Chapter 81.112 RCW Dispositions


Current RCWs


81.112.085  Maintenance plan.
[2002 c 5 § 415.]
Failed to become law by reason of Referendum Bill No. 51 submitted to and rejected by the people at the November 5, 2002, general election.

81.112.800  Motor vehicle excise tax-Outstanding bonds-Retirement, defeasement, and refinancing.
[2020 c 1 § 12 (Initiative Measure No. 976, approved November 5, 2019).]
Repealed by 2024 c 232 s 7.

81.112.901  Severability-1992 c 101.
[1992 c 101 § 34.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

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