Chapter 70.38 RCW



HTMLPDF 70.38.015Declaration of public policy.
HTMLPDF 70.38.018Statewide health resources strategyConsistencyWaivers.
HTMLPDF 70.38.025Definitions.
HTMLPDF 70.38.095Public disclosure.
HTMLPDF 70.38.105Health services and facilities requiring certificate of needFees.
HTMLPDF 70.38.111Certificates of needExemptions.
HTMLPDF 70.38.115Certificates of needProceduresRulesCriteria for reviewConditional certificates of needConcurrent reviewReview periodsHearingAdjudicative proceedingAmended certificates of need.
HTMLPDF 70.38.118Certificates of needApplications submitted by hospice agencies.
HTMLPDF 70.38.125Certificates of needIssuanceDurationPenalties for violations.
HTMLPDF 70.38.128Certificates of needElective percutaneous coronary interventionsRules.
HTMLPDF 70.38.135Services and surveysRules.
HTMLPDF 70.38.155Certificates of needSavings1979 ex.s. c 161.
HTMLPDF 70.38.156Certificates of needSavings1980 c 139.
HTMLPDF 70.38.157Certificates of needSavings1983 c 235.
HTMLPDF 70.38.158Certificates of needSavings1989 1st ex.s. c 9 ss 601 through 607.
HTMLPDF 70.38.220Ethnic minoritiesNursing home beds that reflect cultural differences.
HTMLPDF 70.38.230Residential hospice care centersDefinedChange in bed capacityApplicability of chapter.
HTMLPDF 70.38.250Redistribution and addition of bedsDetermination.
HTMLPDF 70.38.260Certain hospitals not subject to certificate of need requirements for the addition of the number of new psychiatric beds.
HTMLPDF 70.38.270Psychiatric beds added under RCW 70.38.260.
HTMLPDF 70.38.280Kidney disease centersEmergency certificate of need exemptions.
HTMLPDF 70.38.905Conflict with federal lawConstruction.
HTMLPDF 70.38.914Pending certificates of need1983 c 235.
HTMLPDF 70.38.915Effective datesPending certificates of need1979 ex.s. c 161.
HTMLPDF 70.38.916Effective date1980 c 139.
HTMLPDF 70.38.918Effective datesPending certificates of need1989 1st ex.s. c 9.
HTMLPDF 70.38.920Short title.

Declaration of public policy.

It is declared to be the public policy of this state:
(1) That strategic health planning efforts must be supported by appropriately tailored regulatory activities that can effectuate the goals and principles of the statewide health resources strategy developed pursuant to chapter 43.370 RCW. The implementation of the strategy can promote, maintain, and assure the health of all citizens in the state, provide accessible health services, health manpower, health facilities, and other resources while controlling increases in costs, and recognize prevention as a high priority in health programs. Involvement in health planning from both consumers and providers throughout the state should be encouraged;
(2) That the certificate of need program is a component of a health planning regulatory process that is consistent with the statewide health resources strategy and public policy goals that are clearly articulated and regularly updated;
(3) That the development and maintenance of adequate health care information, statistics and projections of need for health facilities and services is essential to effective health planning and resources development;
(4) That the development of nonregulatory approaches to health care cost containment should be considered, including the strengthening of price competition; and
(5) That health planning should be concerned with public health and health care financing, access, and quality, recognizing their close interrelationship and emphasizing cost control of health services, including cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis.


Subheadings not law2007 c 259: See note following RCW 7.70.060.

Statewide health resources strategyConsistencyWaivers.

(1) For the purposes of this section and RCW 70.38.015 and 70.38.135, "statewide health resource strategy" or "strategy" means the statewide health resource strategy developed by the office of financial management pursuant to chapter 43.370 RCW.
(2) Effective January 1, 2010, for those facilities and services covered by the certificate of need programs, certificate of need determinations must be consistent with the statewide health resources strategy developed pursuant to RCW 43.370.030, including any health planning policies and goals identified in the statewide health resources strategy in effect at the time of application. The department may waive specific terms of the strategy if the applicant demonstrates that consistency with those terms will create an undue burden on the population that a particular project would serve, or in emergency circumstances which pose a threat to public health.


Subheadings not law2007 c 259: See note following RCW 7.70.060.


When used in this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings indicated.
(1) "Board of health" means the state board of health created pursuant to chapter 43.20 RCW.
(2) "Capital expenditure" is an expenditure, including a force account expenditure (i.e., an expenditure for a construction project undertaken by a nursing home facility as its own contractor) which, under generally accepted accounting principles, is not properly chargeable as an expense of operation or maintenance. Where a person makes an acquisition under lease or comparable arrangement, or through donation, which would have required review if the acquisition had been made by purchase, such expenditure shall be deemed a capital expenditure. Capital expenditures include donations of equipment or facilities to a nursing home facility which if acquired directly by such facility would be subject to certificate of need review under the provisions of this chapter and transfer of equipment or facilities for less than fair market value if a transfer of the equipment or facilities at fair market value would be subject to such review. The cost of any studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, and other activities essential to the acquisition, improvement, expansion, or replacement of any plant or equipment with respect to which such expenditure is made shall be included in determining the amount of the expenditure.
(3) "Continuing care retirement community" means an entity which provides shelter and services under continuing care contracts with its members and which sponsors or includes a health care facility or a health service. A "continuing care contract" means a contract to provide a person, for the duration of that person's life or for a term in excess of one year, shelter along with nursing, medical, health-related, or personal care services, which is conditioned upon the transfer of property, the payment of an entrance fee to the provider of such services, or the payment of periodic charges for the care and services involved. A continuing care contract is not excluded from this definition because the contract is mutually terminable or because shelter and services are not provided at the same location.
(4) "Department" means the department of health.
(5) "Expenditure minimum" means, for the purposes of the certificate of need program, $1,000,000 adjusted by the department by rule to reflect changes in the United States department of commerce composite construction cost index; or a lesser amount required by federal law and established by the department by rule.
(6) "Health care facility" means hospices, hospice care centers, hospitals, behavioral health hospitals, nursing homes, kidney disease treatment centers, ambulatory surgical facilities, and home health agencies, and includes such facilities when owned and operated by a political subdivision or instrumentality of the state and such other facilities as required by federal law and implementing regulations, but does not include any health facility or institution conducted by and for those who rely exclusively upon treatment by prayer or spiritual means in accordance with the creed or tenets of any well-recognized church or religious denomination, or any health facility or institution operated for the exclusive care of members of a convent as defined in RCW 84.36.800 or rectory, monastery, or other institution operated for the care of members of the clergy. In addition, the term does not include any nonprofit hospital: (a) Which is operated exclusively to provide health care services for children; (b) which does not charge fees for such services; and (c) if not contrary to federal law as necessary to the receipt of federal funds by the state.
(7) "Health maintenance organization" means a public or private organization, organized under the laws of the state, which:
(a) Is a qualified health maintenance organization under Title XIII, section 1310(d) of the Public Health Service Act; or
(b)(i) Provides or otherwise makes available to enrolled participants health care services, including at least the following basic health care services: Usual physician services, hospitalization, laboratory, X-ray, emergency, and preventive services, and out-of-area coverage; (ii) is compensated (except for copayments) for the provision of the basic health care services listed in (b)(i) to enrolled participants by a payment which is paid on a periodic basis without regard to the date the health care services are provided and which is fixed without regard to the frequency, extent, or kind of health service actually provided; and (iii) provides physicians' services primarily (A) directly through physicians who are either employees or partners of such organization, or (B) through arrangements with individual physicians or one or more groups of physicians (organized on a group practice or individual practice basis).
(8) "Health services" means clinically related (i.e., preventive, diagnostic, curative, rehabilitative, or palliative) services and includes alcoholism, drug abuse, and mental health services and as defined in federal law.
(9) "Health service area" means a geographic region appropriate for effective health planning which includes a broad range of health services.
(10) "Hospital" means any health care institution which is required to qualify for a license under RCW 70.41.020(8); or as a behavioral health hospital under chapter 71.12 RCW.
(11) "Person" means an individual, a trust or estate, a partnership, a corporation (including associations, joint stock companies, and insurance companies), the state, or a political subdivision or instrumentality of the state, including a municipal corporation or a hospital district.
(12) "Provider" generally means a health care professional or an organization, institution, or other entity providing health care but the precise definition for this term shall be established by rule of the department, consistent with federal law.
(13) "Public health" means the level of well-being of the general population; those actions in a community necessary to preserve, protect, and promote the health of the people for which government is responsible; and the governmental system developed to guarantee the preservation of the health of the people.
(14) "Secretary" means the secretary of health or the secretary's designee.
(15) "Tertiary health service" means a specialized service that meets complicated medical needs of people and requires sufficient patient volume to optimize provider effectiveness, quality of service, and improved outcomes of care.


Reviser's note: The definitions in this section have been alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k).
Effective date2000 c 175: See note following RCW 70.127.010.
Severability1983 1st ex.s. c 41: See note following RCW 26.09.060.

Public disclosure.

Public accessibility to records shall be accorded by health systems agencies pursuant to Public Law 93-641 and chapter 42.56 RCW. A health systems agency shall be considered a "public agency" for the sole purpose of complying with the public records act, chapter 42.56 RCW.

Health services and facilities requiring certificate of needFees.

(1) The department is authorized and directed to implement the certificate of need program in this state pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(2) There shall be a state certificate of need program which is administered consistent with the requirements of federal law as necessary to the receipt of federal funds by the state.
(3) No person shall engage in any undertaking which is subject to certificate of need review under subsection (4) of this section without first having received from the department either a certificate of need or an exception granted in accordance with this chapter.
(4) The following shall be subject to certificate of need review under this chapter:
(a) The construction, development, or other establishment of a new health care facility including, but not limited to, a hospital constructed, developed, or established by a health maintenance organization or by a combination of health maintenance organizations except as provided in subsection (7)(a) of this section;
(b) The sale, purchase, or lease of part or all of any existing hospital as defined in RCW 70.38.025 including, but not limited to, a hospital sold, purchased, or leased by a health maintenance organization or by a combination of health maintenance organizations except as provided in subsection (7)(b) of this section;
(c) Any capital expenditure for the construction, renovation, or alteration of a nursing home which substantially changes the services of the facility after January 1, 1981, provided that the substantial changes in services are specified by the department in rule;
(d) Any capital expenditure for the construction, renovation, or alteration of a nursing home which exceeds the expenditure minimum as defined by RCW 70.38.025. However, a capital expenditure which is not subject to certificate of need review under (a), (b), (c), or (e) of this subsection and which is solely for any one or more of the following is not subject to certificate of need review:
(i) Communications and parking facilities;
(ii) Mechanical, electrical, ventilation, heating, and air conditioning systems;
(iii) Energy conservation systems;
(iv) Repairs to, or the correction of, deficiencies in existing physical plant facilities which are necessary to maintain state licensure, however, other additional repairs, remodeling, or replacement projects that are not related to one or more deficiency citations and are not necessary to maintain state licensure are not exempt from certificate of need review except as otherwise permitted by (d)(vi) of this subsection or RCW 70.38.115(13);
(v) Acquisition of equipment, including data processing equipment, which is not or will not be used in the direct provision of health services;
(vi) Construction or renovation at an existing nursing home which involves physical plant facilities, including administrative, dining areas, kitchen, laundry, therapy areas, and support facilities, by an existing licensee who has operated the beds for at least one year;
(vii) Acquisition of land; and
(viii) Refinancing of existing debt;
(e) A change in bed capacity of a health care facility which increases the total number of licensed beds or redistributes beds among acute care, nursing home care, and assisted living facility care if the bed redistribution is to be effective for a period in excess of six months, or a change in bed capacity of a rural health care facility licensed under RCW 70.175.100 that increases the total number of nursing home beds or redistributes beds from acute care or assisted living facility care to nursing home care if the bed redistribution is to be effective for a period in excess of six months. A health care facility certified as a critical access hospital under 42 U.S.C. 1395i-4 may increase its total number of licensed beds to the total number of beds permitted under 42 U.S.C. 1395i-4 for acute care and may redistribute beds permitted under 42 U.S.C. 1395i-4 among acute care and nursing home care without being subject to certificate of need review. If there is a nursing home licensed under chapter 18.51 RCW within twenty-seven miles of the critical access hospital, the critical access hospital is subject to certificate of need review except for:
(i) Critical access hospitals which had designated beds to provide nursing home care, in excess of five swing beds, prior to December 31, 2003;
(ii) Up to five swing beds; or
(iii) Up to twenty-five swing beds for critical access hospitals which do not have a nursing home licensed under chapter 18.51 RCW within the same city or town limits. Up to one-half of the additional beds designated for swing bed services under this subsection (4)(e)(iii) may be so designated before July 1, 2010, with the balance designated on or after July 1, 2010.
Critical access hospital beds not subject to certificate of need review under this subsection (4)(e) will not be counted as either acute care or nursing home care for certificate of need review purposes. If a health care facility ceases to be certified as a critical access hospital under 42 U.S.C. 1395i-4, the hospital may revert back to the type and number of licensed hospital beds as it had when it requested critical access hospital designation;
(f) Any new tertiary health services which are offered in or through a health care facility or rural health care facility licensed under RCW 70.175.100, and which were not offered on a regular basis by, in, or through such health care facility or rural health care facility within the twelve-month period prior to the time such services would be offered;
(g) Any expenditure for the construction, renovation, or alteration of a nursing home or change in nursing home services in excess of the expenditure minimum made in preparation for any undertaking under this subsection (4) of this section and any arrangement or commitment made for financing such undertaking. Expenditures of preparation shall include expenditures for architectural designs, plans, working drawings, and specifications. The department may issue certificates of need permitting predevelopment expenditures, only, without authorizing any subsequent undertaking with respect to which such predevelopment expenditures are made; and
(h) Any increase in the number of dialysis stations in a kidney disease center.
(5) The department is authorized to charge fees for the review of certificate of need applications and requests for exemptions from certificate of need review. The fees shall be sufficient to cover the full cost of review and exemption, which may include the development of standards, criteria, and policies.
(6) No person may divide a project in order to avoid review requirements under any of the thresholds specified in this section.
(7)(a) The requirement that a health maintenance organization obtain a certificate of need under subsection (4)(a) of this section for the construction, development, or other establishment of a hospital does not apply to a health maintenance organization operating a group practice that has been continuously licensed as a health maintenance organization since January 1, 2009;
(b) The requirement that a health maintenance organization obtain a certificate of need under subsection (4)(b) of this section to sell, purchase, or lease a hospital does not apply to a health maintenance organization operating a group practice that has been continuously licensed as a health maintenance organization since January 1, 2009.


Application2012 c 10: See note following RCW 18.20.010.
Effective date1991 sp.s. c 8: See note following RCW 18.51.050.
Severability1984 c 288: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1984 c 288 s 27.]
Effective date1980 c 139: See RCW 70.38.916.
Effective dates1979 ex.s. c 161: See RCW 70.38.915.

Certificates of needExemptions.

(1) The department shall not require a certificate of need for the offering of an inpatient tertiary health service by:
(a) A health maintenance organization or a combination of health maintenance organizations if (i) the organization or combination of organizations has, in the service area of the organization or the service areas of the organizations in the combination, an enrollment of at least 50,000 individuals, (ii) the facility in which the service will be provided is or will be geographically located so that the service will be reasonably accessible to such enrolled individuals, and (iii) at least 75 percent of the patients who can reasonably be expected to receive the tertiary health service will be individuals enrolled with such organization or organizations in the combination;
(b) A health care facility if (i) the facility primarily provides or will provide inpatient health services, (ii) the facility is or will be controlled, directly or indirectly, by a health maintenance organization or a combination of health maintenance organizations which has, in the service area of the organization or service areas of the organizations in the combination, an enrollment of at least 50,000 individuals, (iii) the facility is or will be geographically located so that the service will be reasonably accessible to such enrolled individuals, and (iv) at least 75 percent of the patients who can reasonably be expected to receive the tertiary health service will be individuals enrolled with such organization or organizations in the combination; or
(c) A health care facility (or portion thereof) if (i) the facility is or will be leased by a health maintenance organization or combination of health maintenance organizations which has, in the service area of the organization or the service areas of the organizations in the combination, an enrollment of at least 50,000 individuals and, on the date the application is submitted under subsection (2) of this section, at least 15 years remain in the term of the lease, (ii) the facility is or will be geographically located so that the service will be reasonably accessible to such enrolled individuals, and (iii) at least 75 percent of the patients who can reasonably be expected to receive the tertiary health service will be individuals enrolled with such organization;
if, with respect to such offering or obligation by a nursing home, the department has, upon application under subsection (2) of this section, granted an exemption from such requirement to the organization, combination of organizations, or facility.
(2) A health maintenance organization, combination of health maintenance organizations, or health care facility shall not be exempt under subsection (1) of this section from obtaining a certificate of need before offering a tertiary health service unless:
(a) It has submitted at least 30 days prior to the offering of services reviewable under RCW 70.38.105(4)(d) an application for such exemption; and
(b) The application contains such information respecting the organization, combination, or facility and the proposed offering or obligation by a nursing home as the department may require to determine if the organization or combination meets the requirements of subsection (1) of this section or the facility meets or will meet such requirements; and
(c) The department approves such application. The department shall approve or disapprove an application for exemption within 30 days of receipt of a completed application. In the case of a proposed health care facility (or portion thereof) which has not begun to provide tertiary health services on the date an application is submitted under this subsection with respect to such facility (or portion), the facility (or portion) shall meet the applicable requirements of subsection (1) of this section when the facility first provides such services. The department shall approve an application submitted under this subsection if it determines that the applicable requirements of subsection (1) of this section are met.
(3) A health care facility (or any part thereof) with respect to which an exemption was granted under subsection (1) of this section may not be sold or leased and a controlling interest in such facility or in a lease of such facility may not be acquired and a health care facility described in subsection (1)(c) of this section which was granted an exemption under subsection (1) of this section may not be used by any person other than the lessee described in subsection (1)(c) of this section unless:
(a) The department issues a certificate of need approving the sale, lease, acquisition, or use; or
(b) The department determines, upon application, that (i) the entity to which the facility is proposed to be sold or leased, which intends to acquire the controlling interest, or which intends to use the facility is a health maintenance organization or a combination of health maintenance organizations which meets the requirements of subsection (1)(a)(i) of this section, and (ii) with respect to such facility, meets the requirements of subsection (1)(a)(ii) or (iii) of this section or the requirements of subsection (1)(b)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(4) In the case of a health maintenance organization, an ambulatory care facility, or a health care facility, which ambulatory or health care facility is controlled, directly or indirectly, by a health maintenance organization or a combination of health maintenance organizations, the department may under the program apply its certificate of need requirements to the offering of inpatient tertiary health services to the extent that such offering is not exempt under the provisions of this section or RCW 70.38.105(7).
(5)(a) The department shall not require a certificate of need for the construction, development, or other establishment of a nursing home, or the addition of beds to an existing nursing home, that is owned and operated by a continuing care retirement community that:
(i) Offers services only to contractual members;
(ii) Provides its members a contractually guaranteed range of services from independent living through skilled nursing, including some assistance with daily living activities;
(iii) Contractually assumes responsibility for the cost of services exceeding the member's financial responsibility under the contract, so that no third party, with the exception of insurance purchased by the retirement community or its members, but including the medicaid program, is liable for costs of care even if the member depletes his or her personal resources;
(iv) Has offered continuing care contracts and operated a nursing home continuously since January 1, 1988, or has obtained a certificate of need to establish a nursing home;
(v) Maintains a binding agreement with the state assuring that financial liability for services to members, including nursing home services, will not fall upon the state;
(vi) Does not operate, and has not undertaken a project that would result in a number of nursing home beds in excess of one for every four living units operated by the continuing care retirement community, exclusive of nursing home beds; and
(vii) Has obtained a professional review of pricing and long-term solvency within the prior five years which was fully disclosed to members.
(b) A continuing care retirement community shall not be exempt under this subsection from obtaining a certificate of need unless:
(i) It has submitted an application for exemption at least 30 days prior to commencing construction of, is submitting an application for the licensure of, or is commencing operation of a nursing home, whichever comes first; and
(ii) The application documents to the department that the continuing care retirement community qualifies for exemption.
(c) The sale, lease, acquisition, or use of part or all of a continuing care retirement community nursing home that qualifies for exemption under this subsection shall require prior certificate of need approval to qualify for licensure as a nursing home unless the department determines such sale, lease, acquisition, or use is by a continuing care retirement community that meets the conditions of (a) of this subsection.
(6) A rural hospital, as defined by the department, reducing the number of licensed beds to become a rural primary care hospital under the provisions of Part A Title XVIII of the Social Security Act Section 1820, 42 U.S.C., 1395c et seq. may, within three years of the reduction of beds licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW, increase the number of licensed beds to no more than the previously licensed number without being subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(7) A rural health care facility licensed under RCW 70.175.100 formerly licensed as a hospital under chapter 70.41 RCW may, within three years of the effective date of the rural health care facility license, apply to the department for a hospital license and not be subject to the requirements of RCW 70.38.105(4)(a) as the construction, development, or other establishment of a new hospital, provided there is no increase in the number of beds previously licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW and there is no redistribution in the number of beds used for acute care or long-term care, the rural health care facility has been in continuous operation, and the rural health care facility has not been purchased or leased.
(8) A rural hospital determined to no longer meet critical access hospital status for state law purposes as a result of participation in the Washington rural health access preservation pilot identified by the state office of rural health and formerly licensed as a hospital under chapter 70.41 RCW may apply to the department to renew its hospital license and not be subject to the requirements of RCW 70.38.105(4)(a) as the construction, development, or other establishment of a new hospital, provided there is no increase in the number of beds previously licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW. If all or part of a formerly licensed rural hospital is sold, purchased, or leased during the period the rural hospital does not meet critical access hospital status as a result of participation in the Washington rural health access preservation pilot and the new owner or lessor applies to renew the rural hospital's license, then the sale, purchase, or lease of part or all of the rural hospital is subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(9)(a) A nursing home that voluntarily reduces the number of its licensed beds to provide assisted living, licensed assisted living facility care, adult day care, adult day health, respite care, hospice, outpatient therapy services, congregate meals, home health, or senior wellness clinic, or to reduce to one or two the number of beds per room or to otherwise enhance the quality of life for residents in the nursing home, may convert the original facility or portion of the facility back, and thereby increase the number of nursing home beds to no more than the previously licensed number of nursing home beds without obtaining a certificate of need under this chapter, provided the facility has been in continuous operation and has not been purchased or leased. Any conversion to the original licensed bed capacity, or to any portion thereof, shall comply with the same life and safety code requirements as existed at the time the nursing home voluntarily reduced its licensed beds; unless waivers from such requirements were issued, in which case the converted beds shall reflect the conditions or standards that then existed pursuant to the approved waivers.
(b) To convert beds back to nursing home beds under this subsection, the nursing home must:
(i) Give notice of its intent to preserve conversion options to the department of health no later than 30 days after the effective date of the license reduction; and
(ii) Give notice to the department of health and to the department of social and health services of the intent to convert beds back. If construction is required for the conversion of beds back, the notice of intent to convert beds back must be given, at a minimum, one year prior to the effective date of license modification reflecting the restored beds; otherwise, the notice must be given a minimum of 90 days prior to the effective date of license modification reflecting the restored beds. Prior to any license modification to convert beds back to nursing home beds under this section, the licensee must demonstrate that the nursing home meets the certificate of need exemption requirements of this section.
The term "construction," as used in (b)(ii) of this subsection, is limited to those projects that are expected to equal or exceed the expenditure minimum amount, as determined under this chapter.
(c) Conversion of beds back under this subsection must be completed no later than four years after the effective date of the license reduction. However, for good cause shown, the four-year period for conversion may be extended by the department of health for one additional four-year period.
(d) Nursing home beds that have been voluntarily reduced under this section shall be counted as available nursing home beds for the purpose of evaluating need under RCW 70.38.115(2) (a) and (k) so long as the facility retains the ability to convert them back to nursing home use under the terms of this section.
(e) When a building owner has secured an interest in the nursing home beds, which are intended to be voluntarily reduced by the licensee under (a) of this subsection, the applicant shall provide the department with a written statement indicating the building owner's approval of the bed reduction.
(10)(a) The department shall not require a certificate of need for a hospice agency if:
(i) The hospice agency is designed to serve the unique religious or cultural needs of a religious group or an ethnic minority and commits to furnishing hospice services in a manner specifically aimed at meeting the unique religious or cultural needs of the religious group or ethnic minority;
(ii) The hospice agency is operated by an organization that:
(A) Operates a facility, or group of facilities, that offers a comprehensive continuum of long-term care services, including, at a minimum, a licensed, medicare-certified nursing home, assisted living, independent living, day health, and various community-based support services, designed to meet the unique social, cultural, and religious needs of a specific cultural and ethnic minority group;
(B) Has operated the facility or group of facilities for at least 10 continuous years prior to the establishment of the hospice agency;
(iii) The hospice agency commits to coordinating with existing hospice programs in its community when appropriate;
(iv) The hospice agency has a census of no more than 40 patients;
(v) The hospice agency commits to obtaining and maintaining medicare certification;
(vi) The hospice agency only serves patients located in the same county as the majority of the long-term care services offered by the organization that operates the agency; and
(vii) The hospice agency is not sold or transferred to another agency.
(b) The department shall include the patient census for an agency exempted under this subsection (10) in its calculations for future certificate of need applications.
(11) To alleviate the need to board psychiatric patients in emergency departments and increase capacity of hospitals to serve individuals on 90-day or 180-day commitment orders, for the period of time from May 5, 2017, through June 30, 2028:
(a) The department shall suspend the certificate of need requirement for a hospital licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW that changes the use of licensed beds to increase the number of beds to provide psychiatric services, including involuntary treatment services. A certificate of need exemption under this subsection (11)(a) shall be valid for two years.
(b) The department may not require a certificate of need for:
(i) The addition of beds as described in RCW 70.38.260 (2) and (3); or
(ii) The construction, development, or establishment of a behavioral health hospital licensed as an establishment under chapter 71.12 RCW that will have no more than 16 beds and provide treatment to adults on 90 or 180-day involuntary commitment orders, as described in RCW 70.38.260(4).
(12)(a) An ambulatory surgical facility is exempt from all certificate of need requirements if the facility:
(i) Is an individual or group practice and, if the facility is a group practice, the privilege of using the facility is not extended to physicians outside the group practice;
(ii) Operated or received approval to operate, prior to January 19, 2018; and
(iii) Was exempt from certificate of need requirements prior to January 19, 2018, because the facility either:
(A) Was determined to be exempt from certificate of need requirements pursuant to a determination of reviewability issued by the department; or
(B) Was a single-specialty endoscopy center in existence prior to January 14, 2003, when the department determined that endoscopy procedures were surgeries for purposes of certificate of need.
(b) The exemption under this subsection:
(i) Applies regardless of future changes of ownership, corporate structure, or affiliations of the individual or group practice as long as the use of the facility remains limited to physicians in the group practice; and
(ii) Does not apply to changes in services, specialties, or number of operating rooms.
(13) A rural health clinic providing health services in a home health shortage area as declared by the department pursuant to 42 C.F.R. Sec. 405.2416 is not subject to certificate of need review under this chapter.
(14) Hospital at-home services, as defined in RCW 70.41.550, are not subject to certificate of need review under this chapter.


Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2024 c 121 s 23, 2024 c 165 s 1, and by 2024 c 259 s 5, without reference to one another. All amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
FindingsIntent2024 c 259: See note following RCW 70.41.550.
Effective date2021 c 277: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 2021." [ 2021 c 277 s 3.]
Report2019 c 324: "By November 15, 2019, the health care authority shall confer with the department of health, hospitals licensed under chapters 70.41 and 71.12 RCW, and evaluation and treatment facilities licensed or certified under chapter 71.05 RCW to review laws and regulations and identify changes that may be necessary to address care delivery and cost-effective treatment for adults on ninety-day or one hundred eighty-day commitment orders. The health care authority must report its findings to the governor's office and the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 15, 2019." [ 2019 c 324 s 7.]
FindingsIntent2019 c 324: See note following RCW 71.24.648.
Mental health drop-in center services pilot program2019 c 324: See note following RCW 71.24.649.
RecommendationsResidential intensive behavioral health and developmental disability services2019 c 324: See note following RCW 74.39A.030.
Effective date2017 c 199: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [May 5, 2017]." [ 2017 c 199 s 3.]
FindingIntent2016 sp.s. c 31: See note following RCW 74.09.5225.
Application2012 c 10: See note following RCW 18.20.010.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date1995 1st sp.s. c 18: See notes following RCW 74.39A.030.
Section captionsSeverabilityEffective date1993 c 508: See RCW 74.39A.900 through 74.39A.903.

Certificates of needProceduresRulesCriteria for reviewConditional certificates of needConcurrent reviewReview periodsHearingAdjudicative proceedingAmended certificates of need.

(1) Certificates of need shall be issued, denied, suspended, or revoked by the designee of the secretary in accord with the provisions of this chapter and rules of the department which establish review procedures and criteria for the certificate of need program.
(2) Criteria for the review of certificate of need applications, except as provided in subsection (3) of this section for health maintenance organizations, shall include but not be limited to consideration of the following:
(a) The need that the population served or to be served by such services has for such services;
(b) The availability of less costly or more effective alternative methods of providing such services;
(c) The financial feasibility and the probable impact of the proposal on the cost of and charges for providing health services in the community to be served;
(d) In the case of health services to be provided, (i) the availability of alternative uses of project resources for the provision of other health services, (ii) the extent to which such proposed services will be accessible to all residents of the area to be served, and (iii) the need for and the availability in the community of services and facilities for osteopathic physicians and surgeons and allopathic physicians and their patients. The department shall consider the application in terms of its impact on existing and proposed institutional training programs for doctors of osteopathic medicine and surgery and medicine at the student, internship, and residency training levels;
(e) In the case of a construction project, the costs and methods of the proposed construction, including the cost and methods of energy provision, and the probable impact of the construction project reviewed (i) on the cost of providing health services by the person proposing such construction project and (ii) on the cost and charges to the public of providing health services by other persons;
(f) The special needs and circumstances of osteopathic hospitals, nonallopathic services and children's hospitals;
(g) Improvements or innovations in the financing and delivery of health services which foster cost containment and serve to promote quality assurance and cost-effectiveness;
(h) In the case of health services proposed to be provided, the efficiency and appropriateness of the use of existing services and facilities similar to those proposed;
(i) In the case of existing services or facilities, the quality of care provided by such services or facilities in the past;
(j) In the case of hospital certificate of need applications, whether the hospital meets or exceeds the regional average level of charity care, as determined by the secretary; and
(k) In the case of nursing home applications:
(i) The availability of other nursing home beds in the planning area to be served; and
(ii) The availability of other services in the community to be served. Data used to determine the availability of other services will include but not be limited to data provided by the department of social and health services.
(3) A certificate of need application of a health maintenance organization or a health care facility which is controlled, directly or indirectly, by a health maintenance organization, shall be approved by the department if the department finds:
(a) Approval of such application is required to meet the needs of the members of the health maintenance organization and of the new members which such organization can reasonably be expected to enroll; and
(b) The health maintenance organization is unable to provide, through services or facilities which can reasonably be expected to be available to the organization, its health services in a reasonable and cost-effective manner which is consistent with the basic method of operation of the organization and which makes such services available on a long-term basis through physicians and other health professionals associated with it.
A health care facility, or any part thereof, with respect to which a certificate of need was issued under this subsection may not be sold or leased and a controlling interest in such facility or in a lease of such facility may not be acquired unless the department issues a certificate of need approving the sale, acquisition, or lease.
(4) Until the final expiration of the state health plan as provided under *RCW 70.38.919, the decision of the department on a certificate of need application shall be consistent with the state health plan in effect, except in emergency circumstances which pose a threat to the public health. The department in making its final decision may issue a conditional certificate of need if it finds that the project is justified only under specific circumstances. The conditions shall directly relate to the project being reviewed. The conditions may be released if it can be substantiated that the conditions are no longer valid and the release of such conditions would be consistent with the purposes of this chapter.
(5) Criteria adopted for review in accordance with subsection (2) of this section may vary according to the purpose for which the particular review is being conducted or the type of health service reviewed.
(6) The department shall specify information to be required for certificate of need applications. Within fifteen days of receipt of the application, the department shall request additional information considered necessary to the application or start the review process. Applicants may decline to submit requested information through written notice to the department, in which case review starts on the date of receipt of the notice. Applications may be denied or limited because of failure to submit required and necessary information.
(7) Concurrent review is for the purpose of comparative analysis and evaluation of competing or similar projects in order to determine which of the projects may best meet identified needs. Categories of projects subject to concurrent review include at least new health care facilities, new services, and expansion of existing health care facilities. The department shall specify time periods for the submission of applications for certificates of need subject to concurrent review, which shall not exceed ninety days. Review of concurrent applications shall start fifteen days after the conclusion of the time period for submission of applications subject to concurrent review. Concurrent review periods shall be limited to one hundred fifty days, except as provided for in rules adopted by the department authorizing and limiting amendment during the course of the review, or for an unresolved pivotal issue declared by the department.
(8) Review periods for certificate of need applications other than those subject to concurrent review shall be limited to ninety days. Review periods may be extended up to thirty days if needed by a review agency, and for unresolved pivotal issues the department may extend up to an additional thirty days. A review may be extended in any case if the applicant agrees to the extension.
(9) The department or its designee, shall conduct a public hearing on a certificate of need application if requested unless the review is expedited or subject to emergency review. The department by rule shall specify the period of time within which a public hearing must be requested and requirements related to public notice of the hearing, procedures, recordkeeping and related matters.
(10)(a) Any applicant denied a certificate of need or whose certificate of need has been suspended or revoked has the right to an adjudicative proceeding. The proceeding is governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act.
(b) Any health care facility or health maintenance organization that: (i) Provides services similar to the services provided by the applicant and under review pursuant to this subsection; (ii) is located within the applicant's health service area; and (iii) testified or submitted evidence at a public hearing held pursuant to subsection (9) of this section, shall be provided an opportunity to present oral or written testimony and argument in a proceeding under this subsection: PROVIDED, That the health care facility or health maintenance organization had, in writing, requested to be informed of the department's decisions.
(c) If the department desires to settle with the applicant prior to the conclusion of the adjudicative proceeding, the department shall so inform the health care facility or health maintenance organization and afford them an opportunity to comment, in advance, on the proposed settlement.
(11) An amended certificate of need shall be required for the following modifications of an approved project:
(a) A new service requiring review under this chapter;
(b) An expansion of a service subject to review beyond that originally approved;
(c) An increase in bed capacity;
(d) A significant reduction in the scope of a nursing home project without a commensurate reduction in the cost of the nursing home project, or a cost increase (as represented in bids on a nursing home construction project or final cost estimates acceptable to the person to whom the certificate of need was issued) if the total of such increases exceeds twelve percent or fifty thousand dollars, whichever is greater, over the maximum capital expenditure approved. The review of reductions or cost increases shall be restricted to the continued conformance of the nursing home project with the review criteria pertaining to financial feasibility and cost containment.
(12) An application for a certificate of need for a nursing home capital expenditure which is determined by the department to be required to eliminate or prevent imminent safety hazards or correct violations of applicable licensure and accreditation standards shall be approved.
(13)(a) Replacement of existing nursing home beds in the same planning area by an existing licensee who has operated the beds for at least one year shall not require a certificate of need under this chapter. The licensee shall give written notice of its intent to replace the existing nursing home beds to the department and shall provide the department with information as may be required pursuant to rule. Replacement of the beds by a party other than the licensee is subject to certificate of need review under this chapter, except as otherwise permitted by subsection (14) of this section.
(b) When an entire nursing home ceases operation, the licensee or any other party who has secured an interest in the beds may reserve his or her interest in the beds for eight years or until a certificate of need to replace them is issued, whichever occurs first. However, the nursing home, licensee, or any other party who has secured an interest in the beds must give notice of its intent to retain the beds to the department of health no later than thirty days after the effective date of the facility's closure. Certificate of need review shall be required for any party who has reserved the nursing home beds except that the need criteria shall be deemed met when the applicant is the licensee who had operated the beds for at least one year, who has operated the beds for at least one year immediately preceding the reservation of the beds, and who is replacing the beds in the same planning area.
(14) In the event that a licensee, who has provided the department with notice of his or her intent to replace nursing home beds under subsection (13)(a) of this section, engages in unprofessional conduct or becomes unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety by reason of mental or physical condition, pursuant to chapter 18.130 RCW, or dies, the building owner shall be permitted to complete the nursing home bed replacement project, provided the building owner has secured an interest in the beds.


*Reviser's note: RCW 70.38.919 was repealed by 2007 c 259 s 67.
Effective date1996 c 178: See note following RCW 18.35.110.
Conflict with federal requirementsSeverabilityEffective date1995 1st sp.s. c 18: See notes following RCW 74.39A.030.
Section captionsSeverabilityEffective date1993 c 508: See RCW 74.39A.900 through 74.39A.903.
Effective date1989 c 175: See note following RCW 34.05.010.
Severability1984 c 288: See note following RCW 70.38.105.
Effective date1980 c 139: See RCW 70.38.916.
Effective dates1979 ex.s. c 161: See RCW 70.38.915.

Certificates of needApplications submitted by hospice agencies.

All certificate of need applications submitted by hospice agencies for the construction, development, or other establishment of a facility to be licensed as either a hospital under chapter 70.41 RCW or as a nursing home under chapter 18.51 RCW, for the purpose of operating the functional equivalent of a hospice care center shall not require a separate certificate of need for a hospice care center provided the certificate of need application was declared complete prior to July 1, 2001, the applicant has been issued a certificate of need, and has applied for and received an in-home services agency license by July 1, 2002.


Effective date2000 c 175: See note following RCW 70.127.010.

Certificates of needIssuanceDurationPenalties for violations.

(1) A certificate of need shall be valid for two years. One six-month extension may be made if it can be substantiated that substantial and continuing progress toward commencement of the project has been made as defined by regulations to be adopted pursuant to this chapter.
(2) A project for which a certificate of need has been issued shall be commenced during the validity period for the certificate of need.
(3) The department shall monitor the approved projects to assure conformance with certificates of need that have been issued. Rules and regulations adopted shall specify when changes in the project require reevaluation of the project. The department may require applicants to submit periodic progress reports on approved projects or other information as may be necessary to effectuate its monitoring responsibilities.
(4) The secretary, in the case of a new health facility, shall not issue any license unless and until a prior certificate of need shall have been issued by the department for the offering or development of such new health facility.
(5) Any person who engages in any undertaking which requires certificate of need review without first having received from the department either a certificate of need or an exception granted in accordance with this chapter shall be liable to the state in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars a day for each day of such unauthorized offering or development. Such amounts of money shall be recoverable in an action brought by the attorney general on behalf of the state in the superior court of any county in which the unauthorized undertaking occurred. Any amounts of money so recovered by the attorney general shall be deposited in the state general fund.
(6) The department may bring any action to enjoin a violation or the threatened violation of the provisions of this chapter or any rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter, or may bring any legal proceeding authorized by law, including but not limited to the special proceedings authorized in Title 7 RCW, in the superior court in the county in which such violation occurs or is about to occur, or in the superior court of Thurston county.


Effective date1980 c 139: See RCW 70.38.916.
Effective date1979 ex.s. c 161: See RCW 70.38.915.

Certificates of needElective percutaneous coronary interventionsRules.

To promote the stability of Washington's cardiac care delivery system, by July 1, 2008, the department of health shall adopt rules establishing criteria for the issuance of a certificate of need under this chapter for the performance of elective percutaneous coronary interventions at hospitals that do not otherwise provide on-site cardiac surgery.
Prior to initiating rule making, the department shall contract for an independent evidence-based review of the circumstances under which elective percutaneous coronary interventions should be allowed in Washington at hospitals that do not otherwise provide on-site cardiac surgery. The review shall address, at a minimum, factors related to access to care, patient safety, quality outcomes, costs, and the stability of Washington's cardiac care delivery system and of existing cardiac care providers, and ensure that elective coronary intervention volumes at the University of Washington academic medical center are maintained at levels required for training of cardiologists consistent with applicable accreditation requirements. The department shall consider the results of this review, and any associated recommendations, in adopting these rules.

Services and surveysRules.

The secretary shall have authority to:
(1) Provide when needed temporary or intermittent services of experts or consultants or organizations thereof, by contract, when such services are to be performed on a part time or fee-for-service basis;
(2) Make or cause to be made such on-site surveys of health care or medical facilities as may be necessary for the administration of the certificate of need program;
(3) Upon review of recommendations, if any, from the board of health or the office of financial management as contained in the Washington health resources strategy:
(a) Promulgate rules under which health care facilities providers doing business within the state shall submit to the department such data related to health and health care as the department finds necessary to the performance of its functions under this chapter;
(b) Promulgate rules pertaining to the maintenance and operation of medical facilities which receive federal assistance under the provisions of Title XVI;
(c) Promulgate rules in implementation of the provisions of this chapter, including the establishment of procedures for public hearings for predecisions and post-decisions on applications for certificate of need;
(d) Promulgate rules providing circumstances and procedures of expedited certificate of need review if there has not been a significant change in existing health facilities of the same type or in the need for such health facilities and services;
(4) Grant allocated state funds to qualified entities, as defined by the department, to fund not more than seventy-five percent of the costs of regional planning activities, excluding costs related to review of applications for certificates of need, provided for in this chapter or approved by the department; and
(5) Contract with and provide reasonable reimbursement for qualified entities to assist in determinations of certificates of need.


Subheadings not law2007 c 259: See note following RCW 7.70.060.

Certificates of needSavings1979 ex.s. c 161.

The enactment of this chapter shall not have the effect of terminating, or in any way modifying the validity of any certificate of need which shall already have been issued prior to *the effective date of this act.


*Reviser's note: For "the effective date of this act," see RCW 70.38.915.

Certificates of needSavings1980 c 139.

The enactment of this chapter as amended shall not have the effect of terminating, or in any way modifying the validity of any certificate of need which shall already have been issued prior to *the effective date of this 1980 act.


*Reviser's note: For "the effective date of this 1980 act," see RCW 70.38.916.

Certificates of needSavings1983 c 235.

The enactment of amendments to chapter 70.38 RCW by chapter 235, Laws of 1983 shall not have the effect of terminating or in any way modifying the validity of a certificate of need which was issued prior to *the effective date of this 1983 act.


*Reviser's note: "the effective date of this 1983 act" [1983 c 235] for sections 16 and 17 of that act was May 17, 1983. For all other sections of that act the effective date was July 24, 1983.

Certificates of needSavings1989 1st ex.s. c 9 ss 601 through 607.

The enactment of *sections 601 through 607 of this act shall not have the effect of terminating, or in any way modifying, the validity of any certificate of need which shall already have been issued prior to July 1, 1989.


*Reviser's note: "Sections 601 through 607 of this act" consist of the 1989 1st ex.s. c 9 amendments to RCW 70.38.015, 70.38.025, 70.38.105, 70.38.111, 70.38.115, 70.38.125, and 70.38.135.

Ethnic minoritiesNursing home beds that reflect cultural differences.

(1) The legislature recognizes that in this state ethnic minorities currently use nursing home care at a lower rate than the general population. The legislature also recognizes and supports the federal mandate that nursing homes receiving federal funds provide residents with a homelike environment. The legislature finds that certain ethnic minorities have special cultural, language, dietary, and other needs not generally met by existing nursing homes which are intended to serve the general population. Accordingly, the legislature further finds that there is a need to foster the development of nursing homes designed to serve the special cultural, language, dietary, and other needs of ethnic minorities.
(2) The department shall establish a separate pool of no more than two hundred fifty beds for nursing homes designed to serve the special needs of ethnic minorities. The pool shall be made up of nursing home beds that become available on or after March 15, 1991, due to:
(a) Loss of license or reduction in licensed bed capacity if the beds are not otherwise obligated for replacement; or
(b) Expiration of a certificate of need.
(3) The department shall develop procedures for the fair and efficient award of beds from the special pool. In making its decisions regarding the award of beds from the pool, the department shall consider at least the following:
(a) The relative degree to which the long-term care needs of an ethnic minority are not otherwise being met;
(b) The percentage of low-income persons who would be served by the proposed nursing home;
(c) The financial feasibility of the proposed nursing home; and
(d) The impact of the proposal on the area's total need for nursing home beds.
(4) To be eligible to apply for or receive an award of beds from the special pool, an application must be to build a new nursing home, or add beds to a nursing home, that:
(a) Will be owned and operated by a nonprofit corporation, and at least fifty percent of the board of directors of the corporation are members of the ethnic minority the nursing home is intended to serve;
(b) Will be designed, managed, and administered to serve the special cultural, language, dietary, and other needs of an ethnic minority; and
(c) Will not discriminate in admissions against persons who are not members of the ethnic minority whose special needs the nursing home is designed to serve.
(5) If a nursing home or portion of a nursing home that is built as a result of an award from the special pool is sold or leased within ten years to a party not eligible under subsection (4) of this section:
(a) The purchaser or lessee may not operate those beds as nursing home beds without first obtaining a certificate of need for new beds under this chapter; and
(b) The beds that had been awarded from the special pool shall be returned to the special pool.
(6) The department shall initially award up to one hundred beds before that number of beds are actually in the special pool, provided that the number of beds so awarded are subtracted from the total of two hundred fifty beds that can be awarded from the special pool.

Residential hospice care centersDefinedChange in bed capacityApplicability of chapter.

(1) A change in bed capacity at a residential hospice care center shall not be subject to certificate of need review under this chapter if the department determined prior to June 1994 that the construction, development, or other establishment of the residential hospice care center was not subject to certificate of need review under this chapter.
(2) For purposes of this section, a "residential hospice care center" means any building, facility, place, or equivalent that opened in December 1996 and is organized, maintained, and operated specifically to provide beds, accommodations, facilities, and services over a continuous period of twenty-four hours or more for palliative care of two or more individuals, not related to the operator, who are diagnosed as being in the latter stages of an advanced disease that is expected to lead to death.

Redistribution and addition of bedsDetermination.

(1) The need for projects identified in *RCW 70.38.240 shall be determined using the individual planning area's estimated nursing home bed need ratio and includes but is not limited to the following criteria:
(a) The current capacity of nursing homes and other long-term care services;
(b) The occupancy rates of nursing homes and other long-term care services over the previous two-year period; and
(c) The ability of the other long-term care services to serve all people regardless of payor source.
(2) For the purposes of this section, nursing home beds include long-term care units or distinct part long-term care units located in a hospital that is licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW.


*Reviser's note: RCW 70.38.240 expired June 30, 2004.
Effective date1999 c 376: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 1999." [ 1999 c 376 s 4.]

Certain hospitals not subject to certificate of need requirements for the addition of the number of new psychiatric beds. (Expires June 30, 2029.)

(1) For a grant awarded during fiscal years 2018 and 2019 by the department of commerce under this section, hospitals licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW and behavioral health hospitals licensed as establishments under chapter 71.12 RCW are not subject to certificate of need requirements for the addition of the number of new psychiatric beds indicated in the grant. The department of commerce may not make a prior approval of a certificate of need application a condition for a grant application under this section. The period during which an approved hospital or behavioral health hospital project qualifies for a certificate of need exemption under this section is two years from the date of the grant award.
(2)(a) Until June 30, 2028, a hospital licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW is exempt from certificate of need requirements for the addition of new psychiatric beds.
(b) A hospital that adds new psychiatric beds under this subsection (2) must:
(i) Notify the department of the addition of new psychiatric beds. The department shall provide the hospital with a notice of exemption within 30 days; and
(ii) Commence the project within two years of the date of receipt of the notice of exemption.
(c) Beds granted an exemption under RCW 70.38.111(11)(b) must remain psychiatric beds unless a certificate of need is granted to change their use or the hospital voluntarily reduces its licensed capacity.
(3)(a) Until June 30, 2028, a behavioral health hospital licensed as an establishment under chapter 71.12 RCW is exempt from certificate of need requirements for the one-time addition of up to 30 new psychiatric beds devoted solely for 90-day and 180-day civil commitment services and for the one-time addition of up to 30 new voluntary psychiatric beds or involuntary psychiatric beds for patients on a 120 hour detention or 14-day civil commitment order, if the hospital makes a commitment to maintain a payer mix of at least 50 percent medicare and medicaid based on a calculation using patient days for a period of five consecutive years after the beds are made available for use by patients, if it demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department:
(i) That its most recent two years of publicly available fiscal year-end report data as required under RCW 43.70.050 reported to the department by the behavioral health hospital, show a payer mix of a minimum of 50 percent medicare and medicaid based on a calculation using patient days; and
(ii) A commitment to maintaining the payer mix in (a) of this subsection for a period of five consecutive years after the beds are made available for use by patients.
(b) A behavioral health hospital that adds new psychiatric beds under this subsection (3) must:
(i) Notify the department of the addition of new psychiatric beds. The department shall provide the behavioral health hospital with a notice of exemption within 30 days; and
(ii) Commence the project within two years of the date of receipt of the notice of exemption.
(c) Beds granted an exemption under RCW 70.38.111(11)(b) must remain the types of psychiatric beds indicated to the department in the original exemption application unless a certificate of need is granted to change their use or the behavioral health hospital voluntarily reduces its licensed capacity.
(4)(a) Until June 30, 2028, an entity seeking to construct, develop, or establish a behavioral health hospital licensed as an establishment under chapter 71.12 RCW is exempt from certificate of need requirements if the proposed behavioral health hospital will have no more than 16 beds and dedicate a portion of the beds to providing treatment to adults on 90 or 180-day involuntary commitment orders. The behavioral health hospital may also provide treatment to adults on a 120 hour detention or 14-day involuntary commitment order.
(b) An entity that seeks to construct, develop, or establish a behavioral health hospital under this subsection (4) must:
(i) Notify the department of the addition of construction, development, or establishment. The department shall provide the entity with a notice of exemption within 30 days; and
(ii) Commence the project within two years of the date of receipt of the notice of exemption.
(c) Entities granted an exemption under RCW 70.38.111(11)(b)(ii) may not exceed 16 beds unless a certificate of need is granted to increase the behavioral health hospital's capacity.
(5) This section expires June 30, 2029.


Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2024 c 121 s 24 and by 2024 c 165 s 2, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
Effective date2021 c 277: See note following RCW 70.38.111.
FindingsIntent2019 c 324: See note following RCW 71.24.648.
Mental health drop-in center services pilot program2019 c 324: See note following RCW 71.24.649.
Report2019 c 324: See note following RCW 70.38.111.
RecommendationsResidential intensive behavioral health and developmental disability services2019 c 324: See note following RCW 74.39A.030.
Effective date2017 c 199: See note following RCW 70.38.111.
Intent2015 3rd sp.s. c 22: "To accommodate the urgent need for inpatient psychiatric services and to facilitate state compliance with the Washington state supreme court decision, In re the Detention of D.W., No. 90110–4, August 7, 2014, which prohibits the practice of psychiatric boarding, the legislature intends to exempt certain hospital mental health projects provided grant funding by the department of commerce from certificate of need requirements." [ 2015 3rd sp.s. c 22 s 1.]
Effective date2015 3rd sp.s. c 22: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [July 6, 2015]." [ 2015 3rd sp.s. c 22 s 4.]

Psychiatric beds added under RCW 70.38.260. (Expires June 30, 2029.)

(1) New psychiatric beds added under RCW 70.38.260 must remain psychiatric beds unless a certificate of need is granted to change their use or the hospital or psychiatric hospital voluntarily reduces its licensed capacity.
(2) This section expires June 30, 2029.


IntentEffective date2015 3rd sp.s. c 22: See notes following RCW 70.38.260.

Kidney disease centersEmergency certificate of need exemptions.

(1) Notwithstanding RCW 70.38.105(4)(h), a kidney disease center may be granted an exemption to exceed its authorized number of dialysis stations during a temporary emergency situation upon approval of the department.
(2) A temporary emergency situation is defined to include:
(a) Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, fires, or snowstorms that limit or restrict access to one or more kidney disease centers thereby creating a need for additional capacity at other centers;
(b) Power outages or water system shutdowns;
(c) Mold remediations or other physical plant issues that would put patient safety at risk;
(d) Staffing shortages that require kidney disease center reconfiguration to facilitate delivery of dialysis services as long as the facility does not exceed the number of patients served at the time of the exemption request. If granted, an exemption under this subsection (2)(d) is valid for 90 days, and may be extended at 90-day increments at the discretion of the department; and
(e) Any additional temporary emergency situations as included by the department in rule.
(3) In order to be granted an exemption, a kidney dialysis center must make a written request to the department that may be sent by email, and include the following information:
(a) A brief description of the circumstances requiring the exemption;
(b) The number of additional dialysis stations required to meet patient needs, and except as noted in subsection (2)(d) of this section, the expected duration that the additional stations will be required to address patient needs; and
(c) An acknowledgment that:
(i) Patient safety, health, or well-being are not being threatened;
(ii) Fire and life safety regulations, infection control standards, or other applicable codes or regulations will not be reduced; and
(iii) Structural integrity of the building will not be impaired.
(4) Approval of an exemption does not authorize a kidney disease center to permanently increase the number of dialysis stations. If a kidney disease center seeks a permanent increase in approved stations, a certificate of need review and approval is required.
(5) The department may adopt any rules necessary to implement this section.

Conflict with federal lawConstruction.

In any case where the provisions of this chapter may directly conflict with federal law, or regulations promulgated thereunder, the federal law shall supersede and be paramount as necessary to the receipt of federal funds by the state.

Pending certificates of need1983 c 235.

A certificate of need application which was submitted and declared complete, but upon which final action had not been taken prior to *the effective date of this act, shall be reviewed and action taken based on chapter 70.38 RCW, as in effect prior to *the effective date of this act, and the rules adopted thereunder.


*Reviser's note: For "the effective date of this act," see note following RCW 70.38.157.

Effective datesPending certificates of need1979 ex.s. c 161.

(1) *Sections 10, 11, 12, and 21 shall take effect on January 1, 1980.
(2) Any certificate of need application which was submitted and declared complete, but upon which final action had not been taken prior to January 1, 1980, shall be reviewed and action taken based on chapter 70.38 RCW, as in effect prior to **the effective date of this 1979 act, and the regulations adopted thereunder.


Reviser's note: *(1) Sections 10, 11, and 12 are codified as RCW 70.38.105, 70.38.115, and 70.38.125. Section 21 was a repealer which repealed RCW 70.38.020, 70.38.110 through 70.38.190, and 70.38.210.
**(2) The effective date of those remaining sections of 1979 ex.s. c 161 which do not have a specific effective date indicated in this section is September 1, 1979.

Effective date1980 c 139.

*Sections 7, 8, and 10 of this 1980 act shall take effect January 1, 1981.


Reviser's note: *(1) "Sections 7, 8, and 10 of this 1980 act" consist of amendments to RCW 70.38.105, 70.38.115, and 70.38.125.
(2) The effective date of those remaining sections of 1980 c 139 is June 12, 1980.

Effective datesPending certificates of need1989 1st ex.s. c 9.

Any certificate of need application which was submitted and declared complete, but upon which final action had not been taken prior to July 1, 1989, shall be reviewed and action taken based on chapter 70.38 RCW, as in effect prior to July 1, 1989, and the rules adopted thereunder.

Short title.

This act may be cited as the "State Health Planning and Resources Development Act".