Chapter 40.04 RCW



HTMLPDF 40.04.031Session lawsPublication, distribution, sale, exchange.
HTMLPDF 40.04.090Legislative journalsDistribution, sale, exchange.
HTMLPDF 40.04.100Supreme court and court of appeals reportsDistribution, exchangeDuties of reporter of decisions.
HTMLPDF 40.04.110Supreme court and court of appeals reportsProvision by publisher to reporter.


Attorney general to give written opinions: RCW 43.10.030.
Revised Code of Washington, publication: Chapter 1.08 RCW.
Session laws, publication, etc.: Chapter 44.20 RCW.
Supreme court reports, publication: Chapter 2.32 RCW.

Session lawsPublication, distribution, sale, exchange.

The statute law committee, after each legislative session, shall distribute, sell, or exchange session laws as required under this section.
(1) The statute law committee, in its discretion, may provide for provision of free copies in digital or print format of the session laws to selected federal, state, and local agencies. Special consideration shall be given to correctional institutions where internet access is not allowed and to public libraries and other public agencies where internet access is limited or not available.
(2) Surplus paper sets of the session laws shall be sold and delivered by the statute law committee, in which case the price of the paper sets shall be sufficient to cover costs.
All money received from sale of the session laws shall be paid into the statute law committee publications account.
(3) The statute law committee may exchange session law sets for similar laws or legal materials of other states, territories, and governments, and make such other distribution of the sets as in its judgment seems proper.
(4)(a) The statute law committee, in its discretion, may publish the official copy of the session laws in a digital format on the code reviser or legislative website.
(b) The code reviser shall provide a paper copy of any individual session law or the compiled session laws of any session upon request. The code reviser may charge a minimal fee sufficient to cover costs of printing and mailing the paper copy.


PurposeFindingIntent2011 c 156: See note following RCW 1.08.080.

Legislative journalsDistribution, sale, exchange.

The house and senate journals shall be distributed and sold by the chief clerk of the house of representatives and the secretary of the senate as follows:
(1) Subject to subsection (5) of this section, sets shall be distributed as follows: One to each requesting official whose office is created by the Constitution, and one to each requesting state department director; two copies to the state library; ten copies to the state law library; two copies to the University of Washington library; one to the King county law library; one to the Washington State University library; one to the library of each of the regional universities and to The Evergreen State College; one each to the law library of any accredited law school in this state; and one to each free public library in the state that requests it.
(2) House and senate journals of the preceding regular session during an odd- or even-numbered year, and of any intervening special session, shall be provided for use of legislators and legislative staff in such numbers as directed by the chief clerk of the house of representatives and secretary of the senate.
(3) Surplus sets of the house and senate journals shall be sold and delivered by the chief clerk of the house of representatives and the secretary of the senate at a price set by them after consulting with the state printer to determine reasonable costs associated with the production of the journals, and the proceeds therefrom shall be paid to the state treasurer for the general fund.
(4) The chief clerk of the house of representatives and the secretary of the senate may exchange copies of the house and senate journals for similar journals of other states, territories, and governments, or for other legal materials, and make such other and further distribution of them as in their judgment seems proper.
(5) Periodically the chief clerk of the house of representatives and the secretary of the senate may canvas those entitled to receive copies under this section, and may reduce or eliminate the number of copies distributed to anyone who so concurs.


SeverabilityNomenclatureSavings1977 ex.s. c 169: See notes following RCW 28B.10.016.

Supreme court and court of appeals reportsDistribution, exchangeDuties of reporter of decisions.

The supreme court reports and the court of appeals reports shall be distributed by the reporter of decisions as follows:
(1) Each supreme court justice and court of appeals judge is entitled to receive one copy of each volume containing an opinion signed by him or her.
(2) The state law library shall receive such copies as are necessary of each for the benefit of the state law library, the supreme court and its subsidiary offices; and the court of appeals and its subsidiary offices.
(3) The reporter shall provide one copy of each volume to each county for use in the county law library and one copy of the same to each accredited law school established in the state.
(4) The reporter shall likewise provide the state law library with such copies of volumes as necessary to exchange copies of the supreme court reports and the court of appeals reports for similar reports of other states, territories, and governments.


PurposeCaptions not law1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.
Washington court reports commission: RCW 2.32.160.

Supreme court and court of appeals reportsProvision by publisher to reporter.

On the publication of each volume of reports the publisher to whom the contract is awarded shall provide to the reporter the number of copies of each volume of supreme court and court of appeals reports necessary for the reporter and the state law library to comply with RCW 40.04.100.
[ 1995 c 257 s 5; 1971 c 42 s 4; 1941 c 150 s 7; Rem. Supp. 1941 s 8217-7.]