior: 1991 c 343 s 3; 1991 c 35 s 31; 1990 c 274 s 2; 1987 c 265 s 1; 1985 c 13 s 6; prior: 1984 c 256 s 1; 1984 c 5 s 1; 1983 c 5 s 1; 1982 1st ex.s. c 52 s 6; 1981 c 256 s 5; 1979 ex.s. c 249 s 5; 1977 ex.s. c 293 s 18; 1975 1st ex.s. c 275 s 149; 1974 ex.s. c 199 s 1; 1969 ex.s. c 176 s 95; 1967 c 50 s 11; 1965 ex.s. c 81 s 1; 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 1; 1955 c 274 s 1; 1947 c 80 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-20; prior: 1941 c 97 s 1; 1939 c 86 s 1; 1937 c 221 s 1; 1931 c 115 s 1; 1923 c 187 s 1; 1917 c 163 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-1.]


Retroactive application2021 c 12: See note following RCW 41.26.030.
ContingencyConflict with federal law2018 c 257: See note following RCW 28A.715.010.
PurposeApplication2012 c 236: See note following RCW 41.26.030.
Effective date2011 1st sp.s. c 5: See note following RCW 41.26.030.
Effective date2010 2nd sp.s. c 1: See note following RCW 38.52.105.
IntentConflict with federal requirementsEffective date2010 1st sp.s. c 32: See notes following RCW 42.04.060.
Findings2007 c 398: See note following RCW 28A.405.415.
Effective date2005 c 131: See note following RCW 41.40.823.
IntentConstructionApplication1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.
Effective dates1996 c 39: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1996, with the exception of section 23 of this act, which shall take effect immediately [March 13, 1996]." [ 1996 c 39 s 25.]
IntentEffective date1995 c 345: See notes following RCW 41.32.489.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Intent1994 c 298: See note following RCW 41.40.010.
Effective date1994 c 247: See note following RCW 41.32.4991.
IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Retroactive applicationEffective date1993 c 95: See notes following RCW 41.40.175.
FindingsEffective dates1991 c 343: See notes following RCW 41.50.005.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Findings1990 c 274: "(1) The current system for calculating service credit for school district employees is difficult and costly to administer. By changing from the current hours per month calculation to an hours per year calculation, the accumulation of service credit by school district employees will be easier to understand and to administer.
(2) The current system for granting service credit for substitute teachers is difficult and costly to administer. By notifying substitute teachers of their eligibility for service credit and allowing the substitute teacher to apply for service credit, the accumulation of service credit by substitute teachers will be easier to understand and to administer.
(3) Currently, temporary employees in eligible positions in the public employees' retirement system are exempted from membership in the system for up to six months. If the position lasts for longer than six months the employee is made a member retroactively. This conditional exemption causes tracking problems for the department of retirement systems and places a heavy financial burden for back contributions on a temporary employee who crosses the six-month barrier. Under the provisions of this act all persons, other than retirees, who are hired in an eligible position will become members immediately, thereby alleviating the problems described in this section.
(4) The legislature finds that retirees from the plan 2 systems of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system, the teachers' retirement system, and the public employees' retirement system, may not work for a nonfederal public employer without suffering a suspension of their retirement benefits. This fails to recognize the current and projected demographics indicating the decreasing workforce and that the expertise possessed by retired workers can provide a substantial benefit to the state. At the same time, the legislature recognizes that a person who is working full time should have his or her pension delayed until he or she enters full or partial retirement. By allowing plan 2 retirees to work in ineligible positions, the competing concerns listed above are both properly addressed." [ 1990 c 274 s 1.]
IntentReservation1990 c 274 ss 2, 4: "(1) The 1990 amendments to RCW 41.32.010(27)(b) and 41.40.450 are intended by the legislature to effect administrative, rather than substantive, changes to the affected retirement plan. The legislature therefore reserves the right to revoke or amend the 1990 amendments to RCW 41.32.010(27)(b) and 41.40.450. No member is entitled to have his or her service credit calculated under the 1990 amendments to RCW 41.32.010(27)(b) and 41.40.450 as a matter of contractual right.
(2) The department's retroactive application of the changes made in RCW 41.32.010(27)(b) to all service rendered between October 1, 1977, and August 31, 1990, is consistent with the legislative intent of the 1990 changes to RCW 41.32.010(27)(b)." [ 1994 c 177 s 10; 1990 c 274 s 18.]
Effective date1990 c 274: "Sections 1 through 8 of this act shall take effect September 1, 1990." [ 1990 c 274 s 21.]
Construction1990 c 274: "This act shall not be construed as affecting any existing right acquired or liability or obligation incurred under the sections amended or repealed in this act or under any rule or order adopted under those sections, nor as affecting any proceeding instituted under those sections." [ 1990 c 274 s 17.]
PurposeApplicationRetrospective application1985 c 13:See notes following RCW 41.04.445.
Effective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 52: See note following RCW 2.10.180.
PurposeSeverability1981 c 256: See notes following RCW 41.26.030.
Effective dateSeverability1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.
Emergency1974 ex.s. c 199: "This 1974 amendatory act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately." [ 1974 ex.s. c 199 s 7.]
Severability1974 ex.s. c 199: "If any provision of this 1974 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1974 ex.s. c 199 s 8.]
Construction1974 ex.s. c 199: "(1) Subsection (3) of section 4 of this 1974 amendatory act relating to elected and appointed officials shall be retroactive to January 1, 1973.
(2) Amendatory language contained in subsection (11) of section 1 relating to members as members of the legislature and in provisos (2) and (3) of section 2 of this 1974 amendatory act shall only apply to those members who are serving as a state senator, state representative or state superintendent of public instruction on or after the effective date of this 1974 amendatory act.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this 1974 amendatory act, RCW 41.32.497 as last amended by section 2, chapter 189, Laws of 1973 1st ex. sess. shall be applicable to any member serving as a state senator, state representative or superintendent of public instruction on the effective date of this 1974 amendatory act." [ 1974 ex.s. c 199 s 5.]
Reviser's note: (1) "Subsection (3) of section 4 of this 1974 amendatory act" is codified as RCW 41.32.498(3).
(2) Sections 1 and 2 of 1974 ex.s. c 199 consist of amendments to RCW 41.32.010 and 41.32.260. For amendatory language, a portion of which was vetoed, see the 1973-1974 session laws.
(3) "this 1974 amendatory act" [1974 ex.s. c 199] is codified in RCW 41.32.010, 41.32.260, 41.32.497, 41.32.498, and 41.32.4945. The effective date of 1974 ex.s. c 199 is May 6,1974.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 176: The effective date of the amendments to this section and RCW 41.32.420 is April 25, 1969.
Effective date1967 c 50: "This 1967 amendatory act shall take effect on July 1, 1967." [ 1967 c 50 s 12.]
Severability1967 c 50: "If any provision of this 1967 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of this 1967 amendatory act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1967 c 50 s 13.]
Severability1965 ex.s. c 81: "If any provision of this act is held to be invalid the remainder of this act shall not be affected." [ 1965 ex.s. c 81 s 9.]
Effective date1965 ex.s. c 81: "The effective date of this act is July 1, 1965." [ 1965 ex.s. c 81 s 10.]
Savings1963 ex.s. c 14: "The amendment of any section by this 1963 act shall not be construed as impairing any existing right acquired or any liability incurred by any member under the provisions of the section amended; nor shall it affect any vested right of any former member who reenters public school employment or becomes reinstated as a member subsequent to the effective date of such act." [ 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 23.]
Severability1963 ex.s. c 14: "If any provision of this act is held to be invalid the remainder of the act shall not be affected." [ 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 24.]
Effective date1963 ex.s. c 14: "The effective date of this act is July 1, 1964." [ 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 26.]

ConstructionChapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships2009 c 521.

For the purposes of this chapter, the terms spouse, marriage, marital, husband, wife, widow, widower, next of kin, and family shall be interpreted as applying equally to state registered domestic partnerships or individuals in state registered domestic partnerships as well as to marital relationships and married persons, and references to dissolution of marriage shall apply equally to state registered domestic partnerships that have been terminated, dissolved, or invalidated, to the extent that such interpretation does not conflict with federal law. Where necessary to implement chapter 521, Laws of 2009, gender-specific terms such as husband and wife used in any statute, rule, or other law shall be construed to be gender neutral, and applicable to individuals in state registered domestic partnerships.
[ 2009 c 521 s 95. Formerly RCW 41.32.950.]


Effective dates2009 c 521 ss 5-8, 79, 87-103, 107, 151, 165, 166, 173-175, and 190-192: See note following RCW 2.10.900.

Substitute teachersApplication for service creditProcedures.

Substitute teachers may apply to the department to receive service credit or credit for earnable compensation or both after the end of the last day of instruction of the school year during which the service was performed.
(1) The application must:
(a) Include a list of the employers the substitute teacher has worked for;
(b) Include proof of hours worked and compensation earned; and
(c) Be made prior to retirement.
(2) If the department accepts the substitute teacher's application for service credit, the substitute teacher may obtain service credit by paying the required contribution to the retirement system. The employer must pay the required employer contribution upon notice from the department that the substitute teacher has made contributions under this section.
(3) The department shall charge interest prospectively on employee contributions that are submitted under this section more than six months after the end of the school year, as defined in *RCW 28A.150.040, for which the substitute teacher is seeking service credit. The interest rate charged to the employee shall take into account interest lost on employer contributions delayed for more than six months after the end of the school year.
(4) Each employer shall quarterly notify each substitute teacher it has employed during the school year of the number of hours worked by, and the compensation paid to, the substitute teacher.
(5) The department shall adopt rules implementing this section.
(6) If a substitute teacher as defined in **RCW 41.32.010(36)(b)(ii) applies to the department under this section for credit for earnable compensation earned from an employer the substitute teacher must make contributions for all periods of service for that employer.


Reviser's note: *(1) RCW 28A.150.040 was repealed by 2009 c 548 s 710, effective September 1, 2011.
**(2) RCW 41.32.010 was alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k), changing subsection (36)(b)(ii) to subsection (48)(b)(ii).
FindingsEffective dates1991 c 343: See notes following RCW 41.50.005.
FindingsEffective dateConstruction1990 c 274: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Name of system.

The name of the retirement system provided for in this chapter shall be the "Washington State Teachers' Retirement System" and by this name all of its business shall be transacted and all of its funds invested and all of its cash, securities and other property held.
[ 1947 c 80 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-21. Prior: 1937 c 221 s 2; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-2.]

Department's power to determine eligibility.

The department is empowered within the limits of this chapter and, with regard to restoration of service credit under RCW 41.50.165(2), to decide on all questions of eligibility covering membership, service credit, and benefits.
[ 1994 c 197 s 13; 1991 c 35 s 35; 1955 c 274 s 3; 1947 c 80 s 16; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-35. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 2, part; 1937 c 221 s 3, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-3, part. Formerly RCW 41.32.160.]


IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.

Membership in systemService credit of educational staff associates.

(1) Any teacher, as defined under RCW 41.32.010, who is first employed by a public school on or after June 7, 1984, shall become a member of the retirement system if otherwise eligible.
(2) Any person who before June 7, 1984, has established service credit under chapter 41.40 RCW while employed in an educational staff associate position and who is employed in such a position on or after June 7, 1984, has the following options:
(a) To remain a member of the public employees' retirement system notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 41.32.240 or 41.32.780; or
(b) To irrevocably elect to join the retirement system under this chapter and to receive service credit for previous periods of employment in any position included under RCW 41.32.010. This service credit and corresponding employee contribution shall be computed as though the person had then been a member of the retirement system under this chapter. All employee contributions credited to a member under chapter 41.40 RCW for service now to be credited to the retirement system under this chapter shall be transferred to the system and the member shall not receive any credit nor enjoy any rights under chapter 41.40 RCW for those periods of service. The member shall pay any difference between the employee contributions made under chapter 41.40 RCW and transferred under this subsection and what would have been required under this chapter, including interest as set by the director. The member shall be given until July 1, 1989, to make the irrevocable election permitted under this section. The election shall be made by submitting written notification as required by the department requesting credit under this section and by remitting any necessary proof of service or payments within the time set by the department.
Any person, not employed as an educational staff associate on June 7, 1984, may, before June 30 of the fifth school year after that person's return to employment as a teacher, request and establish membership and credit under this subsection.


IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Membership in systemCharter school employers and employees.

This section designates charter schools established under chapter 28A.710 RCW as employers and charter school employees as members, and applies only if the department of retirement systems receives determinations from the internal revenue service and the United States department of labor that participation does not jeopardize the status of these retirement systems as governmental plans under the federal employees' retirement income security act and the internal revenue code.
[ 2016 c 241 s 133. Prior: 2013 c 2 s 303 (Initiative Measure No. 1240, approved November 6, 2012).]


Effective date2016 c 241: See RCW 28A.710.901.

Employer contribution ratesComputation and payment.

The amount paid by each employer shall be computed by applying the rates established under chapter 41.45 RCW to the total earnable compensation of the employer's members as shown on the current payrolls of the employer. The employer's contribution shall be paid at the end of each month in the amount due for that month, except as provided in RCW 41.32.013.


FindingsEffective dateConstruction1990 c 274: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Effective date1984 c 236: "This act shall take effect September 1, 1985. However, rules necessary for the implementation of this act may be promulgated by appropriate state agencies prior to the effective date." [ 1984 c 236 s 6.]
Severability1984 c 236: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1984 c 236 s 5.]

Validity of deductionsInterest.

The deductions from salaries of members of the retirement system for their contributions to the system are not considered diminution of pay and every member is conclusively presumed to consent thereto as a condition of employment. All contributions to the member reserve shall be credited to the individual for whose account the deductions from salary were made. Regular interest shall be credited to each member's account at least annually.
[ 1992 c 212 s 9; 1982 1st ex.s. c 52 s 13; 1947 c 80 s 46; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-65. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 5, part; 1939 c 86 s 5, part; 1937 c 221 s 6, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-6, part. Formerly RCW 41.32.460.]


Effective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 52: See note following RCW 2.10.180.

Retired teacher may reenter systemBenefit limitations.

A retired teacher upon returning to service in the public schools of Washington may elect to again become a member of the retirement system: PROVIDED, That if such a retired teacher elects to be restored to membership he or she must establish two full years of service credit before he or she will be eligible to retire under the provision of a formula other than the one in effect at the time of his or her previous retirement: PROVIDED FURTHER, That where any such right to again retire is exercised to become effective before a member has established two full years of service credit he or she may elect to retire only under the provisions of the formula in effect at the time of his or her previous retirement: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That this section shall not apply to any individual who has returned to service and is presently in service on *the effective date of this 1973 amendatory act.
[ 2012 c 117 s 56; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 32 s 5; 1947 c 80 s 58; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-77. Formerly RCW 41.32.580.]


*Reviser's note: "the effective date of this 1973 amendatory act," because of the emergency clause footnoted to RCW 41.32.310, is September 27, 1973, the date of approval by the governor.
EmergencySeverability1973 2nd ex.s. c 32: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.

Exemption from taxation and judicial processExceptionsNonassignabilityDeductions authorized.

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) of this section, the right of a person to a pension, an annuity, a retirement allowance, or disability allowance, to the return of contributions, any optional benefit or death benefit, any other right accrued or accruing to any person under the provisions of this chapter and the moneys in the various funds created by this chapter shall be unassignable, and are hereby exempt from any state, county, municipal or other local tax, and shall not be subject to execution, garnishment, attachment, the operation of bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or other process of law whatsoever whether the same be in actual possession of the person or be deposited or loaned.
(2) This section shall not be deemed to prohibit a beneficiary of a retirement allowance who is eligible:
(a) Under RCW 41.05.080 from authorizing monthly deductions therefrom for payment of premiums due on any group insurance policy or plan issued for the benefit of a group comprised of public employees of the state of Washington or its political subdivisions;
(b) Under a group health care benefit plan approved pursuant to RCW 28A.400.350 or 41.05.065 from authorizing monthly deductions therefrom, of the amount or amounts of subscription payments, premiums, or contributions to any person, firm, or corporation furnishing or providing medical, surgical, and hospital care or other health care insurance; or
(c) Under this system from authorizing monthly deductions therefrom for payment of dues and other membership fees to any retirement association composed of retired teachers and/or public employees pursuant to a written agreement between the director and the retirement association.
Deductions under (a) and (b) of this subsection shall be made in accordance with rules that may be adopted by the director.
(3) Subsection (1) of this section shall not prohibit the department from complying with (a) a wage assignment order for child support issued pursuant to chapter 26.18 RCW, (b) an order to withhold and deliver issued pursuant to chapter 74.20A RCW, (c) a notice of payroll deduction issued pursuant to *RCW 26.23.060, (d) a mandatory benefits assignment order issued by the department, (e) a court order directing the department of retirement systems to pay benefits directly to an obligee under a dissolution order as defined in RCW 41.50.500(3) which fully complies with RCW 41.50.670 and 41.50.700, or (f) any administrative or court order expressly authorized by federal law.


*Reviser's note: RCW 26.23.060 was amended by 2021 c 35 s 15, changing "notice of payroll deduction" to "income withholding order."
Severability1991 c 365: See note following RCW 41.50.500.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Effective date1987 c 326: See RCW 41.50.901.
Severability1981 c 294: See note following RCW 41.26.115.
Effective date1961 c 132: See note following RCW 41.32.240.

Death benefitCourse of employmentOccupational disease or infection.

(1) A one hundred fifty thousand dollar death benefit shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust or organization as the member has nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department. If no such designated person or persons are still living at the time of the member's death, the member's death benefit shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse as if in fact the spouse had been nominated by written designation, or if there is no surviving spouse, then to the member's legal representatives.
(2) The benefit under this section shall be paid only where death occurs as a result of (a) injuries sustained in the course of employment; or (b) an occupational disease or infection that arises naturally and proximately out of employment covered under this chapter. The determination of eligibility for the benefit shall be made consistent with Title 51 RCW by the department of labor and industries. The department of labor and industries shall notify the department of retirement systems by order under RCW 51.52.050.

Disability retirementCriminal conduct.

A member shall not receive a disability retirement benefit under RCW 41.32.540, 41.32.550, 41.32.790, or 41.32.880 if the disability is the result of criminal conduct by the member committed after April 21, 1997.


SeverabilityEffective date1997 c 103: See notes following RCW 41.26.061.


(1) Any person who shall knowingly make false statements or shall falsify or permit to be falsified any record or records of the retirement system, except under subsection (2) of this section, in any attempt to defraud such system as a result of such act, is guilty of a class B felony punishable according to chapter 9A.20 RCW.
(2) Any person who shall knowingly make false statements or shall falsify or permit to be falsified any record or records of the retirement systems related to a member's separation from service and qualification for a retirement allowance under RCW 41.32.480 in any attempt to defraud that system as a result of such an act, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
[ 2007 c 50 s 2; 2003 c 53 s 218; 1947 c 80 s 67; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-86. Prior: 1937 c 221 s 10. Formerly RCW 41.32.670.]


IntentEffective date2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.

Effect of certain accumulated vacation leave on retirement benefits.

RCW 43.01.044 shall not result in any increase in retirement benefits. The rights extended to state officers and employees under RCW 43.01.044 are not intended to and shall not have any effect on retirement benefits under this chapter.
[ 1983 c 283 s 3. Formerly RCW 41.32.850.]

Benefit calculationLimitation.

(1) The annual compensation taken into account in calculating retiree benefits under this system shall not exceed the limits imposed by section 401(a)(17) of the federal internal revenue code for qualified trusts.
(2) The department shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.

Establishing, restoring service credit.

Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, persons who fail to:
(1) Establish allowable membership service not previously credited;
(2) Restore all or a part of that previously credited membership service represented by withdrawn contributions; or
(3) Restore service credit represented by a lump sum payment in lieu of benefits, before the deadline established by statute, may do so under the conditions set forth in RCW 41.50.165.

Disabled in the line of dutyContinuation of service creditConditions.

Those members subject to this chapter who became disabled in the line of duty and who received or are receiving benefits under Title 51 RCW or a similar federal workers' compensation program shall receive or continue to receive service credit subject to the following:
(1) No member may receive more than one month's service credit in a calendar month.
(2) No service credit under this section may be allowed after a member separates or is separated without leave of absence.
(3) Employer contributions shall be paid by the employer at the rate in effect for the period of the service credited.
(4) Employee contributions shall be collected by the employer and paid to the department at the rate in effect for the period of service credited.
(5) Contributions shall be based on the regular compensation which the member would have received had the disability not occurred. If contribution payments are made retroactively, interest shall be charged at the rate set by the director on both employee and employer contributions. Service credit shall not be granted until the employee contribution has been paid.
(6) The service and compensation credit shall not be granted for a period to exceed twenty-four consecutive months.
(7) Should the legislature revoke the service credit authorized under this section or repeal this section, no affected employee is entitled to receive the credit as a matter of contractual right.

Election to use out-of-state service credit to calculate time at which the member may retire.

A member who has not purchased service credit under the provisions of RCW 41.32.813 or 41.32.868 may elect under this section to apply service credit earned in an out-of-state retirement system that covers teachers in public schools solely for the purpose of determining the time at which the member may retire. The benefit shall be actuarially reduced to recognize the difference between the age a member would have first been able to retire based on service in the state of Washington and the member's retirement age.


Effective date2006 c 257: See note following RCW 41.32.813.

Purchase of additional service creditCostsRules.

(1) A member eligible to retire under RCW 41.32.480, 41.32.765, or 41.32.875 may, at the time of filing a written application for retirement with the department, apply to the department to make a one-time purchase of up to five years of additional service credit.
(2) To purchase additional service credit under this section, a member shall pay the actuarial equivalent value of the resulting increase in the member's benefit.
(3) Subject to rules adopted by the department, a member purchasing additional service credit under this section may pay all or part of the cost with a lump sum payment, eligible rollover, direct rollover, or trustee-to-trustee transfer from an eligible retirement plan. The department shall adopt rules to ensure that all lump sum payments, rollovers, and transfers comply with the requirements of the internal revenue code and regulations adopted by the internal revenue service. The rules adopted by the department may condition the acceptance of a rollover or transfer from another plan on the receipt of information necessary to enable the department to determine the eligibility of any transferred funds for tax-free rollover treatment or other treatment under federal income tax law.
(4) Additional service credit purchased under this section is not membership service and shall be used exclusively to provide the member with a monthly annuity that is paid in addition to the member's retirement allowance.


Effective date2006 c 214: See note following RCW 41.40.034.

Purchase of additional benefitsConditions.

A member may purchase additional benefits subject to the following:
(1) The member shall pay all reasonable administrative and clerical costs; and
(2) The member shall make a member reserve contribution to be actuarially converted to a monthly benefit at the time of retirement.

"PLAN 1"

Provisions applicable to plan 1.

RCW 41.32.240 through * 41.32.575 shall apply only to members of plan 1.


*Reviser's note: RCW 41.32.575 was repealed by 1995 c 345 s 11.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.

Membership in system.

(1) All teachers employed full time in the public schools shall be members of the system except alien teachers who have been granted a temporary permit to teach as exchange teachers.
(2) A minimum of ninety days or the equivalent of ninety days of employment during a fiscal year shall be required to establish membership. A teacher shall be considered as employed full time if serving regularly for four-fifths or more of a school day or if assigned to duties which are the equivalent of four-fifths or more of a full time assignment. A teacher who is employed for less than full time service may become a member by filing an application with the retirement system, submitting satisfactory proof of teaching service and making the necessary payment before June 30 of the school year immediately following the one during which the service was rendered.
(3) After June 30th of the school year immediately following the one during which the less than full-time service was rendered, the necessary payment may be made under RCW 41.50.165(2).
[ 1994 c 197 s 14; 1991 c 35 s 38; 1979 ex.s. c 45 s 3; 1965 ex.s. c 81 s 3; 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 4; 1961 c 132 s 1; 1955 c 274 s 7; 1947 c 80 s 24; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-43. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 3, part; 1939 c 86 s 2, part; 1937 c 221 s 4, part; 1931 c 115 s 3, part; 1923 c 187 s 10, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-4, part.]


IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Effective date1979 ex.s. c 45: See note following RCW 41.26.040.
SeverabilityEffective date1965 ex.s. c 81: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
SavingsSeverabilityEffective date1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Effective date1961 c 132: "The provisions of this act shall be effective July 1, 1961." [ 1961 c 132 s 8.]
Eligibility for retirement allowance: RCW 41.32.470.

Credit for military service or as state legislator.

Any member whose public school service is interrupted by active service to the United States as a member of its uniformed services, or to the state of Washington, as a member of the legislature, may upon becoming reemployed in the public schools, receive credit for that service upon presenting satisfactory proof, and contributing to the member reserve, either in a lump sum or installments, amounts determined by the director. Except that no military service credit in excess of five years shall be established or reestablished after July 1, 1961, unless the service was actually rendered during time of war. This section shall be administered in a manner consistent with the requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act.
(1) The surviving spouse or eligible child or children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse or eligible child or children:
(a) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while serving in the uniformed services;
(b) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(c) Pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(2) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed services if:
(a) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(b) The member provides to the director proof of honorable discharge from the uniformed services; and
(c) The member pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first.
[ 2005 c 64 s 6; 1992 c 212 s 8; 1991 c 35 s 40; 1974 ex.s. c 199 s 2; 1973 1st ex.s. c 189 s 1; 1971 ex.s. c 271 s 1; 1967 c 50 s 2; 1961 c 132 s 2; 1955 c 274 s 8; 1947 c 80 s 26; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-45. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 4, part; 1939 c 86 s 4, part; 1937 c 221 s 1, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-5, part.]


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
EmergencySeverability1974 ex.s. c 199: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Construction1974 ex.s. c 199: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 189: See note following RCW 41.32.215.
Parts of sections retroactive1973 1st ex.s. c 189: See note following RCW 41.32.498.
Severability1971 ex.s. c 271: "If any provision of this 1971 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1971 ex.s. c 271 s 17.]
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 50: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Effective date1961 c 132: See note following RCW 41.32.240.
Members' retirement contributionsPayment by employer: RCW 41.04.445.

State legislators and state officials eligible for retirement benefits.

A member of the retirement system who is a member of the state legislature or a state official eligible for the combined pension and annuity provided by RCW 41.32.497, or 41.32.498, as now or hereafter amended shall have deductions taken from his or her salary in the amount of seven and one-half percent of earnable compensation and that service credit shall be established with the retirement system while such deductions are reported to the retirement system, unless he or she has by reason of his or her employment become a contributing member of another public retirement system in the state of Washington. Such elected official who has retired or otherwise terminated his or her public school service may then elect to terminate his or her membership in the retirement system and receive retirement benefits while continuing to serve as an elected official. A member of the retirement system who had previous service as an elected or appointed official, for which he or she did not contribute to the retirement system, may receive credit for such legislative service unless he or she has received credit for that service in another state retirement system, upon making contributions in such amounts as shall be determined by the board of trustees.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.

Service credit for paid leave of absenceApplication to elected officials of labor organizations.

(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a member's employer shall continue to receive service credit as provided under the provisions of RCW 41.32.240 through * 41.32.575.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence. This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of leave. The earnable compensation reported for a member who establishes service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining agreement.


*Reviser's note: RCW 41.32.575 was repealed by 1995 c 345 s 11.
Retroactive applicationEffective date1993 c 95: See notes following RCW 41.40.175.

Teaching service, how credited.

Service rendered for four-fifths or more of the official school year of the school district or institution in which a teacher is employed shall be credited as a year's service regardless of the length of the school term, but in no case shall more than one year of service be creditable for service rendered in one fiscal year. Service rendered for less than four-fifths of the official school year shall be credited for that portion of the school year for which it was rendered: PROVIDED, That no service of less than twenty days in any school year shall be creditable.
[ 1947 c 80 s 27; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-46. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 4, part; 1939 c 86 s 4, part; 1937 c 221 s 5, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-5, part.]

Limitation on credit for out-of-state service.

(1) Henceforth a total of not more than four years of service outside of the state shall be credited to a member who establishes or reestablishes credit for out-of-state public school employment in this state subsequent to July 1, 1961. Foreign public school teaching service shall be creditable as out-of-state service.
(2) No out-of-state service credit shall be established or reestablished subsequent to July 1, 1964, except that a member who has been granted official leave of absence by his or her employer may, upon return to public school service in this state, establish out-of-state membership service credit, within the limitations of this section and conditioned upon satisfactory proof and upon contributions to the member reserve, for public school service rendered in another state or in another country.
(3) No member who establishes out-of-state service credit after July 1, 1947, shall at retirement for pension payment purposes be allowed credit for out-of-state service in excess of the number of years credit which he or she shall have earned in the public schools of the state of Washington.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
SavingsSeverabilityEffective date1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Effective date1961 c 132: See note following RCW 41.32.240.

Time limit for claiming service creditPayments.

(1) Any member desiring to establish credit for services previously rendered, must present proof and make the necessary payments on or before June 30 of the fifth school year of membership. Payments covering all types of membership service credit must be made in a lump sum when due, or in annual installments. The first annual installment of at least twenty percent of the amount due must be paid before the above deadline date, and the final payment must be made by June 30th of the fourth school year following that in which the first installment was made. The amount of payment and the interest thereon, whether lump sum or installments, shall be made by a method and in an amount established by the department.
(2) A member who had the opportunity under chapter 41.32 RCW prior to July 1, 1969, to establish credit for active United States military service or credit for professional preparation and failed to do so shall be permitted to establish additional credit within the provisions of RCW 41.32.260 and 41.32.330. A member who was not permitted to establish credit pursuant to section 2, chapter 32, Laws of 1973 2nd ex. sess., for Washington teaching service previously rendered, must present proof and make the necessary payment to establish such credit as membership service credit. Payment for such credit must be made in a lump sum on or before June 30, 1974. Any member desiring to establish credit under the provisions of this subsection must present proof and make the necessary payment before June 30, 1974; or, if not employed on the effective date of this amendment, before June 30th of the fifth school year upon returning to public school employment in this state.
(3) After June 30th of the fifth school year of membership, any member desiring to establish credit for services previously rendered, must present proof and make the necessary payments under RCW 41.50.165(2) but prior to retirement.


IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Emergency1974 ex.s. c 193: "This amendatory act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately." [ 1974 ex.s. c 193 s 10.]
Severability1974 ex.s. c 193: "If any provision of this amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1974 ex.s. c 193 s 9.]
Emergency1973 2nd ex.s. c 32: "This 1973 amendatory act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately." [ 1973 2nd ex.s. c 32 s 7.]
Severability1973 2nd ex.s. c 32: "If any provision of this 1973 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1973 2nd ex.s. c 32 s 6.]
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.

Credit for professional preparation subsequent to becoming teacher.

The department may allow credit for professional preparation to a member for attendance at institutions of higher learning, or for a scholarship or grant under an established foundation, subsequent to becoming a public school teacher; but not more than two years of such credit may be granted to any member.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.

Creditable service, what to consist of.

Creditable service of a member at retirement shall consist of the membership service rendered for which credit has been allowed, and also, if a prior service certificate is in full force and effect, the amount of the service certified on the prior service certificate. No pension payments shall be made for service credits established or reestablished after July 1, 1955, if such credits entitle the member to retirement benefits from any other public state or local retirement system or fund. No pension payments shall be made for service credits established or reestablished after July 1, 1961, if such credits entitle the member to retirement benefits from a public federal retirement system or fund for services rendered under a civilian program: PROVIDED, That no pension payments shall be made for service credits established or reestablished after July 1, 1969, if credit for the same service is retained for benefits under any other retirement system or fund.
[ 1991 c 35 s 45; 1969 ex.s. c 150 s 11; 1961 c 132 s 3; 1955 c 274 s 15; 1947 c 80 s 34; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-53. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 4, part; 1939 c 86 s 4, part; 1937 c 221 s 5, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-5, part.]


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.

"Earnable compensation" defined for certain part-time employeesAdoption of rules.

(1) Subject to the limitations contained in this section, for the purposes of *RCW 41.32.010(10)(a)(ii), earnable compensation means the compensation the member would have received in the same position if employed on a regular full-time basis for the same contract period.
(2) In order to ensure that the benefit provided by this section is not used to unfairly inflate a member's retirement allowance, the department shall adopt rules having the force of law to govern the application of this section.
(3)(a) In adopting rules which apply to a member employed by a school district, the department may consult the district's salary schedule and related workload provisions, if any, adopted pursuant to RCW 28A.405.200. The rules may require that, in order to be eligible for this benefit, a member's position must either be included on the district's schedule, or the position must have duties, responsibilities, and method of pay which are similar to those found on the district's schedule.
(b) In adopting rules which apply to a member employed by a community college district, the department may consult the district's salary schedule and workload provisions contained in an agreement negotiated pursuant to chapter 28B.52 RCW, or similar documents. The rules may require that, in order to be eligible for this benefit, a member's position must either be included on the district's agreement, or the position must have duties, responsibilities, and method of pay which are similar to those found on the district's agreement. The maximum full-time workweek used in calculating the benefit for community college employees paid on an hourly rate shall in no case exceed fifteen credit hours, twenty classroom contact hours, or thirty-five assigned hours.
(4) If the legislature amends or revokes the benefit provided by this section, no affected employee who thereafter retires is entitled to receive the benefit as a matter of contractual right.


*Reviser's note: RCW 41.32.010 was amended by 1994 c 298 s 3, changing subsection (10)(a)(ii) to subsection (10)(a)(iii). RCW 41.32.010 was subsequently amended by 2003 c 31 s 1, changing subsection (10)(a)(iii) to subsection (10)(a)(iv). RCW 41.32.010 was alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k), changing subsection (10)(a)(iv) to subsection (14)(a)(iv).
PurposeStatutory referencesSeverability1990 c 33: See RCW 28A.900.100 through 28A.900.102.

Purchase of additional annuityMember contribution rate.

A member may make an additional lump sum payment at date of retirement, not to exceed the member's accumulated contributions, to purchase additional annuity. A contribution of six percent of earnable compensation is required from each member, except as provided under RCW 41.32.013.
[ 1991 c 35 s 46; 1990 c 274 s 7; 1973 1st ex.s. c 189 s 6; 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 7; 1955 c 274 s 16; 1947 c 80 s 35; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-54. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 5, part; 1939 c 86 s 5, part; 1937 c 221 s 6, part; 1931 c 115 s 4, part; 1923 c 115 s 11, part; 1917 c 163 s 10, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-6, part.]


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
FindingsEffective dateConstruction1990 c 274: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 189: See note following RCW 41.50.215.
SavingsSeverabilityEffective date1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Members' retirement contributionsPayment by employer: RCW 41.04.445.

Source of pension reserveContributions.

There shall be placed in the pension reserve all appropriations made by the legislature for the purpose of paying pensions and survivors' benefits and of establishing and maintaining an actuarial reserve and all gifts and bequests to the pension reserve, and contributions of persons entering the retirement system who have established prior service credit. Members establishing prior service credit shall contribute to the pension reserve as follows:
For the first ten years of prior service fifteen dollars per year;
For the second ten years of prior service thirty dollars per year;
For the third ten years of prior service forty-five dollars per year.
[ 1992 c 212 s 10; 1982 1st ex.s. c 52 s 8; 1947 c 80 s 38; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-57.]


Effective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 52: See note following RCW 2.10.180.

Contributions for prior service credits.

At least twenty percent of the total amount due for prior service credit must be paid before an application for credit may be presented to the department for approval. The balance is not due until date of retirement and may be paid at that time without additional charge. Any unpaid installments at the time the member is retired for service or disability shall constitute a first, paramount, and prior lien against his or her retirement allowance.
[ 1991 c 35 s 49; 1955 c 274 s 18; 1947 c 80 s 39; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-58. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 5, part; 1939 c 86 s 5, part; 1937 c 221 s 6, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-6, part.]


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.

Eligibility for retirement allowance.

A member who is not a dual member under RCW 41.54.010 must have established or reestablished with the retirement system at least five years of credit for public school service in this state to be entitled to a retirement allowance.
[ 1994 c 298 s 4; 1965 ex.s. c 81 s 4; 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 15; 1947 c 80 s 47; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-66. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 7, part; 1939 c 86 s 7, part; 1937 c 221 s 8, part; 1931 c 115 s 7, part; 1923 c 187 s 17, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-8, part.]


Intent1994 c 298: See note following RCW 41.40.010.
SeverabilityEffective date1965 ex.s. c 81: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
SavingsSeverabilityEffective date1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Qualifications for retirement.

(1) Any member who separates from service after having completed thirty years of creditable service may retire upon the approval by the department of an application for retirement filed on the prescribed form. Upon retirement the member shall receive a retirement allowance consisting of an annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or her accumulated contributions at his or her age of retirement and a pension as provided in RCW 41.32.497. Effective July 1, 1967, anyone then receiving a retirement allowance or a survivor retirement allowance under this chapter, based on thirty-five years of creditable service, and who has established more than thirty-five years of service credit with the retirement system, shall thereafter receive a retirement allowance based on the total years of service credit established.
(2) Any member who has attained age sixty years, but who has completed less than thirty years of creditable service, upon separation from service, may retire upon the approval by the department of an application for retirement filed on the prescribed form. Upon retirement the member shall receive a retirement allowance consisting of an annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or her accumulated contributions at his or her age of retirement and a pension as provided in RCW 41.32.497.
(3) Any member who has attained age fifty-five years and who has completed not less than twenty-five years of creditable service, upon separation from service, may retire upon the approval by the department of an application for retirement filed on the prescribed form. Upon retirement the member shall receive a retirement allowance which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or her accumulated contributions at his or her age of retirement and a pension as provided in RCW 41.32.497. An individual who has retired pursuant to this subsection, on or after July 1, 1969, shall not suffer an actuarial reduction in his or her retirement allowance, except as the allowance may be actuarially reduced pursuant to the options contained in RCW 41.32.530. The chapter 193, Laws of 1974 ex. sess. amendment to this section shall be retroactive to July 1, 1969.
[ 1997 c 254 s 4; 1991 c 35 s 53; 1974 ex.s. c 193 s 2; 1972 ex.s. c 147 s 1; 1970 ex.s. c 35 s 2; 1969 ex.s. c 150 s 14; 1967 c 151 s 1; 1955 c 274 s 21; 1947 c 80 s 48; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-67. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 7, part; 1939 c 86 s 7, part; 1937 c 221 s 8, part; 1931 c 115 s 7, part; 1923 c 187 s 17, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-8, part.]


IntentConstructionApplication1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
EmergencySeverability1974 ex.s. c 193: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
Effective date1972 ex.s. c 147: "The effective date of this 1972 amendatory act shall be July 1, 1972." [ 1972 ex.s. c 147 s 9.]
Severability1972 ex.s. c 147: "If any provision of this 1972 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1972 ex.s. c 147 s 10.]
Effective date1970 ex.s. c 35: "The provisions of sections 1 through 5 and 7 of this 1970 amendatory act shall take effect on July 1, 1970; the provisions of section 6 of this 1970 amendatory act shall be effective on the date chapter 223, Laws of 1969 ex. sess. becomes effective [July 1, 1970], at which time section 5 of this 1970 amendatory act shall be void and of no effect." [ 1970 ex.s. c 35 s 8.]
Severability1970 ex.s. c 35: "If any provision of this 1970 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1970 ex.s. c 35 s 9.]
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.
Effective date1967 c 151: "This act shall become effective on July 1, 1967." [ 1967 c 151 s 9.]
Severability1967 c 151: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected." [ 1967 c 151 s 8.]

Annual increase amountLegislature's rights reservedNo additional increases after June 30, 2011.

(1) Beginning July 1, 2009, the annual increase amount as defined in RCW 41.32.010(4) shall be increased by an amount equal to $0.40 per month per year of service minus the 2008 gain-sharing increase amount under *RCW 41.31.010 as it exists on July 22, 2007. This adjustment shall not decrease the annual increase amount, and is not to exceed $0.20 per month per year of service. The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this section in the future and no member or beneficiary has the contractual right to receive this adjustment to the annual increase amount not granted prior to that time.
(2) The adjustment to the annual increase amount as set forth in section 5, chapter 491, Laws of 2007 was intended by the legislature as a replacement benefit for gain-sharing. If the repeal of **chapter 41.31 RCW is held to be invalid in a final determination of a court of law, and the court orders reinstatement of gain-sharing or other alternate benefits as a remedy, then this adjustment to the annual increase amount shall not be included in future annual increase amounts paid on or after the date of such reinstatement.
(3) No additional annual increase under this section shall be provided after June 30, 2011.


Reviser's note: *(1) RCW 41.31.010 was repealed by 2007 c 491 s 13, effective January 2, 2008.
**(2) Chapter 41.31 RCW was repealed by 2007 c 491 s 13, effective January 2, 2008.
FindingIntent2011 c 362: "Chapter 561, Laws of 2009 made necessary changes to the funding plan for the fiscal integrity of the teachers' retirement system, plan 1 and the public employees' retirement system, plan 1, and provides a basis for improvements in the financial soundness of the pension plans. The legislature now finds that changing economic conditions have also made necessary the amendatory provisions contained in this act. Due to the current extraordinary economic recession and due to the financial demands of other core responsibilities of government, it is not feasible for public employers of this state to fund the annual increase amount and continue to ensure the fiscal integrity of these pension funds. The legislature further clarifies and affirms that the intent of the legislature in section 5, chapter 345, Laws of 1995 and this act is to not create any contractual rights to the annual increase amount on the part of the public employees' retirement system, plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system, plan 1 members or retirees. Having reserved the right to amend or repeal these provisions in RCW 41.32.489(6) and 41.40.197(5), the legislature is now exercising that right through this act." [ 2011 c 362 s 1.]
Effective date2011 c 362: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect June 30, 2011." [ 2011 c 362 s 10.]
SeverabilityConflict with federal requirements2007 c 491: See notes following RCW 41.32.765.

Minimum retirement allowanceCost-of-living adjustmentPost-retirement adjustmentComputation.

(1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, effective July 1, 1989, as a cost-of-living adjustment, no beneficiary receiving a retirement allowance pursuant to this chapter shall receive, as the pension portion of that retirement allowance, less than fourteen dollars and eighty-two cents per month for each year of service creditable to the person whose service is the basis of the pension. Portions of a year shall be treated as fractions of a year and the decimal equivalent shall be multiplied by fourteen dollars and eighty-two cents. Where the pension payable was adjusted at the time benefit payments to the beneficiary commenced, the minimum pension provided in this section shall be adjusted in a manner consistent with that adjustment.
(2) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, effective July 1, 1979, the retirement allowance of each beneficiary who either is receiving benefits pursuant to RCW 41.32.520 or 41.32.550 as of December 31, 1978, or commenced receiving a monthly retirement allowance under this chapter as of a date no later than July 1, 1974, shall be permanently increased by a post-retirement adjustment. This adjustment shall be in lieu of any adjustments provided under *RCW 41.32.499(6) as of July 1, 1979, or July 1, 1980, for the affected beneficiaries. Such adjustment shall be calculated as follows:
(a) Retirement allowances to which this subsection and subsection (1) of this section are both applicable shall be determined by first applying subsection (1) and then applying this subsection. The department shall determine the total years of creditable service and the total dollar benefit base accrued as of December 31, 1978, except that this determination shall take into account only those beneficiaries to whom this subsection applies;
(b) The department shall multiply the total benefits determined in (a) of this subsection by six percent and divide the dollar value thus determined by the total service determined in (a) of this subsection. The resultant figure shall then be a post-retirement increase factor which shall be applied as specified in (c) of this subsection;
(c) Each beneficiary to whom this subsection applies shall receive an increase which is the product of the factor determined in (b) of this subsection multiplied by the years of creditable service.
(3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall not be applicable to those receiving benefits pursuant to RCW 41.32.540 or 41.32.760 through 41.32.825.


*Reviser's note: RCW 41.32.499 was repealed by 1995 c 345 s 11.
Purpose1989 c 272: See note following RCW 41.32.005.
Effective date1987 c 455: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1987." [ 1987 c 455 s 9.]
Effective date1986 c 306: "This act shall take effect on July 1, 1986." [ 1986 c 306 s 5.]

Minimum retirement allowanceAnnual adjustmentPersons who become beneficiaries after June 30, 1995.

(1) No one who becomes a beneficiary after June 30, 1995, shall receive a monthly retirement allowance of less than twenty-four dollars and twenty-two cents times the number of years of service creditable to the person whose service is the basis of such retirement allowance.
(2) If the retirement allowance payable was adjusted at the time benefit payments to the beneficiary commenced, the minimum allowance provided in this section shall be adjusted in a manner consistent with that adjustment.
(3) Beginning July 1, 1996, the minimum benefit set forth in subsection (1) of this section shall be adjusted annually by the annual increase.
(4) Those receiving a temporary disability benefit under RCW 41.32.540 shall not be eligible for the benefit provided by this section.
(5) Beginning July 1, 2011, the minimum benefit set forth in subsection (1) of this section, prior to adjustments set forth in subsection (2) of this section, for a beneficiary with either (a) at least twenty years of service and who has been retired at least twenty-five years, or (b) at least twenty-five years of service and who has been retired at least twenty years, shall be one thousand five hundred dollars per month. On July 1, 2011, and each year thereafter, the minimum benefit in this subsection shall be increased by three percent, rounded to the nearest cent.


FindingIntentEffective date2011 c 362: See notes following RCW 41.32.483.
Effective date2006 c 244: "This act takes effect July 1, 2006." [ 2006 c 244 s 3.]
IntentEffective date1995 c 345: See notes following RCW 41.32.489.

Permanent increase for specified beneficiaries age seventy or over.

(1) The amount of the July 1, 1993, increase to the retirement allowance of beneficiaries under this chapter as a result of the temporary adjustment authorized by section 2, chapter 519, Laws of 1993, shall be made a permanent adjustment on July 1, 1995.
(2) Beneficiaries receiving a benefit under RCW 41.32.485 who are at least age seventy-nine shall receive on July 1, 1995, a permanent adjustment of one dollar and eighteen cents per month per year of service.
(3) Beneficiaries under this chapter who are not subject to subsection (1) of this section and not receiving a benefit under RCW 41.32.485 shall receive the following permanent adjustment to their retirement allowance on July 1, 1995:
(a) Those who are age seventy, thirty-nine cents per month per year of service;
(b) Those who are age seventy-one, seventy-nine cents per month per year of service; and
(c) Those who are at least age seventy-two, one dollar and eighteen cents per month per year of service.


IntentEffective date1995 c 345: See notes following RCW 41.32.489.

Retirement allowanceAnnual increases restricted after July 1, 2010Eligibility.

(1) Beginning July 1, 1995, and annually thereafter through July 1, 2010, the retirement allowance of a person meeting the requirements of this section shall be increased by the annual increase amount.
(a) After July 1, 2010, those currently receiving benefits under this section will receive no additional annual increase amounts above the amount in effect on July 1, 2010, except for those who qualify under subsections (2)(b) and (3)(a) of this section. This subsection shall not reduce retirement allowances below the amounts in effect on June 30, 2011.
(b) After July 1, 2010, no annual increase amounts may be provided to any beneficiaries who are not already receiving benefits under this section, except for those who qualify under subsections (2)(b) and (3)(a) of this section.
(2) The following persons shall be eligible for the benefit provided in subsection (1) of this section:
(a) A beneficiary who has received a retirement allowance for at least one year by July 1st in the calendar year in which the annual increase is given and has attained at least age sixty-six by December 31st in the calendar year in which the annual increase is given; or
(b) A beneficiary whose retirement allowance is lower than the minimum benefit provided under RCW 41.32.4851.
(3) The following persons shall also be eligible for the benefit provided in subsection (1) of this section:
(a) A beneficiary receiving the minimum benefit on June 30, 1995, under RCW 41.32.485; or
(b) A recipient of a survivor benefit on June 30, 1995, which has been increased by *RCW 41.32.575.
(4) If otherwise eligible, those receiving an annual adjustment under RCW 41.32.530(1)(d) shall be eligible for the annual increase adjustment in addition to the benefit that would have been received absent this section.
(5) Those receiving a temporary disability benefit under RCW 41.32.540 shall not be eligible for the benefit provided by this section.
(6) The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this section in the future and no member or beneficiary has a contractual right to receive this postretirement adjustment not granted prior to that time.


*Reviser's note: RCW 41.32.575 was repealed by 1995 c 345 s 11.
FindingIntentEffective date2011 c 362: See notes following RCW 41.32.483.
Effective date2007 c 89: See note following RCW 41.40.197.
Intent1995 c 345: "The intent of this act is to:
(1) Simplify the calculation of postretirement adjustments so that they can be more easily communicated to plan 1 active and retired members;
(2) Provide postretirement adjustments based on years of service rather than size of benefit;
(3) Provide postretirement adjustments at an earlier age;
(4) Provide postretirement adjustments to a larger segment of plan 1 retirees; and
(5) Simplify administration by reducing the number of plan 1 postretirement adjustments to one." [ 1995 c 345 s 1.]
Effective date1995 c 345: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [May 12, 1995]." [ 1995 c 345 s 14.]

Additional special pension for former members not receiving social security.

(1) The benefits provided under subsection (2) of this section shall be available only to former members who have reached age sixty-five or are disabled for further public school service and are not receiving federal old age, survivors or disability benefit payments (social security) and are not able to qualify for such benefits.
(2) Effective July 1, 1987, former members who receive the minimum retirement allowance provided by RCW 41.32.485(1) and who meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section shall receive an additional special pension of ten dollars per month per year of service credit.


Effective date1987 c 455: See note following RCW 41.32.485.
EmergencySeverability1973 2nd ex.s. c 32: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 151: See notes following RCW 41.32.480.

Limitation as to earnable compensation of member as member of the legislature.

Notwithstanding any other provision of RCW 41.32.010, 41.32.260, 41.32.497, 41.32.498 and this section, when the salary of any member as a member of the legislature is increased beyond the amount provided for in Initiative Measure No. 282 then earnable compensation for the purposes of this chapter shall be based solely on the sum of (1) the compensation actually received from the salary for the job from which such leave of absence may have been taken and (2) such member's salary as a legislator during the two highest compensated consecutive years.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
EmergencySeverabilityConstruction1974 ex.s. c 199: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Retirement allowance for members entering system before April 25, 1973Election.

Any person who became a member on or before April 25, 1973 and who qualifies for a retirement allowance shall, at time of retirement, make an irrevocable election to receive either the retirement allowance by RCW 41.32.498 as now or hereafter amended or to receive a retirement allowance pursuant to this section consisting of: (1) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or her accumulated contributions at his or her age of retirement, (2) A basic service pension of one hundred dollars per annum, and (3) A service pension which shall be equal to one one-hundredth of his or her average earnable compensation for his or her two highest compensated consecutive years of service times the total years of creditable service established with the retirement system: PROVIDED, That no beneficiary now receiving benefits or who receives benefits in the future, except those beneficiaries receiving reduced benefits pursuant to RCW 41.32.520(1)(a) or 41.32.530, shall receive a pension of less than six dollars and fifty cents per month for each year of creditable service established with the retirement system. Pension benefits payable under the provisions of this section shall be prorated on a monthly basis and paid at the end of each month.


Findings1990 c 249: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
EmergencySeverabilityConstruction1974 ex.s. c 199: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 189: See note following RCW 41.50.215.
Parts of sections retroactive1973 1st ex.s. c 189: See note following RCW 41.32.498.
Effective dateSeverability1970 ex.s. c 35: See notes following RCW 41.32.480.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.
SavingsSeverabilityEffective date1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Retirement allowance for members entering system after April 25, 1973, or in lieu of allowance under RCW 41.32.497.

Any person who becomes a member subsequent to April 25, 1973 or who has made the election, provided by RCW 41.32.497, to receive the benefit provided by this section, shall receive a retirement allowance consisting of:
(1) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or her additional contributions on full salary as provided by chapter 274, Laws of 1955 and his or her lump sum payment in excess of the required contribution rate made at date of retirement, pursuant to RCW 41.32.350, if any; and
(2) A combined pension and annuity service retirement allowance which shall be equal to two percent of his or her average earnable compensation for his or her two highest compensated consecutive years of service times the total years of creditable service established with the retirement system, to a maximum of sixty percent of such average earnable compensation: PROVIDED, That any member may irrevocably elect, at time of retirement, to withdraw all or a part of his or her accumulated contributions, other than any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2), and to receive, in lieu of the full retirement allowance provided by this subsection, a reduction in the standard two percent allowance, of the actuarially determined amount of monthly annuity which would have been purchased by said contributions: PROVIDED FURTHER, That no member may withdraw an amount of accumulated contributions which would lower his or her retirement allowance below the minimum allowance provided by RCW 41.32.497 as now or hereafter amended: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That said reduced amount may be reduced even further pursuant to the options provided in RCW 41.32.530;
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the retirement allowance payable for service of a member who was state superintendent of public instruction on January 1, 1973 shall be equal to three percent of the average earnable compensation of his two highest consecutive years of service for each year of such service.


IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Findings1990 c 249: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
Effective date1988 c 116: "This act shall take effect June 30, 1988." [ 1988 c 116 s 2.]
EmergencySeverabilityConstruction1974 ex.s. c 199: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Parts of sections as retroactive1973 1st ex.s. c 189: "Subsection (3) of section 3 of this 1973 amendatory act and the equivalent language contained in the last proviso in section 1 of this 1973 amendatory act, relating to elected and appointed officials, shall be retroactive to January 1, 1973." [ 1973 1st ex.s. c 189 s 4.]
Reviser's note: The reference to "subsection (3) of section 3" appears to be erroneous. Section 13 of the original bill (House Bill No. 419) referred to equivalent language in subsection (3) of section 12 and the last proviso in section 4, amending RCW 41.32.497. The language referred to in section 4 remains in section 2 of the final bill which amends RCW 41.32.497, but was deleted by senate committee amendment from section 3 (formerly section 12 of the original bill) of the engrossed substitute bill, codified herein as RCW 41.32.498.
Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 189: See note following RCW 41.50.215.

Members with thirty years of serviceIrrevocable election.

A member may make the irrevocable election under this section no later than six months after attaining thirty years of service. The election shall become effective at the beginning of the calendar month following department receipt of employee notification.
(1) The sum of member contributions made for periods of service after the effective date of the election plus seven and one-half percent interest shall be paid to the member at retirement without a reduction in the member's monthly retirement benefit as determined under RCW 41.32.498.
(2) Upon retirement, the member's benefit shall be calculated using only the earnable compensation credited prior to the effective date of the member's election. Calculation of the member's average earnable compensation shall include eligible cash outs of annual leave based on the member's salary and leave accumulations at the time of retirement, except that the amount of a member's average earnable compensation cannot be higher than if the member had not taken advantage of the election offered under this section.
(3) Members who have already earned thirty years of service credit prior to July 25, 1999, may participate in the election by notifying the department in writing of their intention by December 31, 1999.
The department shall continue to collect employer contributions as required in RCW 41.45.060.

Permanent retirement allowance adjustment.

The dollar amount of the temporary postretirement allowance adjustment granted by section 1, chapter 519, Laws of 1993 shall be provided as a permanent retirement allowance adjustment as of July 1, 1995.


Effective date1994 c 247: "This act shall take effect August 1, 1994." [ 1994 c 247 s 8.]
Temporary postretirement allowance1993 c 519: "The benefit adjustment granted by sections 711(1) and 712(1), chapter 232, Laws of 1992 (uncodified) being received by plan 1 beneficiaries as of June 30, 1993, unless otherwise improper, shall be continued through June 30, 1995." [ 1993 c 519 s 1.]

Monthly benefit increase.

(1) Beneficiaries who are receiving a monthly benefit from the teachers' retirement system plan 1 on July 1, 2017, shall receive, effective July 1, 2018, an increase to their monthly benefit of one and one-half percent multiplied by the beneficiaries' monthly benefit, not to exceed $62.50.
(2) Beneficiaries who are receiving a monthly benefit from the teachers' retirement system plan 1 on July 1, 2019, shall receive, effective July 1, 2020, an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries' monthly benefit, not to exceed $62.50.
(3) Beneficiaries who are receiving a monthly benefit from the teachers' retirement system plan 1 on July 1, 2021, shall receive, effective July 1, 2022, an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries' monthly benefit, not to exceed $110.00.
(4) Beneficiaries who are receiving a monthly benefit from the teachers' retirement system plan 1 on July 1, 2022, shall receive, effective July 1, 2023, an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries' monthly benefit, not to exceed $110.00.
(5) Beneficiaries who are receiving a monthly benefit from the teachers' retirement system plan 1 on July 1, 2023, shall receive, effective July 1, 2024, an increase to their monthly benefit of three percent multiplied by the beneficiaries' monthly benefit, not to exceed $110.00.
(6) This section does not apply to those receiving benefits pursuant to RCW 41.32.489 or 41.32.540.


Finding2023 c 397: "The legislature finds that beneficiaries receiving a monthly benefit from the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1 have experienced a loss of purchasing power due to rising inflation. Certain beneficiaries do not receive annual increases; providing a one-time cost-of-living adjustment helps address beneficiaries' loss of purchasing power. An ongoing cost-of-living adjustment would provide additional protection against further loss of purchasing power, however this policy may not be affordable until required employer contribution rates towards the unfunded accrued actuarial liability are reduced or no longer required." [ 2023 c 397 s 1.]
Effective date2023 c 397: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 2023." [ 2023 c 397 s 5.]
Study on ongoing cost-of-living adjustments2023 c 397: "During the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium, the select committee on pension policy will study and recommend an ongoing cost-of-living adjustment for beneficiaries of the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1. Any recommendation must consider employer contribution rate stability and coordinate the effective date of an ongoing cost-of-living adjustment with the reduction or elimination of the unfunded accrued actuarial liability." [ 2023 c 397 s 2.]
Effective date2022 c 52: "This act takes effect July 1, 2022." [ 2022 c 52 s 3.]
Effective date2020 c 329: "This act takes effect July 1, 2020." [ 2020 c 329 s 3.]
Effective date2018 c 151: "This act takes effect July 1, 2018." [ 2018 c 151 s 3.]

Termination of membership.

Membership in the retirement system is terminated when a member retires for service or disability, dies, or withdraws his or her accumulated contributions.
The prior service certificate becomes void when a member dies or withdraws the accumulated contributions, and any prior administrative interpretation of the board of trustees, consistent with this section, is hereby ratified, affirmed and approved.


IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Findings1994 c 177: See note following RCW 41.50.125.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Legislative findingsIntentSeverability1986 c 317: See notes following RCW 41.40.150.
Severability1983 c 233: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1983 c 233 s 4.]
EmergencySeverability1974 ex.s. c 193: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 50: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Effective dateSeverability1965 ex.s. c 81: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Payment on withdrawalReentry.

(1) Should a member cease to be employed by an employer and request upon a form provided by the department a refund of the member's accumulated contributions with interest, this amount shall be paid to the individual less any withdrawal fee which may be assessed by the director which shall be deposited in the department of retirement systems expense fund.
(2) A member who files a request for a refund and subsequently enters into employment with an employer prior to the refund being made shall not be eligible for a refund. For purposes of this section, a written or oral employment agreement shall be considered entering into employment.
[ 1994 c 197 s 18; 1994 c 177 s 6; 1982 1st ex.s. c 52 s 15; 1969 ex.s. c 150 s 17; 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 17; 1955 c 274 s 24; 1947 c 80 s 51; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-70. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 6, part; 1939 c 86 s 6, part; 1937 c 221 s 7, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-7, part.]


Reviser's note: This section was amended by 1994 c 177 s 6 and by 1994 c 197 s 18, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section pursuant to RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Findings1994 c 177: See note following RCW 41.50.125.
Effective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 52: See note following RCW 2.10.180.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.
SavingsSeverabilityEffective date1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Payment on death before retirement or within sixty days following application for disability retirementMilitary service.

(1) Except as specified in subsection (3) of this section, upon receipt of proper proofs of death of any member before retirement or before the first installment of his or her retirement allowance shall become due his or her accumulated contributions, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, and/or other benefits payable upon his or her death shall be paid to his or her estate or to such persons, trust, or organization as he or she shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department. If a member fails to file a new beneficiary designation subsequent to marriage, divorce, or reestablishment of membership following termination by withdrawal, lapsation, or retirement, payment of his or her accumulated contributions, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, and/or other benefits upon death before retirement shall be made to the surviving spouse, if any; otherwise, to his or her estate. If a member had established ten or more years of Washington membership service credit or was eligible for retirement, the beneficiary or the surviving spouse if otherwise eligible may elect, in lieu of a cash refund of the member's accumulated contributions, the following survivor benefit plan actuarially reduced, except under subsection (4) of this section, by the amount of any lump sum benefit identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670:
(a) A widow or widower, without a child or children under eighteen years of age, may elect a monthly payment of fifty dollars to become effective at age fifty, provided the member had fifteen or more years of Washington membership service credit. A benefit paid under this subsection (1)(a) shall terminate at the marriage of the beneficiary.
(b) The beneficiary, if a surviving spouse or a dependent (as that term is used in computing the dependent exemption for federal internal revenue purposes) may elect to receive a joint and one hundred percent retirement allowance under RCW 41.32.530.
(i) In the case of a dependent child the allowance shall continue until attainment of majority or so long as the department judges that the circumstances which created his or her dependent status continue to exist. In any case, if at the time dependent status ceases, an amount equal to the amount of accumulated contributions of the deceased member has not been paid to the beneficiary, the remainder shall then be paid in a lump sum to the beneficiary.
(ii) If at the time of death, the member was not then qualified for a service retirement allowance, the benefit shall be based upon the actuarial equivalent of the sum necessary to pay the accrued regular retirement allowance commencing when the deceased member would have first qualified for a service retirement allowance.
(2) If no qualified beneficiary survives a member, at his or her death his or her accumulated contributions, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, shall be paid to his or her estate, or his or her dependents may qualify for survivor benefits under benefit plan (1)(b) in lieu of a cash refund of the members accumulated contributions in the following order: Widow or widower, guardian of a dependent child or children under age eighteen, or dependent parent or parents.
(3) If a member dies within sixty days following application for disability retirement under RCW 41.32.550, the beneficiary named in the application may elect to receive the benefit provided by:
(a) This section; or
(b) RCW 41.32.550, according to the option chosen under RCW 41.32.530 in the disability application.
(4) The retirement allowance of a member who is killed in the course of employment, as determined by the director of the department of labor and industries, or the retirement allowance of a member who has left the employ of an employer due to service in the national guard or military reserves and dies while honorably serving in the national guard or military reserves during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005, is not subject to an actuarial reduction. The member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.32.480.


Application2003 c 155: "This act applies to any member killed in the course of employment, as determined by the director of the department of labor and industries, on or after July 1, 2001." [ 2003 c 155 s 9.]
Effective date1997 c 73: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [April 19, 1997]." [ 1997 c 73 s 4.]
Application1993 c 16 s 1: "The provisions of section 1(3) of this act shall apply to all determinations of disability made after June 30, 1992." [ 1993 c 16 s 2.]
Effective date1993 c 16: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [April 12, 1993]." [ 1993 c 16 s 3.]
Severability1991 c 365: See note following RCW 41.50.500.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Findings1990 c 249: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
EmergencySeverability1974 ex.s. c 193: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
EmergencySeverability1973 2nd ex.s. c 32: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
Severability1973 1st ex.s. c 154: See note following RCW 2.12.030.
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 50: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Effective dateSeverability1965 ex.s. c 81: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Death benefits.

(1) The department shall pay a death benefit of six hundred dollars to a member's estate or to the persons, trust, or organization the member nominates by written designation duly executed and filed with the department or to the persons as may otherwise qualify as the beneficiary pursuant to RCW 41.32.520 upon receipt of proper proof of death of the member if he or she:
(a) Was employed on a full time basis during the fiscal year in which his or her death occurs;
(b) Was under contract for full time employment in a Washington public school;
(c) Submits an application for a retirement allowance to be approved by the department immediately following termination of his or her full-time Washington public school service and who dies before the first installment of his or her retirement allowance becomes due;
(d) Is receiving or is entitled to receive temporary disability payments; or
(e) Upon becoming eligible for a disability retirement allowance submits an application for an allowance to be approved by the department immediately following the date of his or her eligibility for a disability retirement allowance and dies before the first installment of such allowance becomes due.
(2) In order to receive a death benefit under this section a deceased member:
(a) Must have established at least one year of credit with the retirement system for full time Washington membership service;
(b) Who was not employed full time in Washington public school service during the fiscal year immediately preceding the year of his or her death must have been employed full time in Washington public school service for at least fifty consecutive days during the fiscal year of his or her death.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
EmergencySeverability1974 ex.s. c 193: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 50: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
SavingsEffective dateSeverability1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Death benefitsMembers not qualified for benefits under RCW 41.32.522 and retired former members.

Upon receipt of proper proof of death of a member who does not qualify for the death benefit of six hundred dollars under RCW 41.32.522, or a former member who was retired for age, service, or disability, a death benefit of four hundred dollars shall be paid to the member's estate or to the persons, trust, or organization as he or she shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department or to the persons as may otherwise qualify as the beneficiary pursuant to RCW 41.32.520: PROVIDED, That the member or the retired former member had established not less than ten years of credit with the retirement system for full time Washington membership service.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
EmergencySeverability1974 ex.s. c 193: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 50: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
SavingsEffective dateSeverability1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Options availableRetirement allowance adjustmentCourt-approved property settlement.

(1) Upon an application for retirement for service under RCW 41.32.480 or retirement for disability under RCW 41.32.550, approved by the department, every member shall receive the maximum retirement allowance available to him or her throughout life unless prior to the time the first installment thereof becomes due he or she has elected, by executing the proper application therefor, to receive the actuarial equivalent of his or her retirement allowance in reduced payments throughout his or her life with the following options:
(a) Standard allowance. If he or she dies before he or she has received the present value of his or her accumulated contributions at the time of his or her retirement in annuity payments, the unpaid balance shall be paid to his or her estate or to such person, trust, or organization as he or she shall have nominated by written designation executed and filed with the department.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued throughout the life of and paid to a person who has an insurable interest in the member's life. Such person shall be nominated by the member by written designation duly executed and filed with the department at the time of retirement. The options adopted by the department shall include, but are not limited to, a joint and one hundred percent survivor option and a joint and fifty percent survivor option.
(c) Such other benefits shall be paid to a member receiving a retirement allowance under RCW 41.32.497 as the member may designate for himself, herself, or others equal to the actuarial value of his or her retirement annuity at the time of his retirement: PROVIDED, That the board of trustees shall limit withdrawals of accumulated contributions to such sums as will not reduce the member's retirement allowance below one hundred and twenty dollars per month.
(d) A member whose retirement allowance is calculated under RCW 41.32.498 may also elect to receive a retirement allowance based on options available under this subsection that includes the benefit provided under RCW 41.32.770. This retirement allowance option shall also be calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to the maximum retirement allowance and to the options available under this subsection.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as provided in (b) and (c) of this subsection. If a member is married and both the member and the member's spouse do not give written consent to an option under this section, the department will pay the member a joint and fifty percent survivor benefit and record the member's spouse as the beneficiary. Such benefit shall be calculated to be actuarially equivalent to the benefit options available under subsection (1) of this section unless spousal consent is not required as provided in (b) and (c) of this subsection.
(b) Written consent from a spouse or domestic partner is not required if a member who is married or a domestic partner selects a joint and survivor option under subsection (1)(b) of this section and names the member's spouse or domestic partner as the survivor beneficiary.
(c) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do not apply.
(3)(a) Any member who retired before January 1, 1996, and who elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under subsection (1)(b) or (2) of this section is entitled to receive a retirement allowance adjusted in accordance with (b) of this subsection, if they meet the following conditions:
(i) The retiree's designated beneficiary predeceases or has predeceased the retiree; and
(ii) The retiree provides to the department proper proof of the designated beneficiary's death.
(b) The retirement allowance payable to the retiree, as of July 1, 1998, or the date of the designated beneficiary's death, whichever comes last, shall be increased by the percentage derived in (c) of this subsection.
(c) The percentage increase shall be derived by the following:
(i) One hundred percent multiplied by the result of (c)(ii) of this subsection converted to a percent;
(ii) Subtract one from the reciprocal of the appropriate joint and survivor option factor;
(iii) The joint and survivor option factor shall be from the table in effect as of July 1, 1998.
(d) The adjustment under (b) of this subsection shall accrue from the beginning of the month following the date of the designated beneficiary's death or from July 1, 1998, whichever comes last.
(4) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from a postretirement marriage as a survivor during a one-year period beginning one year after the date of the postretirement marriage provided the retirement allowance payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage prior to the effective date of the rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their spouse as a survivor beneficiary following the adoption of the rules.
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain actuarially equivalent.
(5) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to permit:
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW 41.32.470 and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection (1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving their separate benefit upon reaching the age provided in RCW 41.32.480(2) and after filing a written application with the department.
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at retirement.
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options available in subsection (4) of this section. Any actuarial reductions subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The separate single life benefits of the member and the nonmember ex spouse are not (i) subject to the minimum benefit provisions of RCW 41.32.4851, or (ii) the minimum benefit annual increase amount eligibility provisions of RCW 41.32.489 (2)(b) and (3)(a).
(d) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to the decree of dissolution.
[ 2019 c 102 s 2; 2002 c 158 s 8; 2000 c 186 s 2; 1998 c 340 s 6; 1996 c 175 s 4; 1995 c 144 s 12; 1990 c 249 s 5; 1955 c 274 s 26; 1947 c 80 s 53; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-72. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 7, part; 1939 c 86 s 7, part; 1937 c 221 s 8, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-8, part.]


Effective date1998 c 340: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
Findings1990 c 249: See note following RCW 2.10.146.

Disability allowanceTemporary.

Upon application of a member in service or of his or her employer or of his or her legal guardian or of the legal representative of a deceased member who was eligible to apply for a temporary disability allowance based on the final illness a member shall be granted a temporary disability allowance by the department if the medical director, after a medical examination of the member, certifies that the member is mentally or physically incapacitated for the further performance of duty. Any member receiving a temporary disability allowance on July 1, 1964 or who qualifies for a temporary disability allowance effective on or after July 1, 1964 shall receive a temporary disability allowance of one hundred eighty dollars per month for a period not to exceed two years, but no payments shall be made for a disability period of less than sixty days: PROVIDED, That a member who is not employed full time in Washington public school service for consecutive fiscal years shall have been employed for at least fifty consecutive days during the fiscal year in which he or she returns to full time Washington public school service before he or she may qualify for temporary disability benefits: PROVIDED FURTHER, That no temporary disability benefits shall be paid on the basis of an application received more than four calendar years after a member became eligible to apply for such benefits.
[ 1992 c 212 s 3; 1991 c 35 s 61; 1974 ex.s. c 193 s 7; 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 18; 1959 c 37 s 1; 1955 c 274 s 27; 1947 c 80 s 54; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-73. Prior: 1941 c 97 s 7, part; 1939 c 86 s 7, part; 1937 c 221 s 8, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-8, part.]


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
EmergencySeverability1974 ex.s. c 193: See notes following RCW 41.32.310.
SavingsEffective dateSeverability1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Options and allowances on report that disability will be permanentReexamination.

(1) Should the director determine from the report of the medical director that a member employed under an annual contract with an employer has become permanently disabled for the performance of his or her duties or at any time while a member is receiving temporary disability benefits that a member's disability will be permanent, a member shall have the option of then receiving (a) all of the accumulated contributions in a lump sum payment and canceling his or her membership, or (b) of accepting a retirement allowance based on service or age, if eligible under RCW 41.32.480, or (c) if the member had five or more years of Washington membership service credit established with the retirement system, a retirement allowance because of disability.
(2) Any member applying for a retirement allowance who is eligible for benefits on the basis of service or age shall receive a retirement allowance based on the provision of law governing retirement for service or age. If the member qualifies to receive a retirement allowance because of disability he or she shall be paid the maximum annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the accumulated contributions at his or her age of retirement and a pension equal to the service pension to which he or she would be entitled under RCW 41.32.497. If the member dies before he or she has received in annuity payments the present value of the accumulated contributions at the time of retirement, the unpaid balance shall be paid to the estate or to the persons, trust, or organization nominated by written designation executed and filed with the department.
(3) A member retired for disability may be required at any time to submit to reexamination. If medical findings reveal that the individual is no longer disabled for the performance of public school service, the retirement allowance granted because of disability may be terminated by action of the director or upon written request of the member. In case of termination, the individual shall be restored to full membership in the retirement system.
[ 1995 c 144 s 13; 1991 sp.s. c 11 s 6. Prior: 1991 c 365 s 33; 1991 c 35 s 62; 1970 ex.s. c 35 s 4; 1969 ex.s. c 150 s 20; 1967 c 50 s 10; 1963 ex.s. c 14 s 19; 1961 c 132 s 4; 1959 c 37 s 2; 1955 c 274 s 28; 1947 c 80 s 55; Rem. Supp. 1947 s 4995-74; prior: 1941 c 97 s 7, part; 1939 c 86 s 7, part; 1937 c 221 s 8, part; 1931 c 115 s 8; 1923 c 187 s 18; 1917 c 163 s 17, part; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 4995-8, part.]


PurposeEffective dates1991 sp.s. c 11: See notes following RCW 41.26.090.
Severability1991 c 365: See note following RCW 41.50.500.
Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Effective dateSeverability1970 ex.s. c 35: See notes following RCW 41.32.480.
Effective date1969 ex.s. c 150: See note following RCW 41.50.200.
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 50: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
SavingsSeverabilityEffective date1963 ex.s. c 14: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.

Persons with annual half-time contractsEligibility for benefits under RCW 41.32.550.

Persons who were under an annual half-time contract with an employer anytime during the period of September 1, 1986, through August 31, 1987, shall be eligible for benefits provided by RCW 41.32.550, as amended by chapter 365, Laws of 1991, effective beginning the month following when they left service due to their disability if during that period they were medically determined to be permanently disabled for the performance of their duty.
A member who qualifies for benefits under this section who has not begun receiving benefits prior to June 11, 1992, shall be permitted to select a survivor option pursuant to RCW 41.32.530.


Severability1991 c 365: See note following RCW 41.50.500.

Postretirement employmentReduction or suspension of pension payments.

(1)(a) If a retiree enters employment with an employer sooner than one calendar month after his or her accrual date, the retiree's monthly retirement allowance will be reduced by five and one-half percent for every seven hours worked during that month. This reduction will be applied each month until the retiree remains absent from employment with an employer for one full calendar month.
(b) The benefit reduction provided in (a) of this subsection will accrue for a maximum of one hundred forty hours per month. Any monthly benefit reduction over one hundred percent will be applied to the benefit the retiree is eligible to receive in subsequent months.
(2) Any retired teacher or retired administrator who enters service in any public educational institution in Washington state at least one calendar month after his or her accrual date shall cease to receive pension payments while engaged in such service, after the retiree has rendered service for more than eight hundred sixty-seven hours in a school year.
(3)(a) Between March 23, 2022, and July 1, 2025, a retiree who reenters employment more than one calendar month after his or her accrual date, and who enters service in a school district in a nonadministrative position shall continue to receive pension payments while engaged in such service, until the retiree has rendered service for more than 1,040 hours in a school year.
(b) Between March 23, 2022, and July 1, 2025, a retiree that retired before January 1, 2022, and who enters service in a second-class school district, as defined in RCW 28A.300.065, as either a district superintendent or an in-school administrator shall continue to receive pension payments while engaged in such service, until the retiree has rendered service for more than 1,040 hours in a school year.
(4) The department shall collect and provide the state actuary with information relevant to the use of this section for the select committee on pension policy.
(5) The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this section in the future and no member or beneficiary has a contractual right to be employed for more than five hundred twenty-five hours per year without a reduction of his or her pension.


Effective date2022 c 110: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 23, 2022]." [ 2022 c 110 s 7.]
IntentEffective dates2011 1st sp.s. c 47: See notes following RCW 28B.10.400.
Effective dates2001 2nd sp.s. c 10: See note following RCW 41.40.037.
IntentConstructionApplication1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.
Effective date1995 c 264: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [May 5, 1995]." [ 1995 c 264 s 2.]
Findings1994 c 69: "The legislature finds that there is a shortage of certificated substitute teachers in many regions of the state, and that this shortage will likely increase in the coming years. The legislature further finds that one method of reducing this shortage of substitute teachers is to encourage retired teachers to serve as substitutes by increasing the number of days they can work without affecting their retirement payments." [ 1994 c 69 s 1.]
Effective dateSeverability1967 c 151: See notes following RCW 41.32.480.
Contract rights of retirees hired for postretirement employment: RCW 28A.405.900.

End of participation in judicial retirement account planNewly elected or appointed judges.

Beginning January 1, 2007, any newly elected or appointed supreme court justice, court of appeals judge, or superior court judge, who is a member of plan 1, shall not participate in the judicial retirement account plan under chapter 2.14 RCW in lieu of prospective contribution and benefit provisions under chapter 189, Laws of 2006.


Effective date2006 c 189: See note following RCW 2.14.115.

Additional benefit for justices or judgesOne-time irrevocable election.

(1) Between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2007, a member of plan 1 employed as a supreme court justice, court of appeals judge, or superior court judge may make a one-time irrevocable election, filed in writing with the member's employer, the department, and the administrative office of the courts, to accrue an additional benefit equal to one and one-half percent of average final compensation for each year of future service credit from the date of the election.
(2)(a) A member who chooses to make the election under subsection (1) of this section may apply to the department to increase the member's benefit multiplier by one and one-half percent per year of service for the period in which the member served as a justice or judge prior to the election. The member may purchase, beginning with the most recent judicial service, the higher benefit multiplier for up to seventy percent of that portion of the member's prior judicial service that would ensure that the member has no more than a seventy-five percent of average final compensation benefit accrued by age sixty-four. The member shall pay five percent of the salary earned for each month of service for which the higher benefit multiplier is being purchased, plus interest as determined by the director. The purchase price shall not exceed the actuarially equivalent value of the increase in the member's benefit resulting from the increase in the benefit multiplier. This payment must be made prior to retirement and prior to December 31, 2007. After December 31, 2007, a member may purchase the higher benefit multiplier for any of the member's prior judicial service at the actuarially equivalent value of the increase in the member's benefit resulting from the increase in the benefit multiplier, as determined by the director.
(b) Subject to rules adopted by the department, a member applying to increase the member's benefit multiplier under this section may pay all or part of the cost with a lump sum payment, eligible rollover, direct rollover, or trustee-to-trustee transfer from an eligible retirement plan. The department shall adopt rules to ensure that all lump sum payments, rollovers, and transfers comply with the requirements of the internal revenue code and regulations adopted by the internal revenue service. The rules adopted by the department may condition the acceptance of a rollover or transfer from another plan on the receipt of information necessary to enable the department to determine the eligibility of any transferred funds for tax-free rollover treatment or other treatment under federal income tax law.


Effective date2006 c 189: See note following RCW 2.14.115.

Justices or judges retirement allowanceIn lieu of RCW 41.32.498.

(1) In lieu of the retirement allowance provided under RCW 41.32.498, the retirement allowance payable for service as a supreme court justice, court of appeals judge, or superior court judge, for those justices or judges who elected to participate under RCW 41.32.584(1), shall be equal to three and one-half percent of average final compensation for each year of service earned after the date of the election. The total retirement benefit accrued or purchased under chapter 189, Laws of 2006 in combination with benefits accrued during periods served prior to the election shall not exceed seventy-five percent of average final compensation.
(2) In lieu of the retirement allowance provided under RCW 41.32.498, the retirement allowance payable for service as a supreme court justice, court of appeals judge, or superior court judge, for those justices or judges newly elected or appointed after January 1, 2007, shall be equal to three and one-half percent of average final compensation for each year of service after January 1, 2007. The total retirement benefits accrued under chapter 189, Laws of 2006 in combination with benefits accrued during periods served prior to January 1, 2007, shall not exceed seventy-five percent of average final compensation.


Effective date2006 c 189: See note following RCW 2.14.115.

"PLAN 2"

Provisions applicable to plan 2.

RCW 41.32.760 through 41.32.825 shall apply only to plan 2 members.


Effective date1977 ex.s. c 293: "This 1977 amendatory act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect October 1, 1977." [ 1977 ex.s. c 293 s 23.]
Severability1977 ex.s. c 293: "If any provision of this 1977 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1977 ex.s. c 293 s 22.]
Legislative direction and placement1977 ex.s. c 293: "Sections 1 through 17 of this 1977 amendatory act shall be added to chapter 41.32 RCW and shall be codified as consecutive sections of the Revised Code of Washington within such chapter." [ 1977 ex.s. c 293 s 21.]
Section headings1977 ex.s. c 293: "Section headings used in this 1977 amendatory act shall not constitute any part of the law." [ 1977 ex.s. c 293 s 20.]

Computation of the retirement allowance.

A member of the retirement system shall receive a retirement allowance equal to two percent of such member's average final compensation for each year of service.


Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Lump sum retirement allowanceReentryConditions for reinstatement of service.

(1) On or after June 10, 1982, the director may pay a beneficiary, subject to the provisions of subsection (5) of this section, a lump sum payment in lieu of a monthly benefit if the initial monthly benefit computed in accordance with RCW 41.32.760 would be less than fifty dollars. The lump sum payment shall be the greater of the actuarial equivalent of such monthly benefits or an amount equal to the individual's accumulated contributions plus accrued interest.
(2) A beneficiary, subject to the provisions of subsection (5) of this section, who is receiving a regular monthly benefit of less than fifty dollars may request, in writing, to convert from a monthly benefit to a lump sum payment. If the director approves the conversion, the calculation of the actuarial equivalent of the total estimated regular benefit will be computed based on the beneficiary's age at the time the benefit initially accrued. The lump sum payment will be reduced to reflect any payments received on or after the initial benefit accrual date.
(3) Persons covered under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section may upon returning to member status reinstate all previous service by depositing the lump sum payment received, with interest as computed by the director, within two years of returning to service or prior to re-retiring, whichever comes first. In computing the amount due, the director shall exclude the accumulated value of the normal payments the member would have received while in beneficiary status if the lump sum payment had not occurred.
(4) If a member fails to meet the time limitations under subsection (3) of this section, reinstatement of all previous service will occur if the member pays the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2). The amount, however, shall exclude the accumulated value of the normal payments the member would have received while in beneficiary status if the lump sum payment had not occurred.
(5) Only persons entitled to or receiving a service retirement allowance under RCW 41.32.760 or an earned disability allowance under RCW 41.32.790 qualify for participation under this section.
(6) It is the intent of the legislature that any member who receives a settlement under this section shall be deemed to be retired from this system.


IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.

Retirement for service.

(1) NORMAL RETIREMENT. Any member with at least five service credit years of service who has attained at least age sixty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.760.
(2) EARLY RETIREMENT. Any member who has completed at least twenty service credit years of service who has attained at least age fifty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.760, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at retirement and the attainment of age sixty-five.
(a) Any member who has completed at least thirty service credit years and has attained age fifty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.760, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance reduced by three percent per year to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at retirement and the attainment of age sixty-five.
(b)(i) On or after September 1, 2008, any member who has completed at least thirty service credit years and has attained age fifty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.760, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance reduced as follows:
(ii) Any member who retired on or after September 1, 2008, and chose the three percent per year reduction provided under (a) of this subsection shall have a retirement allowance recalculated under the reductions of (b)(i) of this subsection for benefit payments made on or after January 1, 2024.
(c) Members who first become employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after May 1, 2013, are not eligible for the alternate early retirement provisions of (a) or (b) of this subsection. Any member who first becomes employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after May 1, 2013, and has completed at least thirty service credit years and has attained age fifty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.760, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance reduced by five percent per year to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at retirement and the attainment of age sixty-five.


Intent2023 c 410: "It is the intent of the legislature to remove some of the restrictions on the types and amount of postretirement employment that members that chose the enhanced early retirement formula created in 2008 for the public employees', school employees', and teachers' retirement systems plans 2 and 3 can perform while in receipt of a retirement allowance. This change simplifies administration of the retirement system and could assist employers currently experiencing difficulties recruiting and retaining employees. In addition, some employees were offered and accepted a choice of lower early retirement benefits without the work-related benefit restrictions that are now being removed from those that chose higher benefits. The legislature intends those employees not be penalized for that choice after the employment-related benefit restrictions are removed. Therefore, pursuant to this act, the legislature intends that the employees that chose the three percent per year early retirement reduction and fewer benefit restrictions, rather than the 2008 early retirement formula with restrictions now being removed, shall have their benefit reduction recalculated to the level of the 2008 reduction for benefits made on or after January 1, 2024." [ 2023 c 410 s 1.]
Effective date2023 c 410: "This act takes effect January 1, 2024." [ 2023 c 410 s 11.]
Benefits not contractual right until September 1, 20082007 c 491: "The new benefits provided pursuant to sections 2(3)(b), 4(3)(b), 6(3)(b), and 8(3)(b), chapter 491, Laws of 2007 are not provided to employees as a matter of contractual right prior to September 1, 2008, and will not become a contractual right thereafter if the repeal of chapter 41.31A RCW is held to be invalid in a final determination of a court of law. The legislature retains the right to alter or abolish these benefits at any time prior to September 1, 2008." [ 2007 c 491 s 15.]
Severability2007 c 491: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 2007 c 491 s 18.]
Conflict with federal requirements2007 c 491: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with a final determination by the federal internal revenue service that is a prescribed condition to favorable tax treatment of one or more of the retirement plans, the conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict and with respect to the individual members directly affected. This finding does not affect the operation of the remainder of this act in its application to the members concerned. The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this act in the future as may be required to comply with a final federal determination that amendment or repeal is necessary to maintain the favorable tax treatment of a plan." [ 2007 c 491 s 14.]
Effective datesSubchapter headings not law2000 c 247: See RCW 41.40.931 and 41.40.932.
FindingsEffective dates1991 c 343: See notes following RCW 41.50.005.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Member with terminal illnessRemoval from system.

(1) Upon application of the member, a member who is diagnosed with a terminal illness shall be removed from the system subject to the following conditions:
(a) That the medical adviser, after a medical examination of the member made by or under the direction of the medical adviser, has certified in writing that the member has a terminal illness with a life expectancy of five or fewer years; and
(b) That the director concurs in the recommendation of the medical adviser.
(2) Members removed from the system shall not make contributions and shall not accumulate additional service credit.
(3) The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this section in the future and no member or beneficiary has a contractual right to this benefit not granted prior to that amendment or repeal.


Effective date2005 c 131: See note following RCW 41.40.823.

Post-retirement cost-of-living.

Beginning July 1, 1979, and every year thereafter, the department shall determine the following information for each retired member or beneficiary whose retirement allowance has been in effect for at least one year:
(1) The original dollar amount of the retirement allowance;
(2) The index for the calendar year prior to the effective date of the retirement allowance, to be known as "index A";
(3) The index for the calendar year prior to the date of determination, to be known as "index B"; and
(4) The ratio obtained when index B is divided by index A.
The value of the ratio obtained shall be the annual adjustment to the original retirement allowance and shall be applied beginning with the July payment. In no event, however, shall the annual adjustment:
(a) Produce a retirement allowance which is lower than the original retirement allowance;
(b) Exceed three percent in the initial annual adjustment; or
(c) Differ from the previous year's annual adjustment by more than three percent.
For the purposes of this section, "index" means, for any calendar year, that year's average consumer price indexSeattle, Washington area for urban wage earners and clerical workers, all items, compiled by the bureau of labor statistics, United States department of labor.


Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Teachers required to be members.

All teachers who become employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after October 1, 1977, shall be members of the retirement system and shall be governed by the provisions of RCW 41.32.755 through 41.32.825.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
FindingsConstruction1990 c 274: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
ApplicationReservation1990 c 274 ss 11, 12, 14, and 15: See note following RCW 41.40.690.
Effective date1979 ex.s. c 45: See note following RCW 41.26.040.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Options for payment of retirement allowancesRetirement allowance adjustmentCourt-approved property settlement.

(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.32.765 or retirement for disability under RCW 41.32.790, a member shall elect to have the retirement allowance paid pursuant to the following options, calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall receive a retirement allowance payable throughout such member's life. However, if the retiree dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid to such retiree equals the amount of such retiree's accumulated contributions at the time of retirement, then the balance shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust, or organization as the retiree shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department; or if there be no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the retiree's death, then to the surviving spouse; or if there be neither such designated person or persons still living at the time of death nor a surviving spouse, then to the retiree's legal representative.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued throughout the life of and paid to a designated person. Such person shall be nominated by the member by written designation duly executed and filed with the department at the time of retirement. The options adopted by the department shall include, but are not limited to, a joint and one hundred percent survivor option and a joint and fifty percent survivor option.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as provided in (b) and (c) of this subsection. If a member is married and both the member and member's spouse do not give written consent to an option under this section, the department will pay the member a joint and fifty percent survivor benefit and record the member's spouse as the beneficiary. Such benefit shall be calculated to be actuarially equivalent to the benefit options available under subsection (1) of this section unless spousal consent is not required as provided in (b) and (c) of this subsection.
(b) Written consent from a spouse or domestic partner is not required if a member who is married or a domestic partner selects a joint and survivor option under subsection (1)(b) of this section and names the member's spouse or domestic partner as the survivor beneficiary.
(c) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do not apply.
(3)(a) Any member who retired before January 1, 1996, and who elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under subsection (1)(b) or (2) of this section is entitled to receive a retirement allowance adjusted in accordance with (b) of this subsection, if they meet the following conditions:
(i) The retiree's designated beneficiary predeceases or has predeceased the retiree; and
(ii) The retiree provides to the department proper proof of the designated beneficiary's death.
(b) The retirement allowance payable to the retiree, as of July 1, 1998, or the date of the designated beneficiary's death, whichever comes last, shall be increased by the percentage derived in (c) of this subsection.
(c) The percentage increase shall be derived by the following:
(i) One hundred percent multiplied by the result of (c)(ii) of this subsection converted to a percent;
(ii) Subtract one from the reciprocal of the appropriate joint and survivor option factor;
(iii) The joint and survivor option factor shall be from the table in effect as of July 1, 1998.
(d) The adjustment under (b) of this subsection shall accrue from the beginning of the month following the date of the designated beneficiary's death or from July 1, 1998, whichever comes last.
(4) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from a postretirement marriage as a survivor during a one-year period beginning one year after the date of the postretirement marriage provided the retirement allowance payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage prior to the effective date of the rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their spouse as a survivor beneficiary following the adoption of the rules.
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain actuarially equivalent.
(5) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to permit:
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW 41.32.815 and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection (1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving their separate benefit upon reaching the age provided in RCW 41.32.765(1) and after filing a written application with the department.
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at retirement.
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options available in subsection (4) of this section. Any actuarial reductions subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to the decree of dissolution.
(6) Beginning on the date that the state receives a determination from the federal internal revenue service that this subsection (6) conforms with federal law, retirees have up to ninety calendar days after the receipt of their first retirement allowance to change their survivor election under subsections (1) and (2) of this section. If a member changes the member's survivor election under this subsection the change is effective the first of the following month and is prospective only.


Effective date1998 c 340: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
Findings1990 c 249: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Earned disability allowanceEligibilityDisposition upon death of recipient.

(1) A member of the retirement system who becomes totally incapacitated for continued employment by an employer as determined by the department upon recommendation of the department shall be eligible to receive an allowance under the provisions of RCW 41.32.755 through 41.32.825. The member shall receive a monthly disability allowance computed as provided for in RCW 41.32.760 and shall have the allowance actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at disability and the attainment of age sixty-five.
Any member who receives an allowance under the provisions of this section shall be subject to comprehensive medical examinations as required by the department. If medical examinations reveal that a member has recovered from the incapacitating disability and the member is offered reemployment by an employer at a comparable compensation, the member shall cease to be eligible for the allowance.
(2)(a) If the recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under this section dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid to the recipient equals the amount of the accumulated contributions at the date of retirement, then the balance shall be paid to the member's estate, or the person or persons, trust, or organization as the recipient has nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the director, or, if there is no designated person or persons still living at the time of the recipient's death, then to the surviving spouse, or, if there is neither a designated person or persons still living at the time of his or her death nor a surviving spouse, then to his or her legal representative.
(b) If a recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under this section died before April 27, 1989, and before the total of the retirement allowance paid to the recipient equaled the amount of his or her accumulated contributions at the date of retirement, then the department shall pay the balance of the accumulated contributions to the member's surviving spouse or, if there is no surviving spouse, then in equal shares to the member's children. If there is no surviving spouse or children, the department shall retain the contributions.


Intent1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.
Findings1990 c 249: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Application for and effective date of retirement allowances.

Any member or beneficiary eligible to receive a retirement allowance under the provisions of RCW 41.32.765, 41.32.790, or 41.32.805 shall be eligible to commence receiving a retirement allowance after having filed written application with the department.
(1) Retirement allowances paid to members under the provisions of RCW 41.32.765 shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following such member's separation from employment.
(2) Retirement allowances paid to vested members no longer in service, but qualifying for such an allowance pursuant to RCW 41.32.765, shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following such qualification.
(3) Disability allowances paid to disabled members under the provisions of RCW 41.32.790 shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following such member's separation from employment for disability.
(4) Retirement allowances paid as death benefits under the provisions of RCW 41.32.805 shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following the member's death.


Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Suspension of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reinstatement.

(1) Except as provided in RCW 41.32.802, no retiree under the provisions of plan 2 shall be eligible to receive such retiree's monthly retirement allowance if he or she is employed in an eligible position as defined in RCW 41.40.010, 41.32.010, 41.37.010, or 41.35.010, or as a law enforcement officer or firefighter as defined in RCW 41.26.030, or in a position covered by annuity and retirement income plans offered by institutions of higher education pursuant to RCW 28B.10.400.
If a retiree's benefits have been suspended under this section, his or her benefits shall be reinstated when the retiree terminates the employment that caused his or her benefits to be suspended. Upon reinstatement, the retiree's benefits shall be actuarially recomputed pursuant to the rules adopted by the department.
(2) The department shall adopt rules implementing this section.


IntentEffective dates2011 1st sp.s. c 47: See notes following RCW 28B.10.400.
Effective date2004 c 242: See RCW 41.37.901.
Effective date1998 c 341: See RCW 41.35.901.
IntentConstructionApplication1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.
FindingsConstruction1990 c 274: See notes following RCW 41.32.010.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Reduction of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reestablishment of membership.

(1)(a) If a retiree enters employment with an employer sooner than one calendar month after his or her accrual date, the retiree's monthly retirement allowance will be reduced by five and one-half percent for every seven hours worked during that month. This reduction will be applied each month until the retiree remains absent from employment with an employer for one full calendar month.
(b) The benefit reduction provided in (a) of this subsection will accrue for a maximum of one hundred forty hours per month. Any benefit reduction over one hundred percent will be applied to the benefit the retiree is eligible to receive in subsequent months.
(2)(a) A retiree who has satisfied the break in employment requirement of subsection (1) of this section, may work up to eight hundred sixty-seven hours per calendar year in an eligible position, as defined in RCW 41.32.010, 41.35.010, 41.37.010, or 41.40.010, or as a firefighter or law enforcement officer, as defined in RCW 41.26.030, or in a position covered by annuity and retirement income plans offered by institutions of higher education pursuant to RCW 28B.10.400, without suspension of his or her benefit.
(b)(i) Between March 23, 2022, and July 1, 2025, a retiree who reenters employment more than one month after his or her accrual date, and who enters service in a school district in a nonadministrative position shall continue to receive pension payments while engaged in such service, until the retiree has rendered service for more than 1,040 hours in a calendar year.
(ii) Between March 23, 2022, and July 1, 2025, a retiree that retired before January 1, 2022, and who enters service in a second-class school district, as defined in RCW 28A.300.065, as either a district superintendent or an in-school administrator shall continue to receive pension payments while engaged in such service, until the retiree has rendered service for more than 1,040 hours in a calendar year.
(iii) The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this subsection (2)(b) in the future and no member or beneficiary has a contractual right to be employed for more than 867 hours in a calendar year without a reduction of his or her pension.
(3) If the retiree opts to reestablish membership under RCW 41.32.044, he or she terminates his or her retirement status and immediately becomes a member. Retirement benefits shall not accrue during the period of membership and the individual shall make contributions and receive membership credit. Such a member shall have the right to again retire if eligible.


IntentEffective date2023 c 410: See notes following RCW 41.32.765.
Effective date2022 c 110: See note following RCW 41.32.570.
IntentEffective dates2011 1st sp.s. c 47: See notes following RCW 28B.10.400.
Effective date2004 c 242: See RCW 41.37.901.
Effective dates2001 2nd sp.s. c 10: See note following RCW 41.40.037.
IntentConstructionApplication1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.

Death benefits.

(1) Except as provided in RCW 11.07.010, if a member or a vested member who has not completed at least ten years of service dies, the amount of the accumulated contributions standing to such member's credit in the retirement system, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, at the time of such member's death shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department. If there be no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the member's death, such member's accumulated contributions standing to such member's credit in the retirement system, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse as if in fact such spouse had been nominated by written designation, or if there be no such surviving spouse, then to such member's legal representatives.
(2) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has completed at least ten years of service dies, the surviving spouse or eligible children shall elect to receive either:
(a) A retirement allowance computed as provided for in RCW 41.32.765, actuarially reduced by the amount of any lump sum benefit identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670 and actuarially adjusted to reflect a joint and one hundred percent survivor option under RCW 41.32.785 and, except under subsection (4) of this section, if the member was not eligible for normal retirement at the date of death a further reduction as described in RCW 41.32.765; if a surviving spouse who is receiving a retirement allowance dies leaving a child or children of the member under the age of majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the surviving spouse, share and share alike, until such child or children reach the age of majority; if there is no surviving spouse eligible to receive an allowance at the time of the member's death, such member's child or children under the age of majority shall receive an allowance share and share alike calculated as herein provided making the assumption that the ages of the spouse and member were equal at the time of the member's death; or
(b) The member's accumulated contributions, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670.
(3) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has completed at least ten years of service dies after October 1, 1977, and is not survived by a spouse or an eligible child, then the accumulated contributions standing to the member's credit, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, shall be paid:
(a) To an estate, a person or persons, trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department; or
(b) If there is no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the member's death, then to the member's legal representatives.
(4) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as determined by the director of the department of labor and industries, or a member who has left the employ of an employer due to service in the national guard or military reserves and dies while honorably serving in the national guard or military reserves during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005, is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.32.765. The member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.32.760.


Applicability2003 c 155: See note following RCW 41.32.520.
Effective datesSubchapter headings not law2000 c 247: See RCW 41.40.931 and 41.40.932.
Severability1991 c 365: See note following RCW 41.50.500.
Findings1990 c 249: See note following RCW 2.10.146.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Service credit for paid leave of absence, officers of labor organizations, unpaid leave of absence, military service.

(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a member's employer shall continue to receive service credit as provided for under the provisions of RCW 41.32.755 through 41.32.825.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence. This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of leave. The earnable compensation reported for a member who establishes service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining agreement.
(3) Except as specified in subsection (6) of this section, a member shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years service credit during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such credit may be obtained only if the member makes both the employer and member contributions plus interest as determined by the department for the period of the authorized leave of absence within five years of resumption of service or prior to retirement whichever comes sooner.
(4) If a member fails to meet the time limitations of subsection (3) of this section, the member may receive a maximum of two years of service credit during a member's working career for those periods when a member is on unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. This may be done by paying the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2) prior to retirement.
(5) For the purpose of subsection (3) of this section, the contribution shall not include the contribution for the unfunded supplemental present value as required by *RCW 41.32.775. The contributions required shall be based on the average of the member's earnable compensation at both the time the authorized leave of absence was granted and the time the member resumed employment.
(6) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement system service credit for up to five years of military service. This subsection shall be administered in a manner consistent with the requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act.
(a) The member qualifies for service credit under this subsection if:
(i) Within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately prior to the member entering the uniformed services; and
(ii) The member makes the employee contributions required under *RCW 41.32.775 within five years of resumption of service or prior to retirement, whichever comes sooner; or
(iii) Prior to retirement and not within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge or five years of resumption of service the member pays the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2); or
(iv) Prior to retirement the member provides to the director proof that the member's interruptive military service was during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005. Any member who made payments for service credit for interruptive military service during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005 may, prior to retirement and on a form provided by the department, request a refund of the funds standing to his or her credit for up to five years of such service, and this amount shall be paid to him or her. Members with one or more periods of interruptive military service credit during a period of war may receive no more than five years of free retirement system service credit under this subsection.
(b) Upon receipt of member contributions under (a)(ii), (d)(iii), or (e)(iii) of this subsection, or adequate proof under (a)(iv), (d)(iv), or (e)(iv) of this subsection, the department shall establish the member's service credit and shall bill the employer for its contribution required under *RCW 41.32.775 for the period of military service, plus interest as determined by the department.
(c) The contributions required under (a)(ii), (d)(iii), or (e)(iii) of this subsection shall be based on the compensation the member would have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be estimated with reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the member in the year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(d) The surviving spouse or eligible child or children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse or eligible child or children:
(i) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first; or
(iv) Prior to the distribution of any benefit, provides to the director proof that the member's interruptive military service was during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005. If the deceased member made payments for service credit for interruptive military service during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005, the surviving spouse or eligible child or children may, prior to the distribution of any benefit and on a form provided by the department, request a refund of the funds standing to the deceased member's credit for up to five years of such service, and this amount shall be paid to the surviving spouse or children. Members with one or more periods of interruptive military service during a period of war may receive no more than five years of free retirement system service credit under this subsection.
(e) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first; or
(iv) Prior to retirement the member provides to the director proof that the member's interruptive military service was during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005. Any member who made payments for service credit for interruptive military service during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005 may, prior to retirement and on a form provided by the department, request a refund of the funds standing to his or her credit for up to five years of such service, and this amount shall be paid to him or her. Members with one or more periods of interruptive military service credit during a period of war may receive no more than five years of free retirement system service credit under this subsection.


*Reviser's note: RCW 41.32.775 was repealed by 1995 c 239 s 326, effective July 1, 1996.
IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Retroactive applicationEffective date1993 c 95: See notes following RCW 41.40.175.
Retroactive application1992 c 119: See note following RCW 41.26.520.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Service credit for half-time employment from October 1, 1977, through December 31, 1986.

The department of retirement systems shall credit at least one-half service credit month for each month of each school year, as defined by *RCW 28A.150.040, from October 1, 1977, through December 31, 1986, to a member of the teachers' retirement system plan 2 who was employed by an employer, as defined by RCW 41.32.010, under a contract for half-time employment as determined by the department for such school year and from whose compensation contributions were paid by the employee or picked up by the employer. Any withdrawn contributions shall be restored under **RCW 41.32.500(1) or 41.50.165 prior to crediting any service.


Reviser's note: *(1) RCW 28A.150.040 was repealed by 2009 c 548 s 710, effective September 1, 2011.
**(2) RCW 41.32.500(1) was renumbered by 1994 c 197 s 17 and deleted in large part by 1994 c 177 s 5.
IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
FindingsEffective dates1991 c 343: See notes following RCW 41.50.005.

One-time purchase of service creditConditionsPaymentRules.

(1) An active member who has completed a minimum of two years of creditable service in the teachers' retirement system may, upon written application to the department, make a one-time purchase of up to seven years of service credit for public education experience outside the Washington state retirement system, subject to the following limitations:
(a) The public education experience being claimed must have been performed as a teacher in a public school in another state or with the federal government;
(b) The public education experience being claimed must have been covered by a retirement or pension plan provided by a state or political subdivision of a state, or by the federal government; and
(c) The member is not currently receiving a benefit or currently eligible to receive an unreduced retirement benefit from a retirement or pension plan of a state or political subdivision of a state or the federal government that includes the service credit to be purchased.
(2) The service credit purchased shall be membership service, and may be used to qualify the member for retirement.
(3) The member shall pay the actuarial value of the resulting increase in the member's benefit calculated in a manner consistent with the department's method for calculating payments for reestablishing service credit under RCW 41.50.165.
(4) The member may pay all or part of the cost of the service credit to be purchased with a lump sum payment, eligible rollover, direct rollover, or trustee-to-trustee transfer from an eligible retirement plan. The department shall adopt rules to ensure that all lump sum payments, rollovers, and transfers comply with the requirements of the internal revenue code and regulations adopted by the internal revenue service. The rules adopted by the department may condition the acceptance of a rollover or transfer from another plan on the receipt of information necessary to enable the department to determine the eligibility of any transferred funds for tax-free rollover treatment or other treatment under federal income tax law.
(5) The employer also may pay all or a portion of the member's cost of the service credit purchased under this section.


Effective date2006 c 257: "This act takes effect January 1, 2007." [ 2006 c 257 s 4.]

Vested membership.

A member who separates or has separated after having completed at least five years of service may remain a member during the period of such member's absence from service for the exclusive purpose only of receiving a retirement allowance under the provisions of RCW 41.32.765 if such member maintains the member's accumulated contributions intact.


Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

Transfer to plan 3Irrevocable option.

(1) Every plan 2 member employed by an employer in an eligible position may make an irrevocable option to transfer to plan 3.
(2) Any plan 2 member who is a substitute teacher may make an irrevocable option to transfer to plan 3 at the time the member purchases substitute service credit pursuant to RCW 41.32.013, pursuant to time lines and procedures established by the department.
(3) Any plan 2 member, other than a substitute teacher, who wishes to transfer to plan 3 after December 31, 1997, may transfer during the month of January in any following year, provided that the member earns service credit for that month.
(4) All service credit in plan 2 shall be transferred to the defined benefit portion of plan 3.
(5) The accumulated contributions in plan 2 less fifty percent of any contributions made pursuant to RCW 41.50.165(2) shall be transferred to the member's account in the defined contribution portion established in chapter 41.34 RCW, pursuant to procedures developed by the department and subject to RCW 41.34.090. Contributions made pursuant to RCW 41.50.165(2) that are not transferred to the member's account shall be transferred to the fund created in RCW 41.50.075(2), except that interest earned on all such contributions shall be transferred to the member's account.
(6) The legislature reserves the right to discontinue the right to transfer under this section.
(7) Anyone previously retired from plan 2 is prohibited from transferring to plan 3.


Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Public employees' retirement system members who previously declined membership in the teachers' retirement systemTransfer to plan 3Irrevocable option.

Any member of the public employees' retirement system plan 2 who is employed in an eligible position as an educational staff associate and who elected pursuant to RCW 41.32.032(2)(a) to remain a member of the public employees' retirement system under chapter 41.40 RCW may make an irrevocable option before January 1, 1998, to transfer to plan 3 pursuant to RCW 41.32.817, PROVIDED THAT:
(1) Only service credit for previous periods of employment in a position covered by RCW 41.32.010 is transferred to plan 3;
(2) Equivalent accumulated employee and employer contributions attributable to service covered by subsection (1) of this section are transferred to plan 3;
(3) Employer contributions transferred under this section shall be paid into the teachers' retirement system combined plan 2 and 3 fund.


Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Refund of contributions on termination.

A member who ceases to be an employee of an employer except by service or disability retirement may request a refund of the member's accumulated contributions. The refund shall be made within ninety days following the receipt of the request and notification of termination through the contribution reporting system by the employer; except that in the case of death, an initial payment shall be made within thirty days of receipt of request for such payment and notification of termination through the contribution reporting system by the employer. A member who files a request for refund and subsequently enters into employment with another employer prior to the refund being made shall not be eligible for a refund. The refund of accumulated contributions shall terminate membership and all benefits under the provisions of RCW 41.32.755 through 41.32.825.


Effective date1988 c 117: "This act shall take effect July 1, 1988." [ 1988 c 117 s 3.]
Effective dates1982 1st ex.s. c 52: See note following RCW 2.10.180.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.


(1) A member, who had left service and withdrawn the member's accumulated contributions, shall, upon reestablishment of membership under RCW 41.32.240, receive service credit for such prior service if the member restores all withdrawn accumulated contributions together with interest since the time of withdrawal as determined by the department. The restoration of such funds must be completed within five years of the resumption of service or prior to retirement, whichever occurs first.
(2) If a member fails to meet the time limitations of subsection (1) of this section, the member may receive service credit destroyed by the withdrawn contributions if the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2) is paid.


IntentSeverabilityEffective date1994 c 197: See notes following RCW 41.50.165.
Effective date1988 c 117: See note following RCW 41.32.820.
Effective dateSeverabilityLegislative direction and placementSection headings1977 ex.s. c 293: See notes following RCW 41.32.755.

"PLAN 3"

Provisions applicable to plan 3Plan 3 elements.

(1) RCW 41.32.831 through 41.32.895 shall apply only to plan 3 members.
(2) Plan 3 shall consist of two separate elements: (a) A defined benefit portion covered under this subchapter; and (b) a defined contribution portion covered under chapter 41.34 RCW.
(3) Unless otherwise specified, all references to "plan 3" in this subchapter refer to the defined benefit portion of plan 3.


Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: "The legislature recognizes that teachers, principals, and district administrators need the ability to make transitions to other public or private sector careers, and that the retirement system should not be a barrier to exercise of employee choice. The legislature also recognizes that teachers, principals, and district administrators need a secure and viable retirement benefit, not only for their own financial protection, but also that public funds are spent prudently for their intended purpose.
It is the legislative intent to create a new public retirement system that balances flexibility with stability, provides both increased employee control of investments and responsible protection of the public's investment in employee benefits, and encourages the pursuit of public sector careers without preventing employees from transitioning into other public or private sector employment.
Therefore, the purpose of chapter 239, Laws of 1995 is to continue to provide teachers, principals, and district administrators with a guaranteed pension at retirement age based on years of public service with an element of inflation protection. It is further the purpose of chapter 239, Laws of 1995 to create a parallel retirement plan where employees have options regarding the investment of their retirement contributions and have the opportunity, along with the accompanying risk, to receive a full rate of return on their investments and where employees who leave public employment prior to retirement receive a fair and reasonable value from the retirement system." [ 1995 c 239 s 1.]
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Choice of membership in plan 2 or plan 3.

(1) All teachers who first become employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after July 1, 2007, shall have a period of ninety days to make an irrevocable choice to become a member of plan 2 or plan 3. At the end of ninety days, if the member has not made a choice to become a member of plan 2, he or she becomes a member of plan 3 or plan 2 as follows:
(a) Becomes a member of plan 3 if first employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after July 1, 2007, but prior to July 1, 2020;
(b) Becomes a member of plan 2 if first employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after July 1, 2020.
(2) For administrative efficiency, until a member elects to become a member of plan 3, or becomes a member of plan 3 by default under subsection (1) of this section, the member shall be reported to the department in plan 2, with member and employer contributions. Upon becoming a member of plan 3 by election or by default, all service credit shall be transferred to the member's plan 3 defined benefit, and all employee accumulated contributions shall be transferred to the member's plan 3 defined contribution account.


Effective date2007 c 491 ss 1, 3, and 7: "Sections 1, 3, and 7 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and take effect July 1, 2007." [ 2007 c 491 s 19.]
SeverabilityConflict with federal requirements2007 c 491: See notes following RCW 41.32.765.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Higher education facultyOption to transfer to plan 3Limitation on supplemental benefits under RCW 28B.10.400.

(1) All faculty members who are first employed by an institution of higher education in a position eligible for participation in old age annuities or retirement income plans under chapter 28B.10 RCW on or after July 1, 2011, have a period of thirty days to make an irrevocable choice to:
(a) Become a member of the teachers' retirement system plan 3 under this chapter; or
(b) Participate in the annuities or retirement income plan provided by the institution.
(2) At the end of thirty days, if the member has not made a choice to become a member of the teachers' retirement system, he or she becomes a participant in the institution's plan under RCW 28B.10.400, but does not become eligible for any supplemental benefit under RCW 28B.10.400(1)(c).


IntentEffective dates2011 1st sp.s. c 47: See notes following RCW 28B.10.400.

Right to waive benefitIrrevocable choice.

Any member receiving or having received a distribution under chapter 41.34 RCW may make an irrevocable choice to waive all rights to a benefit under RCW 41.32.840 by notifying the department in writing of their intention.


Effective date2003 c 349: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [May 16, 2003]." [ 2003 c 349 s 4.]

Computation of the retirement allowance.

(1) A member of the retirement system shall receive a retirement allowance equal to one percent of such member's average final compensation for each service credit year.
(2) The retirement allowance payable under RCW 41.32.875 to a member who separates after having completed at least twenty service credit years shall be increased by twenty-five one-hundredths of one percent, compounded for each month from the date of separation to the date that the retirement allowance commences.


Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Additional payment.

(1) Anyone who requests to transfer under RCW 41.32.817 before January 1, 1998, and establishes service credit for January 1998, shall have their member account increased by forty percent of:
(a) Plan 2 accumulated contributions as of January 1, 1996, less fifty percent of any payments made pursuant to RCW 41.50.165(2); or
(b) All amounts withdrawn after January 1, 1996, which are completely restored before January 1, 1998.
(2) A further additional payment of twenty-five percent, for a total of sixty-five percent, shall be paid subject to the conditions contained in subsection (1) of this section on July 1, 1998.
(3) Substitute teachers shall receive the additional payment provided in subsection (1) of this section if they:
(a) Establish service credit for January 1998; and
(b) Establish any service credit from July 1996 through December 1997; and
(c) Elect to transfer on or before March 1, 1999.
(4) If a member who requests to transfer dies before January 1, 1998, the additional payment provided by this section shall be paid to the member's estate, or the person or persons, trust, or organization the member nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department.
(5) The legislature reserves the right to modify or discontinue the right to an incentive payment under this section for any plan 2 members who have not previously transferred to plan 3.


Effective date1998 c 341: See note following RCW 41.34.060.
Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.

Postretirement cost-of-living allowance.

Retirement allowances paid under the defined benefit portion of plan 3 shall have a postretirement cost-of-living allowance calculated and paid as provided in RCW 41.32.770.


IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Options for payment of retirement allowancesCourt-approved property settlement.

(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.32.875 or retirement for disability under RCW 41.32.880, a member shall elect to have the retirement allowance paid pursuant to one of the following options, calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall receive a retirement allowance payable throughout such member's life. Upon the death of the retired member, all benefits shall cease.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued throughout the life of and paid to such person or persons as the retiree shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the department at the time of retirement. The options adopted by the department shall include, but are not limited to, a joint and one hundred percent survivor option and joint and fifty percent survivor option.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as provided in (b) and (c) of this subsection. If a member is married and both the member and the member's spouse do not give written consent to an option under this section, the department shall pay a joint and fifty-percent survivor benefit calculated to be actuarially equivalent to the benefit options available under subsection (1) of this section unless spousal consent is not required as provided in (b) and (c) of this subsection.
(b) Written consent from a spouse or domestic partner is not required if a member who is married or a domestic partner selects a joint and survivor option under subsection (1)(b) of this section and names the member's spouse or domestic partner as the survivor beneficiary.
(c) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do not apply.
(3) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from a postretirement marriage as a survivor during a one-year period beginning one year after the date of the postretirement marriage provided the retirement allowance payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage prior to the effective date of the rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their spouse as a survivor beneficiary following the adoption of the rules.
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain actuarially equivalent.
(4) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to permit:
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW 41.32.875(1) and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection (1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving their separate benefit upon reaching the age provided in RCW 41.32.875(1) and after filing a written application with the department.
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at retirement.
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options available in subsection (3) of this section. Any actuarial reductions subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to the decree of dissolution.
(5) Beginning on the date that the state receives a determination from the federal internal revenue service that this subsection (5) conforms with federal law, retirees have up to ninety calendar days after the receipt of their first retirement allowance to change their survivor election under subsections (1) and (2) of this section. If a member changes the member's survivor election under this subsection the change is effective the first of the following month and is prospective only.


IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Application for and effective date of retirement allowances.

Any member or beneficiary eligible to receive a retirement allowance under the provisions of RCW 41.32.875, 41.32.880, or 41.32.895 shall be eligible to commence receiving a retirement allowance after having filed written application with the department.
(1) Retirement allowances paid to members shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following such member's separation from employment.
(2) Retirement allowances payable to eligible members no longer in service, but qualifying for such an allowance pursuant to RCW 41.32.875 shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following such qualification.
(3) Disability allowances paid to disabled members shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following such member's separation from employment for disability.
(4) Retirement allowances paid as death benefits shall accrue from the first day of the calendar month immediately following the member's death.


Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Suspension of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reinstatement.

(1) Except under RCW 41.32.862, no retiree shall be eligible to receive such retiree's monthly retirement allowance if he or she is employed in an eligible position as defined in RCW 41.40.010, 41.32.010, 41.35.010, or 41.37.010, or as a law enforcement officer or firefighter as defined in RCW 41.26.030, or in a position covered by annuity and retirement income plans offered by institutions of higher education pursuant to RCW 28B.10.400.
(2) If a retiree's benefits have been suspended under this section, his or her benefits shall be reinstated when the retiree terminates the employment that caused the suspension of benefits. Upon reinstatement, the retiree's benefits shall be actuarially recomputed pursuant to the rules adopted by the department.


IntentEffective dates2011 1st sp.s. c 47: See notes following RCW 28B.10.400.
Effective dates2001 2nd sp.s. c 10: See note following RCW 41.40.037.
IntentConstructionApplication1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Reduction of retirement allowance upon reemployment or if covered by a plan under RCW 28B.10.400Reestablishment of membership.

(1)(a) If a retiree enters employment with an employer sooner than one calendar month after his or her accrual date, the retiree's monthly retirement allowance will be reduced by five and one-half percent for every seven hours worked during that month. This reduction will be applied each month until the retiree remains absent from employment with an employer for one full calendar month.
(b) The benefit reduction provided in (a) of this subsection will accrue for a maximum of one hundred forty hours per month. Any benefit reduction over one hundred percent will be applied to the benefit the retiree is eligible to receive in subsequent months.
(2)(a) A retiree who has satisfied the break in employment requirement of subsection (1) of this section, may work up to eight hundred sixty-seven hours per calendar year in an eligible position, as defined in RCW 41.32.010, 41.35.010, 41.37.010, or 41.40.010, or as a firefighter or law enforcement officer, as defined in RCW 41.26.030, or in a position covered by annuity and retirement income plans offered by institutions of higher education pursuant to RCW 28B.10.400, without suspension of his or her benefit.
(b)(i) Between March 23, 2022, and July 1, 2025, a retired teacher or retired administrator who reenters employment more than one month after his or her accrual date, and who enters service in a school district in a nonadministrative position shall continue to receive pension payments while engaged in such service, until the retiree has rendered service for more than 1,040 hours in a calendar year.
(ii) Between March 23, 2022, and July 1, 2025, a retiree that retired before January 1, 2022, and who enters service in a second-class school district, as defined in RCW 28A.300.065, as either a district superintendent or an in-school administrator shall continue to receive pension payments while engaged in such service, until the retiree has rendered service for more than 1,040 hours in a calendar year.
(iii) The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this subsection (2)(b) in the future and no member or beneficiary has a contractual right to be employed for more than 867 hours in a calendar year without a reduction of his or her pension.
(3) If the retiree opts to reestablish membership under RCW 41.32.044, he or she terminates his or her retirement status and immediately becomes a member. Retirement benefits shall not accrue during the period of membership and the individual shall make contributions and receive membership credit. Such a member shall have the right to again retire if eligible.


IntentEffective date2023 c 410: See notes following RCW 41.32.765.
Effective date2022 c 110: See note following RCW 41.32.570.
IntentEffective dates2011 1st sp.s. c 47: See notes following RCW 28B.10.400.
Effective date2004 c 242: See RCW 41.37.901.
Effective dates2001 2nd sp.s. c 10: See note following RCW 41.40.037.
IntentConstructionApplication1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.

Service credit for paid leave of absence, officers of labor organizations, unpaid leave of absence, military service.

(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a member's employer shall continue to receive service credit.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence. This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of leave. The earnable compensation reported for a member who establishes service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining agreement.
(3) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, a member shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years service credit during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such credit may be obtained only if:
(a) The member makes the contribution on behalf of the employer, plus interest, as determined by the department; and
(b) The member makes the employee contribution, plus interest, as determined by the department, to the defined contribution portion.
The contributions required shall be based on the average of the member's earnable compensation at both the time the authorized leave of absence was granted and the time the member resumed employment.
(4) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement system service credit for up to five years of military service if within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately prior to the member entering the uniformed services. This subsection shall be administered in a manner consistent with the requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act.
The department shall establish the member's service credit and shall bill the employer for its contribution required under chapter 239, Laws of 1995 for the period of military service, plus interest as determined by the department. Service credit under this subsection may be obtained only if the member makes the employee contribution to the defined contribution portion as determined by the department, or prior to retirement, the member provides to the director proof that the member's interruptive military service was during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005. Any member who made payments for service credit for interruptive military service during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005 may, prior to retirement and on a form provided by the department, request a refund of the funds standing to his or her credit for up to five years of such service, and this amount shall be paid to him or her. Members with one or more periods of interruptive military service during a period of war may receive no more than five years of free retirement system service credit under this subsection.
The contributions required shall be based on the compensation the member would have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be estimated with reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the member in the year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(a) The surviving spouse or eligible child or children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse or eligible child or children:
(i) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pays the employee contributions required under this subsection within five years of the date of death or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first; or
(iv) Prior to the distribution of any benefit, provides to the director proof that the member's interruptive military service was during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005. If the deceased member made payments for service credit for interruptive military service during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005, the surviving spouse or eligible child or children may, prior to the distribution of any benefit and on a form provided by the department, request a refund of the funds standing to the deceased member's credit for up to five years of such service, and this amount shall be paid to the surviving spouse or children. Members with one or more periods of interruptive military service during a period of war may receive no more than five years of free retirement system service credit under this subsection.
(b) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under this subsection within five years of the director's determination of total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first; or
(iv) Prior to retirement the member provides to the director proof that the member's interruptive military service was during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005. Any member who made payments for service credit for interruptive military service during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005 may, prior to retirement and on a form provided by the department, request a refund of the funds standing to his or her credit for up to five years of such service, and this amount shall be paid to him or her. Members with one or more periods of interruptive military service during a period of war may receive no more than five years of free retirement system service credit under this subsection.


Effective date1996 c 61 s 3: "Section 3 of this act shall take effect July 1, 1996." [ 1996 c 61 s 5.]
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Purchased service creditAllocation.

(1) Contributions on behalf of the employer paid by the employee to purchase plan 3 service credit shall be allocated to the defined benefit portion of plan 3 and shall not be refundable when paid to the fund described in RCW 41.50.075(2). Contributions on behalf of the employee shall be allocated to the member account. If the member fails to meet the statutory time limitations to purchase plan 3 service credit, it may be purchased under the provisions of RCW 41.50.165(2). One-half of the purchase payments under RCW 41.50.165(2), plus interest, shall be allocated to the member's account.
(2) No purchased plan 3 membership service will be credited until all payments required of the member are made, with interest. Upon receipt of all payments owed by the member, the department shall bill the employer for any contributions, plus interest, required to purchase membership service.


Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.

One-time purchase of service creditConditionsPaymentRules.

(1) An active member who has completed a minimum of two years of creditable service in the teachers' retirement system may, upon written application to the department, make a one-time purchase of up to seven years of service credit for public education experience outside the Washington state retirement system, subject to the following limitations:
(a) The public education experience being claimed must have been performed as a teacher in a public school in another state or with the federal government;
(b) The public education experience being claimed must have been covered by a retirement or pension plan provided by a state or political subdivision of a state, or by the federal government; and
(c) The member is not currently receiving a benefit or currently eligible to receive an unreduced retirement benefit from a retirement or pension plan of a state or political subdivision of a state or the federal government that includes the service credit to be purchased.
(2) The service credit purchased shall be membership service, and may be used to qualify the member for retirement.
(3) The member shall pay the actuarial value of the resulting increase in the member's benefit calculated in a manner consistent with the department's method for calculating payments for reestablishing service credit under RCW 41.50.165.
(4) The member may pay all or part of the cost of the service credit to be purchased with a lump sum payment, eligible rollover, direct rollover, or trustee-to-trustee transfer from an eligible retirement plan. The department shall adopt rules to ensure that all lump sum payments, rollovers, and transfers comply with the requirements of the internal revenue code and regulations adopted by the internal revenue service. The rules adopted by the department may condition the acceptance of a rollover or transfer from another plan on the receipt of information necessary to enable the department to determine the eligibility of any transferred funds for tax-free rollover treatment or other treatment under federal income tax law.
(5) The employer also may pay all or a portion of the member's cost of the service credit purchased under this section.


Effective date2006 c 257: See note following RCW 41.32.813.

Lump sum paymentsReentry.

(1) The director may pay a member eligible to receive a retirement allowance or the member's beneficiary a lump sum payment in lieu of a monthly benefit if the initial monthly benefit would be less than one hundred dollars. The one hundred dollar limit shall be increased by three percent compounded annually on January 1. The lump sum payment shall be the actuarial equivalent of the monthly benefit.
(2) Persons covered under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section may upon returning to member status reinstate all previous service by depositing the lump sum payment received, with interest as computed by the director, within two years of returning to service or prior to retiring again, whichever comes first. In computing the amount due, the director shall exclude the accumulated value of the normal payments the member would have received while in beneficiary status if the lump sum payment had not occurred.
(3) Any member who receives a settlement under this section shall be deemed to be retired from this system.


IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Retirement eligibility.

(1) NORMAL RETIREMENT. Any member who is at least age sixty-five and who has:
(a) Completed ten service credit years; or
(b) Completed five service credit years, including twelve service credit months after attaining age forty-four; or
(c) Completed five service credit years by July 1, 1996, under plan 2 and who transferred to plan 3 under RCW 41.32.817;
shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.840.
(2) EARLY RETIREMENT. Any member who has attained at least age fifty-five and has completed at least ten years of service shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.840, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at retirement and the attainment of age sixty-five.
(a) Any member who has completed at least thirty service credit years and has attained age fifty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.840, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance reduced by three percent per year to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at retirement and the attainment of age sixty-five.
(b)(i) On or after September 1, 2008, any member who has completed at least thirty service credit years and has attained age fifty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.840, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance reduced as follows:
(ii) Any member who retired on or after September 1, 2008, and chose the three percent per year reduction provided under (a) of this subsection shall have a retirement allowance recalculated under the reductions of (b)(i) of this subsection for benefit payments made on or after January 1, 2024.
(c) Members who first become employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after May 1, 2013, are not eligible for the alternate early retirement provisions of (a) or (b) of this subsection. Any member who first becomes employed by an employer in an eligible position on or after May 1, 2013, and has completed at least thirty service credit years and has attained age fifty-five shall be eligible to retire and to receive a retirement allowance computed according to the provisions of RCW 41.32.840, except that a member retiring pursuant to this subsection shall have the retirement allowance reduced by five percent per year to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at retirement and the attainment of age sixty-five.


IntentEffective date2023 c 410: See notes following RCW 41.32.765.
Benefits not contractual right until September 1, 20082007 c 491: See note following RCW 41.32.765.
SeverabilityConflict with federal requirements2007 c 491: See notes following RCW 41.32.765.
Effective datesSubchapter headings not law2000 c 247: See RCW 41.40.931 and 41.40.932.
Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Member with terminal illnessRemoval from system.

(1) Upon application of the member, a member who is diagnosed with a terminal illness shall be removed from membership in the system subject to the following conditions:
(a) That the medical adviser, after a medical examination of the member made by or under the direction of the medical adviser, has certified in writing that the member has a terminal illness with a life expectancy of five or fewer years; and
(b) That the director concurs in the recommendation of the medical adviser.
(2) Members removed from the system shall not make contributions toward a defined contribution account as defined in chapter 41.34 RCW and shall not accumulate additional service credit.
(3) The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this section in the future and no member or beneficiary has a contractual right to this benefit not granted prior to that amendment or repeal.


Effective date2005 c 131: See note following RCW 41.40.823.

Earned disability allowanceEligibilityDisposition upon death of recipient.

(1) A member of the retirement system who becomes totally incapacitated for continued employment by an employer as determined by the department shall be eligible to receive an allowance under the provisions of plan 3. The member shall receive a monthly disability allowance computed as provided for in RCW 41.32.840 and shall have this allowance actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years between age at disability and the attainment of age sixty-five.
Any member who receives an allowance under the provisions of this section shall be subject to comprehensive medical examinations as required by the department. If these medical examinations reveal that a member has recovered from the incapacitating disability and the member is offered reemployment by an employer at a comparable compensation, the member shall cease to be eligible for the allowance.
(2) If the recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under this section dies, any further benefit payments shall be conditioned by the payment option selected by the retiree as provided in RCW 41.32.851.


IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.

Restored, purchased service credit under plan 2Transfer to plan 3.

(1) Any member who elects to transfer to plan 3 and has eligible unrestored withdrawn contributions in plan 2, may restore such contributions under the provisions of RCW 41.32.825(1) with interest as determined by the department. The restored plan 2 service credit will be automatically transferred to plan 3. Restoration payments will be transferred to the member account in plan 3. If the member fails to meet the time limitations of RCW 41.32.825(1), they may restore such contributions under the provisions of RCW 41.50.165(2). The restored plan 2 service credit will be automatically transferred to plan 3. One-half of the restoration payments under RCW 41.50.165(2) plus interest shall be allocated to the member's account.
(2) Any member who elects to transfer to plan 3 may purchase plan 2 service credit under RCW 41.32.810(3). Purchased plan 2 service credit will be automatically transferred to plan 3. Contributions on behalf of the employer paid by the employee shall be allocated to the defined benefit portion of plan 3 and shall not be refundable when paid to the fund described in RCW 41.50.075(2). Contributions on behalf of the employee shall be allocated to the member account. If the member fails to meet the time limitations of RCW 41.32.810(3), they may subsequently restore such contributions under the provisions of RCW 41.50.165(2). Purchased plan 2 service credit will be automatically transferred to plan 3. One-half of the payments under RCW 41.50.165(2), plus interest, shall be allocated to the member's account.


Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.

Death benefits.

(1) If a member dies prior to retirement, the surviving spouse or eligible child or children shall receive a retirement allowance computed as provided in RCW 41.32.851 actuarially reduced to reflect a joint and one hundred percent survivor option and, except under subsection (2) of this section, if the member was not eligible for normal retirement at the date of death a further reduction as described in RCW 41.32.875.
If the surviving spouse who is receiving the retirement allowance dies leaving a child or children under the age of majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the surviving spouse, share and share alike, until such child or children reach the age of majority.
If there is no surviving spouse eligible to receive an allowance at the time of the member's death, such member's child or children under the age of majority shall receive an allowance, share and share alike. The allowance shall be calculated with the assumption that the age of the spouse and member were equal at the time of the member's death.
(2) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as determined by the director of the department of labor and industries, or a member who has left the employ of an employer due to service in the national guard or military reserves and dies while honorably serving in the national guard or military reserves during a period of war as defined in RCW 41.04.005, is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.32.875. The member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.32.840.


Applicability2003 c 155: See note following RCW 41.32.520.
Effective datesSubchapter headings not law2000 c 247: See RCW 41.40.931 and 41.40.932.
Effective dates1996 c 39: See note following RCW 41.32.010.
IntentPurpose1995 c 239: See note following RCW 41.32.831.
Effective datePart and subchapter headings not law1995 c 239: See notes following RCW 41.32.005.
Benefits not contractual right until date specified: RCW 41.34.100.