Chapter 47.98 RCW



HTMLPDF 47.98.010Continuation of existing law.
HTMLPDF 47.98.020Provisions to be construed in pari materia.
HTMLPDF 47.98.030Title, chapter, section headings not part of law.
HTMLPDF 47.98.040Invalidity of part of title not to affect remainder.
HTMLPDF 47.98.050Repeals and saving.
HTMLPDF 47.98.060Emergency1961 c 13.
HTMLPDF 47.98.070Federal requirements.
HTMLPDF 47.98.090Liberal construction.

Continuation of existing law.

The provisions of this title insofar as they are substantially the same as statutory provisions repealed by this chapter, and relating to the same subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and continuations, and not as new enactments. Nothing in this 1961 reenactment of this title shall be construed as authorizing any new bond issues or new or additional appropriations of moneys but the bond issue authorizations herein contained shall be construed only as continuations of bond issues authorized by prior laws herein repealed and reenacted, and the appropriations of moneys herein contained are continued herein for historical purposes only and this act shall not be construed as a reappropriation thereof and no appropriation contained herein shall be deemed to be extended or revived hereby and such appropriation shall lapse or shall have lapsed in accordance with the original enactment: PROVIDED, That this act shall not operate to terminate, extend, or otherwise affect any appropriation for the biennium commencing July 1, 1959 and ending June 30, 1961.

Provisions to be construed in pari materia.

The provisions of this title shall be construed in pari materia even though as a matter of prior legislative history they were not originally enacted in the same statute. The provisions of this title shall also be construed in pari materia with the provisions of Title 46 RCW, and with other laws relating to highways, roads, streets, bridges, ferries and vehicles. This section shall not operate retroactively.

Title, chapter, section headings not part of law.

Title headings, chapter headings, and section or subsection headings, as used in this title do not constitute any part of the law.

Invalidity of part of title not to affect remainder.

If any provision of this title, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the title, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.

Repeals and saving.

Emergency1961 c 13.

This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the support of the state government and its existing institutions and shall take effect immediately: PROVIDED, That the effective date of sections *47.16.160, 47.20.110, and 47.20.380 shall be July 1, 1961.


*Reviser's note: RCW 47.16.160, 47.20.110, and 47.20.380 were repealed by 1970 ex.s. c 51.

Federal requirements.

If any part of this title or any section of this 1977 amendatory act is ruled to be in conflict with federal requirements which are a prescribed condition of the allocation of federal funds to the state, or to any department or agencies thereof, such conflicting part or section is declared to be inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict. No such ruling shall affect the operation of the remainder of the act. Any internal reorganization carried out under the terms of this title or any section of this 1977 amendatory act shall meet federal requirements which are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state.

Liberal construction.

The rule of strict construction shall have no application to this title, and it shall be liberally construed in order to carry out the objectives for which it is designed. Any ambiguities arising from its interpretation should be resolved consistently with the broad purposes set forth in *RCW 47.01.011.


*Reviser's note: RCW 47.01.011 was decodified pursuant to 1985 c 6 s 26.