Chapter 32.12 RCW



HTMLPDF 32.12.010Deposits by individuals governed by chapter 30.22 RCWOther deposits which a savings bank may establishLimitations.
HTMLPDF 32.12.020Repayment of deposits and dividends.
HTMLPDF 32.12.025Withdrawals by savings bank's drafts in accordance with depositor's instructions authorized.
HTMLPDF 32.12.050AccountingEntry of assets, real estate, securities, etc.
HTMLPDF 32.12.070Computation of earnings.
HTMLPDF 32.12.080Misleading advertisement of surplus or guaranty fund.
HTMLPDF 32.12.090InterestRateNotice of changed rate.
HTMLPDF 32.12.120Adverse claim to a deposit to be accompanied by court order or bondExceptions.


city: Chapter 35.38 RCW.
county: Chapter 36.48 RCW.
of state funds: Chapter 43.85 RCW.
Receiving deposits after insolvency prohibited: State Constitution Art. 12 s 12; RCW 9.24.030.
Revised uniform unclaimed property act: Chapter 63.30 RCW.

Deposits by individuals governed by chapter 30.22 RCWOther deposits which a savings bank may establishLimitations.

Deposits made by individuals in a mutual savings bank under this chapter are governed by *chapter 30.22 RCW. In addition, other deposits which a savings bank may establish include but are not limited to the following:
(1) Deposits in the name of, or on behalf of, a partnership or other form of multiple ownership enterprise.
(2) Deposits in the name of a corporation, society, or unincorporated association.
(3) Deposits maintained by a person, society, or corporation as administrator, executor, guardian, or trustee under a will or trust agreement.
Every such bank may limit the aggregate amount which an individual or any corporation or society may have to his or her or its credit to such sum as such bank may deem expedient to receive; and may in its discretion refuse to receive a deposit, or may at any time return all or any part of any deposits or require the withdrawal of any dividends or interest. Any account in excess of one hundred thousand dollars may only be accepted or held in accordance with such regulations as the director may establish.


*Reviser's note: Chapter 30.22 RCW was recodified as chapter 30A.22 RCW pursuant to 2014 c 37 s 4, effective January 5, 2015.
Effective date1981 c 192: See RCW 30A.22.900.

Repayment of deposits and dividends.

The sums deposited with any savings bank, together with any dividends or interest credited thereto, shall be repaid to the depositors thereof respectively, or to their legal representatives, after demand in such manner, and at such times, and under such regulations, as the board of trustees shall prescribe, subject to the provisions of this section and *chapter 30.22 RCW. These regulations shall be available to depositors upon request, and shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the principal office and each branch in this state or, if the regulations are not so posted, a description of changes in the regulations after an account is opened shall be mailed to depositors pursuant to 12 U.S.C. Sec. 4305(c) or otherwise. All such rules and regulations, and all amendments thereto, from time to time in effect, shall be binding upon all depositors.
(1) Such bank may at any time by a resolution of its board of trustees require a notice of not more than six months before repaying deposits, in which event no deposit shall be due or payable until the required notice of intention to withdraw the same shall have been personally given by the depositor: PROVIDED, That such bank at its option may pay any deposit or deposits before the expiration of such notice. But no bank shall agree with its depositors or any of them in advance to waive the requirement of notice as herein provided: PROVIDED, That the bank may create a special class of depositors who shall be entitled to receive their deposits upon demand.
(2) The savings bank may pay dividend or interest, or repay a deposit or portion thereof, upon receipt of information in written, oral, visual, electronic, or other form satisfactory to such bank, that the recipient is entitled to receipt, and may pay any check drawn upon it by a depositor.


*Reviser's note: Chapter 30.22 RCW was recodified as chapter 30A.22 RCW pursuant to 2014 c 37 s 4, effective January 5, 2015.
Effective date1981 c 192: See RCW 30A.22.900.
Application, constructionSeverabilityEffective date1974 ex.s. c 117: See RCW 11.02.080 and notes following.

Withdrawals by savings bank's drafts in accordance with depositor's instructions authorized.

Subject to the provisions of RCW 32.12.020(1), a savings bank may, on instructions from a depositor, effect withdrawals from a savings account by the savings bank's drafts payable to parties and on terms as so instructed; to the extent of the subjection of accounts to such withdrawal instruction, such accounts may be specifically classified under RCW 32.12.090(2) and ineligible to receive interest or eligible only for limited interest.

AccountingEntry of assets, real estate, securities, etc.

(1) No savings bank shall by any system of accounting, or any device of bookkeeping, directly or indirectly, enter any of its assets upon its books in the name of any other individual, partnership, unincorporated association, or corporation, or under any title or designation that is not in accordance with the actual facts.
(2) The bonds, notes, mortgages, or other interest bearing obligations purchased or acquired by a savings bank, shall not be entered on its books at more than the actual cost thereof, and shall not thereafter be carried upon its books for a longer period than until the next declaration of dividends, or in any event for more than one year, at a valuation exceeding their present cost as determined by amortization, that is, by deducting from the cost of any such security purchased for a sum in excess of the amount payable thereon at maturity and charging to "profit and loss" a sufficient sum to bring it to par at maturity, or adding to the cost of any such security purchased at less than the amount payable thereon at maturity and crediting to "profit and loss" a sufficient sum to bring it to par at maturity.
(3) No such bank shall enter, or at any time carry on its books, the real estate and the building or buildings thereon used by it as its place of business at a valuation exceeding their actual cost to the bank.
(4) Every such bank shall conform its methods of keeping its books and records to such orders in respect thereof as shall have been made and promulgated by the director. Any officer, agent, or employee of any savings bank who refuses or neglects to obey any such order shall be punished as hereinafter provided.
(5) Real estate acquired by a savings bank, other than that acquired for use as a place of business, may be entered on the books of the bank at the actual cost thereof but shall not be carried beyond the current dividend period at an amount in excess of the amount of the debt in protection of which such real estate was acquired, plus the cost of any improvements thereto.
An appraisal shall be made by a qualified person of every such parcel of real estate within six months from the date of conveyance. If the value at which such real estate is carried on the books is in excess of the value found on appraisal the book value shall, at the end of the dividend period during which such appraisal was made, be reduced to an amount not in excess of such appraised value.
(6) No such bank shall enter or carry on its books any asset which has been disallowed by the director or the trustees of such bank, unless the director upon application by such savings bank has fixed a valuation at which such asset may be carried as permitted in subsection (7) of this section.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, no savings bank may maintain its books and records or enter and carry on its books any asset or liability at any valuation contrary to any accounting rules promulgated or adopted by the federal deposit insurance corporation or the director or contrary to generally accepted accounting principles.


Reviser's note: This section was amended by 1994 c 92 s 325 and by 1994 c 256 s 100, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section pursuant to RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
FindingsConstruction1994 c 256: See RCW 43.320.007.

Computation of earnings.

(1) Gross current operating earnings. Every savings bank shall close its books, for the purpose of computing its net earnings, at the end of any period for which a dividend is to be paid, and in no event less frequently than semiannually. To determine the amount of gross earnings of a savings bank during any dividend period the following items may be included:
(a) All earnings actually received during such period, less interest accrued and uncollected included in the last previous calculation of earnings;
(b) Interest accrued and uncollected upon debts owing to it secured by authorized collateral, upon which there has been no default for more than one year, and upon corporate bonds, or other interest bearing obligations owned by it upon which there is no default;
(c) The sums added to the cost of securities purchased for less than par as a result of amortization;
(d) Any profits actually received during such period from the sale of securities, real estate or other property owned by it;
(e) Such other items as the director, in his or her discretion and upon his or her written consent, may permit to be included.
(2) Net current earnings. To determine the amount of its net earnings for each dividend period the following items shall be deducted from gross earnings:
(a) All expenses paid or incurred, both ordinary and extraordinary, in the transaction of its business, the collection of its debts and the management of its affairs, less expenses incurred and interest accrued upon its debts deducted at the last previous calculation of net earnings for dividend purposes;
(b) Interest paid or accrued and unpaid upon debts owing by it;
(c) The amounts deducted through amortization from the cost of bonds or other interest bearing obligations purchased above par in order to bring them to par at maturity;
(d) Contributions to any corporation or any community chest fund or foundation organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual and no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The total contributions for any calendar year shall not exceed a sum equal to one-half of one percent of the net earnings of such savings bank for the preceding calendar year.
The balance thus obtained shall constitute the net earnings of the savings bank for such period.
(3) Earnings paid by a savings bank on deposits may be referred to as "dividends" or as "interest".

Misleading advertisement of surplus or guaranty fund.

No savings bank shall put forth any sign or notice or publish or circulate any advertisement or advertising literature upon which or in which it is stated that such savings bank has a surplus or guaranty fund other than as determined in the manner prescribed by law.

InterestRateNotice of changed rate.

(1) Every savings bank shall regulate the rate of interest upon the amounts to the credit of depositors therewith, in such manner that depositors shall receive as nearly as may be all the earnings of the bank after transferring the amount required by RCW 32.08.120 and such further amounts as its trustees may deem it expedient and for the security of the depositors to transfer to the guaranty fund, which to the amount of ten percent of the amount due its depositors the trustees shall gradually accumulate and hold. Such trustees may also deduct from its net earnings, and carry as reserves for losses, or other contingencies, or as undivided profits, such additional sums as they may deem wise.
(2) Every savings bank may classify its depositors according to the local market, character, amount, regularity, or duration of their dealings with the savings bank, and may regulate the interest in such manner that each depositor shall receive the same ratable portion of interest as all others of his or her class.
(3) Unimpaired contributions to the initial guaranty fund and to the expense fund, made by the incorporators or trustees of a savings bank, shall be entitled to have dividends apportioned thereon, which may be credited and paid to such incorporators or trustees.
Whenever the guaranty fund of any savings bank is sufficiently large to permit the return of such contributions, the contributors may receive interest thereon not theretofore credited or paid at the same rate paid to depositors.
(4) A savings bank may pay interest on deposits at such rates as its board or a committee or officer designated by the board shall from time to time determine.
(5) The trustees of any savings banks, other than a stock savings bank, whose undivided profits and guaranty fund, determined in the manner prescribed in RCW 32.12.070, amount to more than twenty-five percent of the amount due its depositors, shall at least once in three years divide equitably the accumulation beyond such twenty-five percent as an extra dividend to depositors in excess of the regular dividend authorized.
(6) A notice posted conspicuously in a savings bank of a change in the rate of interest shall be equivalent to a personal notice.


FindingsConstruction1994 c 256: See RCW 43.320.007.

Adverse claim to a deposit to be accompanied by court order or bondExceptions.

Notice to any mutual savings bank doing business in this state of an adverse claim to a deposit standing on its books to the credit of any person shall not be effectual to cause said bank to recognize said adverse claimant unless said adverse claimant shall also either procure a restraining order, injunction, or other appropriate process against said bank from a court of competent jurisdiction in a cause therein instituted by him or her wherein the person to whose credit the deposit stands is made a party and served with summons or shall execute to said bank, in form and with sureties acceptable to it, a bond, in an amount which is double either the amount of said deposit or said adverse claim, whichever is the lesser, indemnifying said bank from any and all liability, loss, damage, costs, and expenses, for and on account of the payment of such adverse claim or the dishonor of the check or other order of the person to whose credit the deposit stands on the books of said bank: PROVIDED, That this law shall not apply in any instance where the person to whose credit the deposit stands is a fiduciary for such adverse claimant, and the facts constituting such relationship as also the facts showing reasonable cause of belief on the part of said claimant that the said fiduciary is about to misappropriate said deposit, are made to appear by the affidavit of such claimant.
This section shall not apply to accounts subject to *chapter 30.22 RCW.


*Reviser's note: Chapter 30.22 RCW was recodified as chapter 30A.22 RCW pursuant to 2014 c 37 s 4, effective January 5, 2015.
Effective date1981 c 192: See RCW 30A.22.900.