(1)(a) Each authorizer must annually issue and broadly publicize a solicitation for proposals for charter school applicants by the date established by the state board of education under RCW
(b) Each authorizer's solicitation for proposals must:
(i) Present the authorizer's strategic vision for chartering, including a clear statement of any preferences the authorizer wishes to grant to applications that employ proven methods for educating at-risk students or students with special needs;
(ii) Include or otherwise direct applicants to the performance framework that the authorizer has developed for charter school oversight and evaluation in accordance with RCW
(iii) Provide the criteria that will guide the authorizer's decision to approve or deny a charter application; and
(iv) State clear, appropriately detailed questions as well as guidelines concerning the format and content essential for applicants to demonstrate the capacities necessary to establish and operate a successful charter school.
(2) A charter school application must provide or describe thoroughly all of the following elements of the proposed school plan:
(a) An executive summary;
(b) The mission and vision of the proposed charter school, including identification of the student population and community the school hopes to serve;
(c) The location or geographic area proposed for the school and the school district within which the school will be located;
(d) The grades to be served each year for the full term of the charter contract;
(e) Minimum, planned, and maximum enrollment per grade per year for the full term of the charter contract;
(f) Evidence of need and parent and community support for the proposed charter school;
(g) Background information on the proposed founding charter school board members and, if identified, the proposed school leadership and management team;
(h) The school's proposed calendar and sample daily schedule;
(i) A description of the academic program aligned with state standards;
(j) A description of the school's proposed instructional design, including the type of learning environment, class size and structure, curriculum overview, and teaching methods;
(k) Evidence that the educational program is based on proven methods;
(l) The school's plan for using internal and external assessments to measure and report student progress on the performance framework developed by the authorizer in accordance with RCW
(m) The school's plans for identifying, successfully serving, and complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding students with disabilities, students who are limited English proficient, students who are struggling academically, and highly capable students;
(n) A description of cocurricular or extracurricular programs and how those programs will be funded and delivered;
(o) Plans and timelines for student recruitment and enrollment, including targeted plans for recruiting at-risk students and including lottery procedures;
(p) The school's student discipline policies, including for special education students;
(q) An organization chart that clearly presents the school's organizational structure, including lines of authority and reporting between the governing board, staff, any related bodies such as advisory bodies or parent and teacher councils, and any external organizations that will play a role in managing the school;
(r) A clear description of the roles and responsibilities for the governing board, the school's leadership and management team, and any other entities shown in the organization chart;
(s) A staffing plan for the school's first year and for the term of the charter;
(t) Plans for recruiting and developing school leadership and staff;
(u) The school's leadership and teacher employment policies, including performance evaluation plans;
(v) Proposed governing bylaws;
(w) An explanation of proposed partnership agreement, if any, between a charter school and its school district focused on facilities, budgets, taking best practices to scale, and other items;
(x) Explanations of any other partnerships or contractual relationships central to the school's operations or mission;
(y) Plans for providing transportation, food service, and all other significant operational or ancillary services;
(z) Opportunities and expectations for parent involvement;
(aa) A detailed school start-up plan, identifying tasks, timelines, and responsible individuals;
(bb) A description of the school's financial plan and policies, including financial controls and audit requirements;
(cc) A description of the insurance coverage the school will obtain;
(dd) Start-up and five-year cash flow projections and budgets with clearly stated assumptions;
(ee) Evidence of anticipated fund-raising contributions, if claimed in the application; and
(ff) A sound facilities plan, including backup or contingency plans if appropriate.
(3) If an applicant intends to contract with a nonprofit education service provider for substantial educational services, management services, or both, the applicant must:
(a) Provide evidence of the nonprofit education service provider's success in serving student populations similar to the targeted population, including demonstrated academic achievement as well as successful management of nonacademic school functions if applicable;
(b) Provide a term sheet setting forth: (i) The proposed duration of the service contract; (ii) the roles and responsibilities of the governing board, the school staff, and the service provider; (iii) the scope of services and resources to be provided by the service provider; (iv) performance evaluation measures and timelines; (v) the compensation structure, including clear identification of all fees to be paid to the service provider; (vi) methods of contract oversight and enforcement; (vii) investment disclosure; and (viii) conditions for renewal and termination of the contract; and
(c) Disclose and explain any existing or potential conflicts of interest between the charter school board and proposed service provider or any affiliated business entities.
(4) If an applicant operates one or more schools in any state or nation, the applicant must provide evidence of the performance of those schools, including evidence of the applicant's success in serving at-risk students, and capacity for growth.
(5) Applicants may submit a proposal for a particular charter public school to no more than one authorizer at a time.