Chapter 46.80 RCW



HTMLPDF 46.80.005Legislative declaration.
HTMLPDF 46.80.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 46.80.020License requiredPenalty.
HTMLPDF 46.80.030Application for licenseContents.
HTMLPDF 46.80.040Issuance of licenseFee.
HTMLPDF 46.80.050Expiration, renewalFee.
HTMLPDF 46.80.060License plates, indicator tabsFeeDisplay.
HTMLPDF 46.80.070Bond.
HTMLPDF 46.80.080RecordsPenalty.
HTMLPDF 46.80.090Reports to departmentEvidence of ownership.
HTMLPDF 46.80.100Cancellation of bond.
HTMLPDF 46.80.110License penalties, civil fines, criminal penalties.
HTMLPDF 46.80.121False or unqualified applications.
HTMLPDF 46.80.130All storage at place of businessScreening requiredPenalty.
HTMLPDF 46.80.140Rules.
HTMLPDF 46.80.150Inspection of licensed premises and records.
HTMLPDF 46.80.160Municipal compliance.
HTMLPDF 46.80.170ViolationsPenalties.
HTMLPDF 46.80.180Cease and desist ordersFines.
HTMLPDF 46.80.190Subpoenas.
HTMLPDF 46.80.200Wholesale motor vehicle auction dealers.
HTMLPDF 46.80.210Metal property transactions.
HTMLPDF 46.80.220Catalytic converter inspection fee.
HTMLPDF 46.80.900Liberal construction.


Hulk haulers and scrap processors: Chapter 46.79 RCW.