Chapter 47.01 RCW



HTMLPDF 47.01.011Legislative declaration.
HTMLPDF 47.01.021Definitions.
HTMLPDF 47.01.031Department createdTransfer of powers, duties, and functions.
HTMLPDF 47.01.041Secretary of transportationAppointment, salary, removal.
HTMLPDF 47.01.051Commission createdAppointment of membersTermsQualificationsRemoval.
HTMLPDF 47.01.061CommissionProcedures and internal operations.
HTMLPDF 47.01.070Director's and commissioner's prior assignments may be delegated.
HTMLPDF 47.01.071CommissionFunctions, powers, and duties.
HTMLPDF 47.01.075Transportation policy development.
HTMLPDF 47.01.078Transportation system policy goalsDuties.
HTMLPDF 47.01.081DepartmentOrganizationManagement personnel.
HTMLPDF 47.01.091Advisory councils.
HTMLPDF 47.01.101SecretaryAuthority and duties.
HTMLPDF 47.01.131Continuation of state services to department.
HTMLPDF 47.01.170Right of entry.
HTMLPDF 47.01.180Roads and bridges in state parks.
HTMLPDF 47.01.190State aid engineer.
HTMLPDF 47.01.210Contract without bid or bond with public utilities and municipal corporations.
HTMLPDF 47.01.240Coordination of long-range needs studies.
HTMLPDF 47.01.250Consultation with designated state officials.
HTMLPDF 47.01.260Authority of department.
HTMLPDF 47.01.270Radioactive or hazardous cargo, notice of prohibition.
HTMLPDF 47.01.280Application for improvements to existing highways.
HTMLPDF 47.01.290Environmental review of transportation projects.
HTMLPDF 47.01.300Environmental review of transportation projectsCooperation with other environmental regulatory authorities.
HTMLPDF 47.01.305Environmental mitigation in highway construction projectsPublic lands first or other sites that avoid loss of long-term, commercially significant agricultural lands.
HTMLPDF 47.01.315Work group on review processes under state and national environmental policy acts for state highway projectsReport.
HTMLPDF 47.01.330Office of transit mobility.
HTMLPDF 47.01.340Local and regional transportation goals.
HTMLPDF 47.01.380State route No. 520 improvementsExceptions.
HTMLPDF 47.01.390Alaskan Way viaduct, Seattle Seawall, and state route No. 520 improvementsRequirementsExceptions.
HTMLPDF 47.01.402Alaskan Way viaduct replacement projectDeep bore tunnel optionFunding, accountability, and responsibility.
HTMLPDF 47.01.408State route No. 520 improvementsDesign requirements.
HTMLPDF 47.01.412State route No. 520 improvementsTax deferralsDefinition.
HTMLPDF 47.01.415State route No. 520 improvementsFinance plan.
HTMLPDF 47.01.417State route No. 520 improvementsFinance planRevenue sources and savings recognition.
HTMLPDF 47.01.419State route No. 520 corridor improvementsWest end projectDeferral of state and local sales and use taxesApplicationTax deferral certificateRepayment scheduleInterest.
HTMLPDF 47.01.420Naming and renaming state transportation facilities.
HTMLPDF 47.01.425Jurisdictional transfers.
HTMLPDF 47.01.430Wounded combat veterans internship program.
HTMLPDF 47.01.435Highway construction workforce developmentReports.
HTMLPDF 47.01.440Adoption of statewide goals to reduce annual per capita vehicle miles traveled by 2050Department's dutiesReports to the legislature.
HTMLPDF 47.01.450Funding special needs transportation, application forDeference to agency council on coordinated transportation recommendations.
HTMLPDF 47.01.460Adjustments to recreational vehicle fees.
HTMLPDF 47.01.470Transfer of ownership of department-owned vesselReview of vessel's physical condition.
HTMLPDF 47.01.475Transfer of ownership of department-owned vesselFurther requirements.
HTMLPDF 47.01.480Connecting Washington project deliveryJUDY transportation future funding programReport.
HTMLPDF 47.01.485Final determination by local governments on department permit application for state highway projects less than five hundred million dollars, when dueAnnual report.
HTMLPDF 47.01.490Reporting engineering errors on highway construction projectsRequirements.
HTMLPDF 47.01.495Construction program business planRequirementsProgress reportsAdvisory group.
HTMLPDF 47.01.500Design and construction of bridges across navigable rivers or waterwaysFeasibility report on public access.
HTMLPDF 47.01.505Interstate 5 Columbia river bridge projectJoint legislative action committee.
HTMLPDF 47.01.515Environmental justice obligations of the department of transportation.
HTMLPDF 47.01.520Publicly available mapping and forecasting toolCharging and refueling infrastructure locations and information.


Collection agencies, use by public bodies to collect public debtsFees: RCW 19.16.500.
Cross-state trailRail line franchise negotiations: RCW 79A.05.125.
FlaggersSafety standards: RCW 49.17.350.
Grant administration from multiuse roadway safety account funds: RCW 46.09.540.
Mt. St. Helens eruption, facilitating recovery fromScope of state agency action: RCW 43.01.210.
Secretary's duties
generally: RCW 46.68.120.
motor vehicle fund, distribution of amount to countiesFactors of distribution formula for RCW 46.68.120(4) funds: RCW 46.68.122.
population, road cost, money need, computedAllocation percentage adjustment, when: RCW 46.68.124.
Traffic safety commission, secretary of transportation member of: RCW 43.59.030.
Trails system, Washington state recreation, department of transportation participation: RCW 79A.35.120.