Chapter 70.79 RCW



HTMLPDF 70.79.010Board of boiler rulesMembersTermsMeetings.
HTMLPDF 70.79.020Compensation and travel expenses.
HTMLPDF 70.79.030Duties of board.
HTMLPDF 70.79.040Rules and regulationsScope.
HTMLPDF 70.79.050Rules and regulationsEffect.
HTMLPDF 70.79.060Construction, installation must conform to rulesInspection certificate.
HTMLPDF 70.79.070Existing installationsConformance required.
HTMLPDF 70.79.080Exemptions from chapter.
HTMLPDF 70.79.090Exemptions from certain provisions.
HTMLPDF 70.79.095Espresso machinesLocal regulation prohibited.
HTMLPDF 70.79.100Chief inspectorQualificationsAppointment, removal.
HTMLPDF 70.79.110Chief inspectorDuties in general.
HTMLPDF 70.79.120Deputy inspectorsQualificationsEmployment.
HTMLPDF 70.79.130Special inspectorsQualificationsCommission.
HTMLPDF 70.79.140Special inspectorsCompensationContinuance of commission.
HTMLPDF 70.79.150Special inspectorsInspectionsExempts from inspection fees.
HTMLPDF 70.79.160Report of inspection by special inspectorFiling.
HTMLPDF 70.79.170Examinations for inspector's appointment or commissionReexamination.
HTMLPDF 70.79.180Suspension, revocation of inspector's commissionGroundsReinstatement.
HTMLPDF 70.79.190Suspension, revocation of commissionAppeal.
HTMLPDF 70.79.200Lost or destroyed certificate or commission.
HTMLPDF 70.79.220InspectionsWho shall make.
HTMLPDF 70.79.230Access to premises by inspectors.
HTMLPDF 70.79.240Inspection of boilers, unfired pressure vesselsScopeFrequency.
HTMLPDF 70.79.250InspectionFrequencyGrace period.
HTMLPDF 70.79.260InspectionFrequencyModification by rules.
HTMLPDF 70.79.270Hydrostatic test.
HTMLPDF 70.79.280Inspection during construction.
HTMLPDF 70.79.290Inspection certificateContentsPostingFee.
HTMLPDF 70.79.300Inspection certificate invalid on termination of insurance.
HTMLPDF 70.79.310Inspection certificateSuspensionReinstatement.
HTMLPDF 70.79.320Operating without inspection certificate prohibitedPenalty.
HTMLPDF 70.79.330Inspection feesExpensesSchedulesWaiver of provisions during state of emergency.
HTMLPDF 70.79.350Inspection feesReceipts forPressure systems safety fund.
HTMLPDF 70.79.361Board determinationsAppeals.


Excessive steam in boilers, penalty: RCW 70.54.080.
State building code: Chapter 19.27 RCW.

Board of boiler rulesMembersTermsMeetings.

There is hereby created within this state a board of boiler rules, which shall hereafter be referred to as the board, consisting of five members who shall be appointed to the board by the governor, one for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, and two for a term of four years. At the expiration of their respective terms of office, they, or their successors identifiable with the same interests respectively as hereinafter provided, shall be appointed for terms of four years each. The governor may at any time remove any member of the board for inefficiency or neglect of duty in office. Upon the death or incapacity of any member the governor shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the vacated term with a representative of the same interests with which his or her predecessor was identified. Of these five appointed members, one shall be representative of owners and users of boilers and unfired pressure vessels within the state, one shall be representative of the boiler or unfired pressure vessel manufacturers within the state, one shall be a representative of a boiler insurance company licensed to do business within the state, one shall be a mechanical engineer on the faculty of a recognized engineering college or a graduate mechanical engineer having equivalent experience, and one shall be representative of the boilermakers, stationary operating engineers, or pressure vessel operators. The board shall elect one of its members to serve as chair and, at the call of the chair, the board shall meet at least four times each year at the state capitol or other place designated by the board.

Compensation and travel expenses.

The members of the board shall be compensated in accordance with RCW 43.03.240 and shall receive travel expenses incurred while in the performance of their duties as members of the board, in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
[ 1984 c 287 s 105; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 s 159; 1951 c 32 s 2.]


Legislative findingsSeverabilityEffective date1984 c 287: See notes following RCW 43.03.220.
Effective dateSeverability1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34: See notes following RCW 2.08.115.

Duties of board.

The board shall formulate definitions and rules for the safe and proper construction, installation, repair, use, and operation of boilers and for the safe and proper construction, installation, and repair of unfired pressure vessels in this state. The definitions and rules so formulated shall be based upon, and, at all times, follow the nationally or internationally accepted engineering standards, formulae, and practices established and pertaining to boiler and unfired pressure vessel construction and safety, and the board may by resolution adopt existing published codifications thereof, and when so adopted the same shall be deemed incorporated into, and to constitute a part or the whole of the definitions and rules of the board. Amendments and interpretations to the code shall be enforceable immediately upon being adopted, to the end that the definitions and rules shall at all times follow nationally or internationally accepted engineering standards. However, all rules adopted by the board shall be adopted in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW, as now or hereafter amended.

Rules and regulationsScope.

The board shall promulgate rules and regulations for the safe and proper installation, repair, use and operation of boilers, and for the safe and proper installation and repair of unfired pressure vessels which were in use or installed ready for use in this state prior to the date upon which the first rules and regulations under this chapter pertaining to existing installations became effective, or during the twelve months period immediately thereafter.

Rules and regulationsEffect.

(1) The rules and regulations formulated by the board shall have the force and effect of law, except that the rules applying to the construction of new boilers and unfired pressure vessels shall not be construed to prevent the installation thereof until twelve months after their approval by the director of the department of labor and industries.
(2) Subsequent amendments to the rules and regulations adopted by the board shall be permissive immediately and shall become mandatory twelve months after such approval.

Construction, installation must conform to rulesInspection certificate.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, no power boiler, low pressure boiler, or unfired pressure vessel which does not conform to the rules and regulations formulated by the board governing new construction and installation shall be installed and operated in this state after twelve months from the date upon which the first rules and regulations under this chapter pertaining to new construction and installation shall have become effective, unless the boiler or unfired pressure vessel is of special design or construction, and is not covered by the rules and regulations, nor is in any way inconsistent with such rules and regulations, in which case an inspection certificate may at its discretion be granted by the board.
(2) An inspection certificate may also be granted for boilers and pressure vessels manufactured before 1951 which do not comply with the code requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers adopted under this chapter, if the boiler or pressure vessel is operated exclusively for the purposes of public exhibition, and the board finds, upon inspection, that operation of the boiler or pressure vessel for such purposes is not unsafe.

Existing installationsConformance required.

(1) All boilers and unfired pressure vessels which were in use, or installed ready for use in this state prior to the date upon which the first rules and regulations under this chapter pertaining to existing installations became effective, or during the twelve months period immediately thereafter, shall be made to conform to the rules and regulations of the board governing existing installations, and the formulae prescribed therein shall be used in determining the maximum allowable working pressure for such boilers and unfired pressure vessels.
(2) This chapter shall not be construed as in any way preventing the use or sale of boilers or unfired vessels as referred to in subsection (1) of this section, provided they have been made to conform to the rules and regulations of the board governing existing installations, and provided, further, they have not been found upon inspection to be in an unsafe condition.

Exemptions from chapter.

This chapter shall not apply to the following boilers, unfired pressure vessels and domestic hot water tanks:
(1) Boilers and unfired pressure vessels under federal regulation or operated by any railroad subject to the provisions of the interstate commerce act;
(2) Unfired pressure vessels meeting the requirements of the interstate commerce commission for shipment of liquids or gases under pressure;
(3) Air tanks located on vehicles operating under the rules of other state authorities and used for carrying passengers, or freight;
(4) Air tanks installed on the right-of-way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains;
(5) Unfired pressure vessels having a volume of five cubic feet or less when not located in places of public assembly;
(6) Unfired pressure vessels designed for a pressure not exceeding fifteen pounds per square inch gauge;
(7) Tanks used in connection with heating water for domestic and/or residential purposes;
(8) Boilers and unfired pressure vessels in cities having ordinances which are enforced and which have requirements equal to or higher than those provided for under this chapter, covering the installation, operation, maintenance and inspection of boilers and unfired pressure vessels;
(9) Tanks containing water with no air cushion and no direct source of energy that operate at ambient temperature;
(10) Electric boilers:
(a) Having a tank volume of not more than one and one-half cubic feet;
(b) Having a maximum allowable working pressure of one hundred pounds per square inch or less, with a pressure relief system to prevent excess pressure; and
(c) If constructed after June 10, 1994, constructed to American society of mechanical engineers code, or approved or otherwise certified by a nationally recognized or recognized foreign testing laboratory or construction code, including but not limited to Underwriters Laboratories, Edison Testing Laboratory, or Instituto Superiore Per La Prevenzione E La Sicurezza Del Lavoro;
(11) Electrical switchgear and control apparatus that have no external source of energy to maintain pressure and are located in restricted access areas under the control of an electric utility;
(12) Regardless of location, unfired pressure vessels less than one and one-half cubic feet (11.25 gallons) in volume or less than six inches in diameter with no limitation on the length of the vessel or pressure;
(13) Domestic hot water heaters less than one and one-half cubic feet (11.25 gallons) in volume with a safety valve setting of one hundred fifty pounds per square inch gauge or less;
(14)(a)(i) Miniature hobby boilers that have been certified by an inspector as of June 7, 2018; or
(ii) Miniature hobby boilers that have not been certified by an inspector as of June 7, 2018, but that receive certification from the chief inspector prior to being placed in service.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection, "miniature hobby boilers" means those that do not comply with the code requirements of the American society of mechanical engineers adopted under this chapter and do not exceed any of the following limits:
(i) Sixteen inches inside diameter of the shell;
(ii) Twenty square feet of total heating surface;
(iii) Five cubic feet of gross volume of vessel;
(iv) One hundred fifty p.s.i.g. maximum allowable working pressure; and
(v) The boiler is to be operated exclusively not for commercial or industrial use.


FindingIntent1994 c 64: See note following RCW 70.79.095.

Exemptions from certain provisions.

The following boilers and unfired pressure vessels shall be exempt from the requirements of RCW 70.79.220 and 70.79.240 through 70.79.330:
(1) Boilers or unfired pressure vessels located on farms and used solely for agricultural purposes;
(2) Unfired pressure vessels that are part of fertilizer applicator rigs designed and used exclusively for fertilization in the conduct of agricultural operations;
(3) Steam boilers used exclusively for heating purposes carrying a pressure of not more than fifteen pounds per square inch gauge and which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of less than six families;
(4) Hot water heating boilers carrying a pressure of not more than thirty pounds per square inch and which are located in private residences or in apartment houses of less than six families;
(5) Approved pressure vessels (hot water heaters, hot water storage tanks, hot water supply boilers, and hot water heating boilers listed by a nationally recognized testing agency), with approved safety devices including a pressure relief valve, with a nominal water containing capacity of one hundred twenty gallons or less having a heat input of two hundred thousand b.t.u.'s per hour or less, at pressure of one hundred sixty pounds per square inch or less, and at temperatures of two hundred ten degrees Fahrenheit or less: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That such pressure vessels are not installed in schools, child care centers, public and private hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, churches, public buildings owned or leased and maintained by the state or any political subdivision thereof, and assembly halls;
(6) Unfired pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic supply purposes, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion or airlift pumping systems, when located in private residences or in apartment houses of less than six families, or in public water systems as defined in RCW 70A.120.020;
(7) Unfired pressure vessels containing liquefied petroleum gases.


Explanatory statement2021 c 65: See note following RCW 53.54.030.
Application2012 c 10: See note following RCW 18.20.010.

Espresso machinesLocal regulation prohibited.

A county, city, or other political subdivision of the state may not enforce any law specifically regulating the manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance, or inspection of any electric boiler exempt from this chapter by RCW 70.79.080(10).


FindingIntent1994 c 64: "The legislature finds that small low-pressure boilers are found in devices such as espresso coffee machines and cleaning equipment common throughout Washington state. Such systems present little threat to public health and safety. Government regulation of such systems could impose a substantial burden on many small businesses and provide minimal public benefit. It is therefore the intent of the legislature to exempt these boilers from regulation under chapter 70.79 RCW and similar laws adopted by local governments." [ 1994 c 64 s 1.]

Chief inspectorQualificationsAppointment, removal.

(1) Within sixty days after the effective date of this chapter, and at any time thereafter that the office of the chief inspector may become vacant, the director of the department of labor and industries shall appoint a chief inspector who shall have had at the time of such appointment not less than ten years practical experience in the construction, maintenance, repair, or operation of high pressure boilers and unfired pressure vessels, as a mechanical engineer, steam engineer, boilermaker, or boiler inspector, and who shall have passed the same kind of examination as that prescribed for deputy or special inspectors in RCW 70.79.170 to be chief inspector until his or her successor shall have been appointed and qualified. Such chief inspector may be removed for cause after due investigation by the board and its recommendation to the director of the department of labor and industries.

Chief inspectorDuties in general.

The chief inspector, if authorized by the director of the department of labor and industries is hereby charged, directed and empowered:
(1) To cause the prosecution of all violators of the provisions of this chapter;
(2) To issue, or to suspend, or revoke for cause, inspection certificates as provided for in RCW 70.79.290;
(3) To take action necessary for the enforcement of the laws of the state governing the use of boilers and unfired pressure vessels and of the rules and regulations of the board;
(4) To keep a complete record of the type, dimensions, maximum allowable working pressure, age, condition, location, and date of the last recorded internal inspection of all boilers and unfired pressure vessels to which this chapter applies;
(5) To publish and distribute, among manufacturers and others requesting them, copies of the rules and regulations adopted by the board.

Deputy inspectorsQualificationsEmployment.

The director shall employ deputy inspectors who have met at the time of appointment the qualification requirements for a commission as set forth by the national board of boiler and pressure vessel inspectors, and who shall have passed the examination provided for in RCW 70.79.170.

Special inspectorsQualificationsCommission.

In addition to the deputy boiler inspectors authorized by RCW 70.79.120, the chief inspector shall, upon the request of any company authorized to insure against loss from explosion of boilers and unfired pressure vessels in this state, or upon the request of any company operating boilers or unfired pressure vessels in this state, issue to any inspectors of said company commissions as special inspectors, provided that each such inspector before receiving his or her commission shall satisfactorily pass the examination provided for in RCW 70.79.170, or, in lieu of such examination, shall hold a certificate of competency as an inspector of boilers and unfired pressure vessels for a state that has a standard of examination substantially equal to that of this state or a certificate as an inspector of boilers and unfired pressure vessels from the national board of boiler and pressure vessel inspectors. A commission as a special inspector for a company operating boilers or unfired pressure vessels in this state shall be issued only if, in addition to meeting the requirements stated herein, the inspector is continuously employed by the company for the purpose of making inspections of boilers or unfired pressure vessels used, or to be used, by such company.

Special inspectorsCompensationContinuance of commission.

Special inspectors shall receive no salary from, nor shall any of their expenses be paid by the state, and the continuance of a special inspector's commission shall be conditioned upon his or her continuing in the employ of a boiler insurance company duly authorized as aforesaid or upon continuing in the employ of a company operating boilers or unfired pressure vessels in this state and upon his or her maintenance of the standards imposed by this chapter.

Special inspectorsInspectionsExempts from inspection fees.

Special inspectors shall inspect all boilers and unfired pressure vessels insured or operated by their respective companies and, when so inspected, the owners and users of such insured boilers and unfired pressure vessels shall be exempt from the payment to the state of the inspection fees as provided for in RCW 70.79.330.

Report of inspection by special inspectorFiling.

Each company employing special inspectors shall, within thirty days following each internal or external boiler or unfired pressure vessel inspection made by such inspectors, file a report of such inspection with the chief inspector upon appropriate forms.

Examinations for inspector's appointment or commissionReexamination.

Examinations for deputy or special inspectors shall be in writing and shall be held by the chief and a member of the board, or by at least two national board commissioned inspectors. Such examinations shall be confined to questions the answers to which will aid in determining the fitness and competency of the applicant for the intended service. In case an applicant for an inspector's appointment or commission fails to pass the examination, he or she may appeal to the board for another examination which shall be given by the chief within ninety days. The record of an applicant's examination shall be accessible to said applicant and his or her employer.

Suspension, revocation of inspector's commissionGroundsReinstatement.

A commission may be suspended or revoked after due investigation and recommendation by the board to the director of the department of labor and industries for the incompetence or untrustworthiness of the holder thereof, or for willful falsification of any matter or statement contained in his or her application or in a report of any inspection. A person whose commission has been suspended or revoked, except for untrustworthiness, shall be entitled to apply to the board for reinstatement or, in the case of a revocation, for a new examination and commission after ninety days from such revocation.

Suspension, revocation of commissionAppeal.

A person whose commission has been suspended or revoked shall be entitled to an appeal as provided in RCW 70.79.361 and to be present in person and/or represented by counsel on the hearing of the appeal.

Lost or destroyed certificate or commission.

If a certificate or commission is lost or destroyed, a new certificate or commission shall be issued in its place without another examination.

InspectionsWho shall make.

The inspections herein required shall be made by the chief inspector, by a deputy inspector, or by a special inspector provided for in this chapter.

Access to premises by inspectors.

The chief inspector, or any deputy or special inspector, shall have free access, during reasonable hours, to any premises in the state where a boiler or unfired pressure vessel is being constructed, or is being installed or operated, for the purpose of ascertaining whether such boiler or unfired pressure vessel is constructed, installed and operated in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Inspection of boilers, unfired pressure vesselsScopeFrequency.

Each boiler and unfired pressure vessel used or proposed to be used within this state, except boilers or unfired pressure vessels exempt in RCW 70.79.080 and 70.79.090, shall be thoroughly inspected as to their construction, installation, condition and operation, as follows:
(1) Power boilers shall be inspected annually both internally and externally while not under pressure, except that the board may provide for longer periods between inspections where the contents, history, or operation of the power boiler or the material of which it is constructed warrant special consideration. Power boilers shall also be inspected annually externally while under pressure if possible;
(2) Low pressure heating boilers shall be inspected both internally and externally biennially where construction will permit, except that the board may, in its discretion, provide for longer periods between internal inspections;
(3) Unfired pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion shall be inspected both internally and externally biennially where construction will permit, except that the board may, in its discretion, provide for longer periods between internal inspections;
(4) Unfired pressure vessels not subject to internal corrosion shall be inspected externally at intervals set by the board, but internal inspections shall not be required of unfired pressure vessels, the contents of which are known to be noncorrosive to the material of which the shell, head, or fittings are constructed, either from the chemical composition of the contents or from evidence that the contents are adequately treated with a corrosion inhibitor, provided that such vessels are constructed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the board or in accordance with standards substantially equivalent to the rules and regulations of the board, in effect at the time of manufacture.

InspectionFrequencyGrace period.

In the case of power boilers a grace period of not more than two months longer than the period established by the board under RCW 70.79.240(1) may elapse between internal inspections of a boiler while not under pressure or between external inspections of a boiler while under pressure; in the case of low pressure heating boilers not more than twenty-six months shall elapse between inspections, and in the case of unfired pressure vessels not more than two months longer than the period between inspections prescribed by the board shall elapse between internal inspections.

InspectionFrequencyModification by rules.

The rules and regulations formulated by the board applying to the inspection of unfired pressure vessels may be modified by the board to reduce or extend the interval between required inspections where the contents of the vessel or the material of which it is constructed warrant special consideration.

Hydrostatic test.

If at any time a hydrostatic test shall be deemed necessary to determine the safety of a boiler or unfired pressure vessel, [the] same shall be made, at the discretion of the inspector, by the owner or user thereof.

Inspection during construction.

All boilers and all unfired pressure vessels to be installed in this state after the twelve-month period from the date upon which the rules of the board shall become effective shall be inspected during construction as required by the applicable rules of the board by an inspector authorized to inspect boilers and unfired pressure vessels in this state, or, if constructed outside of the state, by an inspector holding a certificate from the national board of boiler and pressure vessel inspectors, or a certificate of competency as an inspector of boilers and unfired pressure vessels for a state that has a standard of examination substantially equal to that of this state as provided in RCW 70.79.170.

Inspection certificateContentsPostingFee.

If, upon inspection, a boiler or pressure vessel is found to comply with the rules and regulations of the board, and upon the appropriate fee payment made directly to the chief inspector, as required by RCW 70.79.160 or 70.79.330, the chief inspector shall issue to the owner or user of such a boiler or pressure vessel an inspection certificate bearing the date of inspection and specifying the maximum pressure under which the boiler or pressure vessel may be operated. Such inspection certificate shall be valid for not more than fourteen months from its date in the case of power boilers and twenty-six months in the case of low pressure heating boilers, and for not more than two months longer than the authorized inspection period in the case of pressure vessels. Certificates shall be posted under glass in the room containing the boiler or pressure vessel inspected. If the boiler or pressure vessel is not located within a building, the certificate shall be posted in a location convenient to the boiler or pressure vessel inspected or, in the case of a portable boiler or pressure vessel, the certificate shall be kept in a protective container to be fastened to the boiler or pressure vessel or in a tool box accompanying the boiler or pressure vessel.

Inspection certificate invalid on termination of insurance.

No inspection certificate issued for an insured boiler or unfired pressure vessel inspected by a special inspector shall be valid after the boiler or unfired pressure vessel, for which it was issued, shall cease to be insured by a company duly authorized by this state to carry such insurance.

Inspection certificateSuspensionReinstatement.

The chief inspector, or his or her authorized representative, may at any time suspend an inspection certificate when, in his or her opinion, the boiler or unfired pressure vessel for which it was issued cannot be operated without menace to the public safety, or when the boiler or unfired pressure vessel is found not to comply with the rules herein provided. A special inspector shall have corresponding powers with respect to inspection certificates for boilers or unfired pressure vessels insured or operated by the company employing him or her. Such suspension of an inspection certificate shall continue in effect until such boiler or unfired pressure vessel shall have been made to conform to the rules of the board, and until said inspection certificate shall have been reinstated.

Operating without inspection certificate prohibitedPenalty.

(1) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, or corporation to operate under pressure in this state a boiler or unfired pressure vessel, to which this chapter applies, without a valid inspection certificate as provided for in this chapter.
(2) The department may assess a penalty against a person violating a provision of this chapter. The penalty shall be not more than five hundred dollars. Each day that the violation continues is a separate violation and is subject to a separate penalty.
(3) The department may not assess a penalty until it adopts rules describing the method it will use to calculate penalties for various violations.
(4) The department shall notify the violator of its action, and the reasons for its action, in writing. The department shall send the notice using a method by which the mailing can be tracked or the delivery can be confirmed to the violator that a hearing may be requested under RCW 70.79.361. The hearing shall not stay the effect of the penalty.

Inspection feesExpensesSchedulesWaiver of provisions during state of emergency.

The owner or user of a boiler or pressure vessel required by this chapter to be inspected by the chief inspector, or his or her deputy inspector, shall pay directly to the chief inspector, upon completion of inspection, fees and expenses in accordance with a schedule adopted by the board and approved by the director of the department of labor and industries in accordance with the requirements of the administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW.
During a state of emergency declared under RCW 43.06.010(12), the governor may waive or suspend the collection of fees under this section or any portion of this section or under any administrative rule, and issue any orders to facilitate the operation of state or local government or to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population.


Part headings not law2008 c 181: See note following RCW 43.06.220.

Inspection feesReceipts forPressure systems safety fund.

The chief inspector shall give an official receipt for all fees required by chapter 70.79 RCW and shall transfer all sums so received to the treasurer of the state of Washington as ex officio custodian thereof and the treasurer shall place all sums in a special fund hereby created and designated as the "pressure systems safety fund". Funds shall be paid out upon vouchers duly and regularly issued therefor and approved by the director of the department of labor and industries. The treasurer, as ex officio custodian of the fund, shall keep an accurate record of any payments into the fund, and of all disbursements therefrom. The fund shall be used exclusively to defray only the expenses of administering chapter 70.79 RCW by the chief inspector as authorized by law and the expenses incident to the maintenance of the office. The fund shall be charged with its pro rata share of the cost of administering the fund which is to be determined by the director of financial management and by the director of the department of labor and industries.
During the 2003-2005 fiscal biennium, the legislature may transfer from the pressure systems safety fund to the state general fund such amounts as reflect the excess fund balance of the fund.


SeverabilityEffective date2003 1st sp.s. c 25: See notes following RCW 19.28.351.

Board determinationsAppeals.

(1) No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity may install or maintain any standards that violate this chapter. In cases where the interpretation and application of the installation or maintenance standards prescribed in this chapter is in dispute, the board shall determine the methods of installation or maintenance to be used in the particular case submitted for its decision. To appeal the board's decision, a person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall, in writing, notify the chief boiler inspector. The notice shall specify the ruling or interpretation desired and the contention of the person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity as to the proper interpretation or application on the question on which a decision is desired.
(2) Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity wishing to appeal a penalty issued under this chapter may appeal to the board. The appeal shall be filed within twenty days after service of the notice of the penalty to the assessed party by filing a written notice of appeal with the chief boiler inspector. The hearing and review procedures shall be conducted by the board in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW.