Emergency medical technicians—Member elects to transfer under RCW 41.26.545—Death—Retirement for disability.
If a member who elected to transfer pursuant to RCW
41.26.545 dies or retires for disability prior to five years from their election date, the member's benefit is calculated as follows:
(1) All of the applicable service credit, accumulated contributions, and interest is transferred to or established in the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system plan 2 and used in the calculation of a benefit.
(2) If a member's obligation under RCW
41.26.545 has not been paid in full at the time of death or disability retirement, the member, or in the case of death the surviving spouse or eligible minor children, have the following options:
(a) Pay the bill in full;
(b) If a continuing monthly benefit is chosen, have the benefit actuarially reduced to reflect the amount of the unpaid obligation under RCW
41.26.545; or
(c) Continue to make payment against the obligation under RCW
41.26.545, provided that payment in full is made no later than five years from the member's original election date.