Chapter 82.34 RCW



HTMLPDF 82.34.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 82.34.015Limitations on the issuance of certificates under RCW 82.34.010(5) (b) and (c).
HTMLPDF 82.34.020Application for certificateFilingFormContents.
HTMLPDF 82.34.030Approval of application by control agencyNotice to departmentHearingAppeal to state air pollution control board.
HTMLPDF 82.34.040Rules.
HTMLPDF 82.34.050Original acquisition of facility exempt from sales and use taxesElection to take tax credit in lieu of exemption.
HTMLPDF 82.34.060Application for final cost determination as to existing or new facilityFilingFormContentsApprovalDetermination of costsCredits against taxes imposed by chapters 82.04, 82.12, 82.16 RCWLimitations.
HTMLPDF 82.34.090Certified mailUse of in sending certificates or notice of refusal to issue certificates.
HTMLPDF 82.34.100Revision of prior findings of appropriate control agencyGrounds for modification or revocation of certificate or supplementExemptions from revocation.
HTMLPDF 82.34.110Administrative and judicial review.
HTMLPDF 82.34.900Severability1967 ex.s. c 139.


Unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, the following words as hereinafter used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Facility" shall mean an "air pollution control facility" or a "water pollution control facility" as herein defined: (a) "Air pollution control facility" includes any treatment works, control devices and disposal systems, machinery, equipment, structures, property or any part or accessories thereof, installed or acquired for the primary purpose of reducing, controlling or disposing of industrial waste which if released to the outdoor atmosphere could cause air pollution. "Air pollution control facility" shall not mean any motor vehicle air pollution control devices used to control the emission of air contaminants from any motor vehicle. (b) "Water pollution control facility" includes any treatment works, control device or disposal system, machinery, equipment, structures, property or any accessories thereof installed or acquired for the primary purpose of reducing, controlling or disposing of sewage and industrial waste which if released to a water course could cause water pollution: PROVIDED, That the word "facility" shall not be construed to include any control device, machinery, equipment, structure, disposal system or other property installed or constructed: For a municipal corporation other than for coal-fired, steam electric generating plants constructed and operated pursuant to chapter 54.44 RCW for which an application for a certificate was made no later than December 31, 1969, together with any air or water pollution control facility improvement which may be made hereafter to such plants; or for the primary purpose of connecting any commercial establishment with the waste collecting facilities of public or privately owned utilities: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the word "facility" shall not include any control device, machinery, equipment, structure, disposal system, or other property installed or constructed with the proceeds derived from the sale of industrial revenue bonds issued under chapter 39.84 RCW.
(2) "Industrial waste" shall mean any liquid, gaseous, radioactive or solid waste substance or combinations thereof resulting from any process of industry, manufacture, trade or business, or from the development or recovery of any natural resources.
(3) "Treatment works" or "control device" shall mean any machinery, equipment, structure or property which is installed, constructed or acquired for the primary purpose of controlling air or water pollution and shall include, but shall not be limited to such devices as precipitators, scrubbers, towers, filters, baghouses, incinerators, evaporators, reservoirs, aerators used for the purpose of treating, stabilizing, incinerating, holding, removing or isolating sewage and industrial wastes.
(4) "Disposal system" shall mean any system containing treatment works or control devices and includes but is not limited to pipelines, outfalls, conduits, pumping stations, force mains, solids handling equipment, instrumentation and monitoring equipment, ducts, fans, vents, hoods and conveyors and all other construction, devices, appurtenances and facilities used for collecting or conducting, sewage and industrial waste to a point of disposal, treatment or isolation except that which is necessary to manufacture of products.
(5) "Certificate" shall mean a pollution control tax exemption and credit certificate for which application has been made not later than December 31, 1969, except as follows:
(a) With respect to a facility required to be installed, such application will be deemed timely made if made not later than November 30, 1981, and within one year after the effective date of specific requirements for such facility promulgated by the appropriate control agency.
(b) With respect to a water pollution control facility for which an application was made in anticipation of specific requirements for such facility being promulgated by the appropriate control agency, an application will be deemed timely made if made during November, 1981, and subsequently denied, and if an appeal of the agency's denial of the application was filed in a timely manner.
(c) With respect to a facility for which plans and specifications were approved by the appropriate control agency, an application will be deemed timely made if made during November, 1981, and subsequently denied, and if an appeal of the agency's denial of the application was filed in a timely manner.
(d) For the purposes of (a), (b), and (c) of this subsection, "facility" means a facility installed in an industrial, manufacturing, waste disposal, utility, or other commercial establishment which is in operation or under construction as of July 30, 1967.
(6) "Appropriate control agency" shall mean the department of ecology; or the operating local or regional air pollution control agency within whose jurisdiction a facility is or will be located, or the department of ecology, where the facility is not or will not be located within the area of an operating local or regional air pollution control agency, or where the department of ecology has assumed jurisdiction.
(7) "Department" shall mean the department of revenue.

Limitations on the issuance of certificates under RCW 82.34.010(5) (b) and (c).

The department shall not issue a certificate under RCW 82.34.010(5)(b) before July 1, 1985, or before the promulgation of specific requirements for such facility by the appropriate control agency, whichever is later. The department shall not issue a certificate under RCW 82.34.010(5)(c) before July 1, 1985.

Application for certificateFilingFormContents.

An application for a certificate shall be filed with the department not later than November 30, 1981, and in such manner and in such form as may be prescribed by the department. The application shall contain estimated or actual costs, plans and specifications of the facility including all materials incorporated or to be incorporated therein and a list describing, and showing the cost, of all equipment acquired or to be acquired by the applicant for the purpose of pollution control, together with the operating procedure for the facility, or a time schedule for the acquisition and installation or attachment of the facility and the proposed operating procedure for such facility.

Approval of application by control agencyNotice to departmentHearingAppeal to state air pollution control board.

A certificate shall be issued by the department within thirty days after approval of the application by the appropriate control agency. Such approval shall be given when it is determined that the facility is designed and is operated or is intended to be operated primarily for the control, capture and removal of pollutants from the air or for the control and reduction of water pollution and that the facility is suitable, reasonably adequate, and meets the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 RCW or chapter 90.48 RCW, as the case may be, and it shall notify the department of its findings within thirty days of the date on which the application was submitted to it for approval. In making such determination, the appropriate control agency shall afford to the applicant an opportunity for a hearing: PROVIDED, That if the local or regional air pollution control agency fails to act or if the applicant feels aggrieved by the action of the local or regional air pollution control agency, such applicant may appeal to the state air pollution control board pursuant to rules and regulations established by that board.


The department may adopt such rules as it deems necessary for the administration of this chapter subject to the provisions of RCW 34.05.310 through 34.05.395. Such rules shall not abridge the authority of the appropriate control agency as provided in this chapter or any other law.


Effective date1989 c 175: See note following RCW 34.05.010.

Original acquisition of facility exempt from sales and use taxesElection to take tax credit in lieu of exemption.

(1) The original acquisition of a facility by the holder of a certificate shall be exempt from sales tax imposed by chapter 82.08 RCW and use tax imposed by chapter 82.12 RCW when the due date for payment of such taxes is subsequent to the effective date of the certificate: PROVIDED, That the exemption of this section shall not apply to servicing, maintenance, repairs, and replacement of parts after a facility is complete and placed in operation. Sales and use taxes paid by a holder of a certificate with respect to expenditures incurred for acquisition of a facility prior to the issuance of a certificate covering such facility may be claimed as a tax credit as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(2) Subsequent to July 30, 1967 the holder of the certificate may, in lieu of accepting the tax exemption provided for in this section, elect to take a tax credit in the total amount of the exemption for the facility covered by such certificate against any future taxes to be paid pursuant to chapters 82.04, 82.12 and 82.16 RCW.


Effective date1975 1st ex.s. c 158: "The provisions of this amendatory act shall be applicable with respect to applications for a pollution control tax exemption and credit certificate made to the department of revenue on or after January 1, 1975." [ 1975 1st ex.s. c 158 s 5.]

Application for final cost determination as to existing or new facilityFilingFormContentsApprovalDetermination of costsCredits against taxes imposed by chapters 82.04, 82.12, 82.16 RCWLimitations.

(1) On and after July 30, 1967, an application for a determination of the cost of an existing or newly completed pollution control facility may be filed with the department in such manner and in such form as may be prescribed by the department. The application shall contain the final cost figures for the installation of the facility and reasonable supporting documents and other proof as required by the department. In the event such facility is not already covered by a certificate issued for the purpose of authorizing the tax exemption or credit provided for in this chapter, the department shall seek the approval of the facility from the appropriate control agency. For any application for a certificate or supplement which was filed with the department not later than November 30, 1981, the department shall determine the final cost of the pollution control facility and issue a supplement to the existing certificate or an original certificate stating the cost of the pollution control facility: PROVIDED, That the cost of an existing pollution control facility shall be the depreciated value thereof at the time of application filed pursuant to this section.
(2) When the operation of a facility has commenced and a certificate pertaining thereto has been issued, a credit may be claimed against taxes imposed pursuant to chapters 82.04, 82.12 and 82.16 RCW. The amount of such credit shall be two percent of the cost of a facility covered by the certificate for each year the certificate remains in force. Such credits shall be cumulative and shall be subject only to the following limitations:
(a) No credit exceeding fifty percent of the taxes payable under chapters 82.04, 82.12 and 82.16 RCW shall be allowed in any reporting period;
(b) The net commercial value of any materials captured or recovered through use of a facility shall, first, reduce the credit allowable in the current reporting period and thereafter be applied to reduce any credit balance allowed and not yet utilized: PROVIDED, That for the purposes of this chapter the determination of "net commercial value" shall not include a deduction for the cost or depreciation of the facility.
(c) The total cumulative amount of such credits allowed for any facility covered by a certificate shall not exceed fifty percent of the cost of such facility.
(d) The total cumulative amount of credits against state taxes authorized by this chapter shall be reduced by the total amount of any federal investment credit or other federal tax credit actually received by the certificate holder applicable to the facility. This reduction shall be made as an offset against the credit claimed in the first reporting period following the allowance of such investment credit, and thereafter as an offset against any credit balance as it shall become available to the certificate holder.
(3) Applicants and certificate holders shall provide the department with information showing the net commercial value of materials captured or recovered by a facility and shall make all pertinent books and records available for examination by the department for the purposes of determining the credit provided by this chapter.

Certified mailUse of in sending certificates or notice of refusal to issue certificates.

The department shall send a certificate or supplement when issued, by certified mail to the applicant. Notice of the department's refusal to issue a certificate or supplement shall likewise be sent to the applicant by certified mail.

Revision of prior findings of appropriate control agencyGrounds for modification or revocation of certificate or supplementExemptions from revocation.

(1) The department of ecology, after notice to the department and the applicant and after affording the applicant an opportunity for a hearing, shall, on its own initiative or on complaint of the local or regional air pollution control agency in which an air pollution control facility is located, or is expected to be located, revise the prior findings of the appropriate control agency whenever any of the following appears:
(a) The certificate or supplement thereto was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation, or the holder of the certificate has failed substantially without good cause to proceed with the construction, reconstruction, installation or acquisition of a facility or without good cause has failed substantially to operate the facility for the purpose specified by the appropriate control agency in which case the department shall modify or revoke the certificate. If the certificate and/or supplement are revoked, all applicable taxes from which an exemption has been secured under this chapter or against which the credit provided for by this chapter has been claimed shall be immediately due and payable with the maximum interest and penalties prescribed by applicable law. No statute of limitations shall operate in the event of fraud or misrepresentation.
(b) The facility covered by the certificate or supplement thereto is no longer operated primarily for the purpose of the control or reduction of water pollution or the control, capture, and removal of pollutants from the air, as the case may be, or is no longer suitable or reasonably adequate to meet the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 RCW or chapter 90.48 RCW, in which case the certificate shall be modified or revoked.
(2) A certificate, or supplement thereto, issued pursuant to RCW 82.34.030 may not be revoked if:
(a) The facility is modified, but is still operated primarily for the purpose of the control or reduction of water pollution or the control, capture, and removal of pollutants from the air and is reasonably adequate to meet the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 or 90.48 RCW;
(b) The facility is replaced by a new or different facility that is still operated primarily for the purpose of the control or reduction of water pollution or the control, capture, and removal of pollutants from the air and is reasonably adequate to meet the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 or 90.48 RCW;
(c) The facility is modified or removed as a result of an alteration of the production process and the alteration results in reasonably adequate compliance with the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 or 90.48 RCW;
(d) The industrial, manufacturing, waste disposal, utility, or other commercial establishment in which the facility was installed ceases operations and the cessation of operation results in reasonably adequate compliance with the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 or 90.48 RCW;
(e) Part of an industrial, manufacturing, waste disposal, utility, or other commercial establishment in which the facility was installed ceases operations and the cessation of operation results in reasonably adequate compliance with the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 or 90.48 RCW; or
(f) The industrial, manufacturing, waste disposal, utility, or other commercial establishment in which the facility was installed is altered and the alteration results in reasonably adequate compliance with the intent and purposes of chapter 70A.15 or 90.48 RCW.
(3) Upon the date of mailing by certified mail to the certificate holder of notice of the action of the department modifying or revoking a certificate or supplement, the certificate or supplement shall cease to be in force or shall remain in force only as modified.

Administrative and judicial review.

Administrative and judicial review of a decision of the control agency or the department shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of chapters 34.05, 43.21B, 82.03, and 82.32 RCW, as now or hereafter amended.


Effective date1975 1st ex.s. c 158: See note following RCW 82.34.050.

Severability1967 ex.s. c 139.

If any phrase, clause, subsection or section of this act shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, it shall be conclusively presumed that the legislature would have enacted this act without the phrase, clause, subsection or section so held unconstitutional or invalid and the remainder of the act shall not be affected as a result of said part being held unconstitutional or invalid.